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Everything posted by Snowstorm

  1. That's a jolly good idea, old chap! Wait a minute, are you one 'o 'em Brits out there? Uh oh, I'm half Irish! (as well as half German) :eek: Excellent, Robert, I think you guys have it nailed perfectly. :cool: Oh, while I'm at it, how about a "what-if" getting Ireland involved....well, maybe not.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong (and I've played many scenarios/campaigns on WaW), but the Japanese do not exist in WaW, it is only the European theater involved. Perhaps Gundolf is referring to the Global add-on to the original Blitzkrieg? If so, he's right, the Japanese could not crossover, and if Russia surrendered, it was given entirely to the Germans, no matter what territory the Japanese may have conquered. If there was a mod given for WaW or PDE as a Global one, I'm certainly not aware. A thought concerning names for the new campaigns in Global Conflict: I would think naming campaigns after certain regional events such as Operation this or that wouldn't work very well in Global game. For example, in June of 1944 Operation Overlord was going on in France, while later that same month Operation Bagration was occurring in western Russia and Poland. Meanwhile, other important events were occurring roughly the same time in the western Pacific with the U.S. and Japan. Naming a campaign Operation whatever doesn't really fit. How about Campaign Spring 1944-48 for example? Doesn't have a great sound to it, but probably more accurate in this global setup. Any thoughts?
  3. Thanks Bill (PZGNDR), I'll definitely check it out. Yes, I have both WaW and PDE.
  4. Well, you all have made me pleased as can be that I started this thread. Anyway, thanks Hubert and Bill for all the input you've given today as well as to the others who have made this discussion a very interesting one. By the way Bill (or PNZDR Beta Tester), this scenario of yours connected to WaW and PDE sounds fascinating. Can I download it somewhere? Forgive me if I'm unaware. Hubert, I'm not a tech guy, but my background is economics, and before that I was a meteorologist (I know, strange combo), as well as a WW2 history fanatic. It may be late, but if you need any help concerning the weather in the game, just ask.
  5. So would I, but they're gradually running out of time. :eek: If we're really lucky, perhaps they will make an annoucement soon.
  6. Wouldn't we all like to know the answer to that question. They seem to be well along in development at this point, but perhaps someone from Hubert and team will answer your question just a bit more definitively soon.
  7. Yep, I have to agree with you Sea Monkey. The first Panzer General had as its great strength the ability to fight the entire European theater from the beginning to the end in the same campaign (although you had to follow a particular historical path). I never liked how the sequels had the battles so much at a smaller, regional scale, and I think that lead to its demise in popularity. East Front and West Front from Talonsoft were great games, but you couldn't link the two together, what a shame. I would imagine you're right about the Global Conflict game having new global campaigns, but based more or less on the old campaigns in the European and Pacific theaters combined. By the way, not to be a pain, but is anyone from Hubert's team checking any of this out this weekend? Maybe they all needed a breather.
  8. Hmmm, do I smell haggling going on here? Lotta brainstorming happenin' on this thread here tonight, Hubert, and no reply from your team on this as of yet. Could there be some serious thinkin' and brainstormin' going on at your end as well?
  9. I have to disagree, xwormwood (although I wouldn't mind the free upgrades for those that have already bought the expansion games. I have both WaW and Patton Drives East. ). I think creating the "globalized version" of most of the biggest existing campaigns would not be all that difficult or time consuming for the development team to create for Global Conflict, but perhaps Hubert and/or team might chime in here for clarification and input?
  10. Wushuki and Sea Monkey, you both make good points. I doubt every campaign can be included (scenarios tended to be very regional in scope, which wouldn't play into Global Conflict's primary strengths), but the campaigns that benefit the most by being "global" should be. Obviously Fall Weiss, Overlord, Storm of Steel, and a few others were originally designed with the European theater in mind, but it shouldn't be too difficult to arrange the setup for the Pacific side to closely match up historically with the time frame of these bigger campaigns. What say you, Hubert and team?
  11. Storm of Steel, The Russians are Coming, Operation Neptune, Operation Overlord, and any of the original Campaigns from the original Blitzkrieg.
  12. Hubert, Perhaps you may be unable to mention too many details about this, but will the new Global Conflict game include campaigns/scenarios from all 3 Blitzkreig games/expansions, or will it contain primarily just the basic campaigns from the original Blitzkrieg? I realize some changes are already being made to incorporate more "what-ifs" into the new game.:confused:
  13. Actually, I'm not sure what you mean by "localization.txt file", but I have edited many "customized" versions of the different SC scenarios using "save as" in Game Editor, and never had a problem with it with any of the other expansions until I got the Global War scenario add-on that became available for Blitzkrieg about a year ago. Are you sure no one else has had this problem? It didn't seem to be a problem related to my computer. For reference, I have a Dell Dimension E510 Pentium D (2.8 GHZ) with Windows XP and 2 Gigs RAM memory.
  14. Hubert, In the previous Global War add-on to Blitzkrieg, there was an annoying glitch that would change parent countries' identities (Japan would become France, France would become (of all things) ESTONIA, etc. whenever one attempted to save an edited version (or even unedited) of the Global War feature in the Blitzkrieg Game Editor. :eek: I would assume this was a unique problem with Blitzkrieg since the problem did not ever occur for me in Weapons and Warfare or Patton Drives East. Has anyone considered this potential problem in a Game Editor for the new upcoming Global Conflict? I don't think anyone here has addressed this yet. :confused:
  15. Sounds great, Hubert. If that turns out to be the final results upon release, I'll be happy as a clam.
  16. Thanks, Hubert. That makes me feel relieved. On the older SC games, I had noticed the game slowed down significantly late in turns, and I was concerned the new one could be much slower. I have a Dell Dimension E510 (2.8 GHz) Pentium D with 2 Gigs RAM and Windows XP (3 years old), and have no intention of getting an upgrade right away. Hopefully the new game won't ask for more?
  17. Hubert, I don't think this question has come up yet, but will there be any changes (increase?) in build limits for the parent countries? It seems to me with the expected map size and scope of the new game that in order for the countries to defend and/or attack a larger area or theater (possibly more cities/targets to defend?), as well as more countries involved, more units would be required. I would imagine this might also slow the game down a bit , but otherwise it seems to me more turns would be needed to cover the same territory. During the playtesting that is going on, has there been any issues with this? :confused:
  18. Sounds good Bill 101. Since the emphasis on this game is "global", I would hope that Hubert and team are concentrating on the global and mapping part of it, and not trying to make too many changes to the units themselves. My feeling is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Being a big historical WWII in Europe fan, I would love to see simply a much bigger, blown-up maps and features of Euope and Asia, and even the U.S. and the rest of America. This would also help create more strategies if, say, the distance between Moscow and Leningrad were 20 hexes instead of 10. Obviously, one might need a better strategy protecting their "flanks" during an assault in this regard, then when the distance was much smaller in the previous games.
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