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Everything posted by Snowstorm

  1. VonRocko, Greetings to a fellow Lehigh Valley forum poster! I'm actually located in Hellertown, just south of Bethlehem. Definitely feels like May out there, I think we hit 74 degrees today. EE, I don't know about Alberta, but there are plenty of Canadians lurking around here, so you're not really alone. Incidentally, I have a few cousins up in the Calgary area.
  2. Sea Monkey, That is more or less correct. What is being used most of the time these days is war using economic blackmail. The "powers that be" as it is would prefer to use financial means as a way to settle all differences, now and in the future. Much of it can also happen out of the public view as well. Much more convenient and controlled that way. We (in the U.S.) are already fighting a bigger and growing economic war with China (and a few others as well) that is getting more dangerous with each passing month. Neither side though wants it to become a "hot war" for the very reason you just mentioned. On a side note, I would like to see economics used as a strategy in war games, although it might be a bit limited option in this one.
  3. Sea Monkey, Not quite sure I understood the question clearly (of course it's early here rigth now and I'm half asleep as it is), but at the time of WWII, one could argue that most banking elites were probably afraid of Hitler and Stalin primarily because they were chaotic, uncontrollable individuals they could not reign in and were a threat to financial stability in their carefully managed business world. They recognized that as long as those two were in power and looking to seize other countries that had strategically important economic resources the rest of the world needed, their own plans for economic and financial control were in great peril. Most people would like to think we enter wars around the world to further democracy and other humanitarian reasons, but sadly this is a smoke screen most of the time. It's usually over resources 90-95 % of the time.
  4. First of all, thanks to all those who gave their input to this thread. It has been an interesting debate at this point. My own personal and educated opinion (as an economist among other things) is nearly every government in this world has been controlled by the the banking elite, regardless of what form (capitalist, socialist, fascist, communist, whatever) it publicly takes. Like Sea Monkey, I don't really have the time and energy to go deeply into that, but those with opposing views (or similar) are welcome to sound off.
  5. Personally, I think the next step is a new game engine and design (SC 3), or perhaps the same game engine and design applied to other war scenarios such as WWI, Civil War, Revolutionary War and many others, or a Civ-like game with this sort of engine and design applied with both war and peace declarations over a period of, say, 100-500 years (depending of course on the time period in question). :cool:
  6. Hubert, Here's another minor issue in the "Evil" scenario. After the Russians have taken Manchuria, they just pile up and build up along the Chinese border, but do not attack, even though China's alliance level has reached 100, and "China Joins the Allies" message appears. However, the Russians STILL do not attack for several turns, and appear never to do so unless I actually go to the DOW screen and manually have China declare war on (Russian) Manchuria and finally the Chinese are able to attack Russia. Until I do that, even the Chinese cannot attack Russia, even though, as I said, the Chinese are at 100% Allied. Obviously, one can work around this issue, but it does appear to be a minor bug.
  7. Geo, Don't know about the other issues, but concerning your first one, it would sound as though it was a supply issue. If their supply was at or near zero, it's movement points may not have been enough to move anywhere in the desert if it requires at least 2 to move a tile.
  8. I think I can put this business of control in a nutshell: The banking elite control the governments, not the other way around. Our current government in position here in the good ole USA is a perfect case in point, I'm sorry to say. Yes, many decisions are made by our governments that have ulterior motives that have very little to do with the ones offered publicly by them.
  9. I'm just as patriotic as the guy next door, but nothin' wrong with exploring the possibility of a U.S. invasion. After all, these are "what if" scenarios for the most part. In fact, one could make a whole new "what-if" scenario centered around the possibility of a "fortress America". After all, it IS the USA, but it isn't the "Kingdom of Heaven"...... Hey, I seem to remember hearing that phrase around here at one time or another. :eek:
  10. I think the question must be asked: Have you tried providing fighter cover for your tanks? This would greatly reduce the damage the tac bombers do to your tanks significantly without editing at all, and just might even destroy those tac bombers as well. :eek:
  11. Gorgin, Yes, I noticed that myself, still have the old manual on my desk. Although, in all fairness, that old one is 150 pages, GC's is 200.
  12. I think he means a PDF manual that can be referenced "in game" Moon. Not a bad idea though, really.
  13. Yolo, I have a simple solution that requires no editing at all, and would still provide a realistic game for you: simply provide some air cover for your tanks, and you will find this becomes a relatively mute point. Otherwise, as PG indicated, that's why they are called "tank busters".
  14. Al, Is this Mod available to be downloaded? I don't see it currently in the Repository. :confused:
  15. Huhr, You could always check or uncheck a few scripts/events/weather/FOW, or "edit" a few things in the Editor to improve your game results if you think you need to. :eek:
  16. Here's a thread for debate: Would Stalin and Hitler have really formed an "Alliance of Evil" (I know you're dying to answer this one, Kuni ) ? If so, how long would either have continued to do so if they did? They're are many possibilities, and I'd love to hear all of them...
  17. Hubert, Not that this a big deal, but there is a point early where Russia receives about 35 MPPs from Germany as "economic subsidies" each turn. I would like to turn that feature off (similar to Lend Lease for UK, which does have an ON/OFF script), but I can't find any script in ADVANCED that shows this feature. If it's there, where is it? If not not, can it be made into an ON/OFF feature in scripts in the next patch? It seems very unlikely Hitler would pay economic subsidies to Stalin at any rate, but that's for another historical thread.... Also, would it be possible to add a patch to allow either Russia or Germany to turn on the other as the campaign goes on, or does this require something that the current game engine or scripting cannot handle at least at this time? It just seems like something that realistically would be logical to occur at some point.
  18. Yes Hubert, thanks, I did see your latest post on the other thread just after I started this one. I was thinking about creating a few new threads classifying some of these issues in each one, but I'm afraid I'm out of time for now. Hopefully someone else will pick up on this idea and will do it for me, since I'm sure another avalanche of posts are imminent today.
  19. Hubert, This is mostly in regards to XW's issues, but to others as well, and quite frankly I'm not sure if this was addressed specifically in the posts (there are SO MANY of them to sift through!), so here's my question: Many of the script issues look as though they can be checked OFF or ON in the Game Editor (or in ADVANCED in the game itself), but for the ones that are not, would it be possible to make the ones that are the most serious in contention and unable to be changed in the Editor, be changed in a coming patch to be switched ON or OFF in the Editor (or ADVANCED during the game)? This seems to me the best solution to many of these issues, IF it can be done.
  20. Go for Denmark, then Benelux, then France. Don't bother with Yugo until then, and only if Russia is still not involved. You can leave it alone for awhile.
  21. XW (and others), I said this earlier, and I'll say it again: Most (if not all) of these issues I'm sure can be resolved by changes in scripts or clicking off/on some scripts once a patch is created. In this way those who don't like the scripts can change them if they wish (in the editor most likely), those who don't can leave them alone. So keep voicing these issues wherever you find them (I've been finding a few as well), perhaps many of them can be fixed soon.....I hope.... And XW, the Alliance of Evil campaign is definitely one you'll find much more satisfying, just as Sea Monkey indicated earlier, although it's got it's own issues too....:eek:
  22. I agree, XW, been finding some similar issues as you are. One good thing about most of these issues, many could be changed/fixed in a patch or two. Let's hope so.....and do I hope so! :cool:
  23. I have an observation as I have been playing the Allied side in the Alliance of Evil campaign. I haven't gone that deep (and to be honest, I've deliberately allowed the Russians free reign in Asia as a test while building up mainland Japan), but Russia seems to just build up on MPPs and units instead of attacking anywhere after defeating Manchuria. In fact, I keep getting the message about Korea being under a soviet seige when the Soviets already HAVE Korea! In addition, they just mass on the Chinese border without attacking it, even though China is at the diplomatic level of 100% Allied. I finally gave in and had China DOW against Russia just to get something to happen. If this is a script problem, then Russia needs some serious rescripting in the next patch! Any others finding this problem?
  24. Drat! I missed this grrrrreat discussion y'all had without me again. Maybe next time. Don't any of you work during the day? Anyway Kuni, I asked this a few months ago and I'll ask it again: who's Garlord again? Or maybe "masterclaude" can tell us.....
  25. Sounds good (about the tanks), but I think it would be wise to limit the tank tech to just tech 2 at most, at least until the historical end of WWI. Of course, if you intend to have the campaign continue long past that time, that changes everything.
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