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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Now to go hunting with my beautiful new Aris Panzer IV. Looks gorgeous! Thanks Fuser.
  2. I just noticed my post # 666... The Devil you say... War Movie Mode ON and... Sorry... Friday afternoon... I could not resist 
  3. I seldom ever look off the main boards but oops... there it was... pushed my start button from years of experiences in medicine saving many victims and watching many real people die in my hands from gun violence. My "close encounters" ... close to being shot are difficult to forget....so I jumped in. I stand by my convictions. Sorry if my comments offended anyone. Mord is right. No resolution / conversion will occur here. "If you want peace then prepare for war in Combat Mission X2 and beyond" - Ancient Roman maxim
  4. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country... much like D.C. . Not a single gun shop can be found in Chicago. Handguns were banned in Chicago for decades. Illinois is the only state in the nation with no provision to let private citizens carry guns in public..... and Illinois politicians want MORE gun laws! So the playbook answer is ..... Get the Federal Government to make weapon ownership (especially evil looking weapons) so onerous, expensive, etc. nearly impossible as to essentially make them illegal. Of course if the Federal Government could make all weapon ownership outright illegal ..... per Good Senator Feinstein, "If I could've gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America turn 'em all in -- I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here.".... there would be no gun violence in America... would there? Sadly, the real issues driving gun violence will be overlooked yet again. More gang related shootings will occur. Politicians can not legislate away the true sources of gun violence. Politicians will not succeed with Good Senator Feinstein "outright ban" plan either.
  5. Buddy Ebsen - "Sharpshooter" aka Jed Clampett & Davy Crockett's sidekick "George Russel"... You should have won the war Ken... but thanks for the 2013 version of "Attack!"
  6. I too enjoy the "Weak Sister!" There are (obviously) 3 generally accepted types of CM wargamers. Campaigners Scenario-ist QB'rs Hopefully BFC will CONTINUE to provide programing time to the QB engine, provide more player setting options like date/time/wind strength/direction(?)/unit cost options/unit mix options... and whatever else the community can think of. The character of the QB Engine should reflect the more multifaceted needs of QB players. Historical Maps are coming. So those players will want to not only control force Mix but Nationality mix as well. Much has been done to improve the QB Engine. I firmly believe more can and will be done. Thanks for your years of valuable input and your contribution Mark.
  7. Whiterider & Vark - Good points that can be factored into CMSF-2 I would imagine. These ideas make micro or Tiny battles even more realistic. Thanks,
  8. ... fictional battle between SAA forces an FSA/Nusra fighters along some highway in Syria. Starts with a ambush an turns into a slugfest.... Send it via email whenever Saferight. Will load it up and give it a crack (between football games) and let you know how it rolls. Thanks. Do you recommend any particular mods with your scenario? Thanks
  9. Yes. Scientific literature is available. The numbers, conclusions will vary depending on the scientific rigor applied and in some cases blatant bias. You are correct, "Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” Jeff Cooper Training and practice, practice, practice is essential but often overlooked or never attempted. I am fortunate to be able to shoot at least once / week in my country environs yet my #1 plan is AVOID possible confrontations when possible.... and working with animals / livestock teaches you to look in control, but not threatening. Looking like a victim may just help result in becoming one.
  10. Have never done a 3 Gun course myself but would be fun to try one. It is different in the country. Seeing guys in camouflage on ATVs on trucks with dogs.... with guns and bows in the open is not disturbing. Watching pimped out cruisers & vans circling in the city to see what is within reach is an all too often unfortunate urban experience.
  11. I value all Life. I refuse to let mine be taken from me by senseless violence. 911 call is good but betting your Life on .... a roll of the dice.
  12. poesel71....'only criminals have arms' IMHO a good thing because then the criminal knows I don't have one and won't shoot at me out of fear..... poesel71, I lost track over many years of how many unarmed gun shot victims I have sent to the operating room or morgue. I can assure you is was at least multiple dozens. I was often getting the best possible perpetrator description from the victim (if conscious / possible) while doing medical intervention. Very many times I was told.... I gave him (them) all I had and they shot me anyway! Someone earlier suggested they had a knife to fend of gun wielding assailants. Bringing a knife to a gunfight is a very poor strategy for survival. Might work in ninja movies but not in most urban streets. To be fair compliance (just don't get in the car or on your knees) when faced with the threat of weapon is reasonable. I have used compliance to back out of weapons in my face and instructions to do XYZ. db_zero' note of the difference in US Urban vs Rural gun culture mirrors my experience. Out in my "country" almost everyone owns and uses firearms for hunting, recreation and self / community defense. We do not have violent gun crime near our rural area primarily because criminals know we are armed and we will hit what we shoot... if we have to.
  13. Day 3: Tuesday, 19 September During the early morning hours the 1st Parachute Brigade began its attack towards Arnhem Bridge........
  14. Thanks John. Will give this a read today. "...the GCV would weigh from 64 to 84 tons, making it the biggest and heaviest infantry fighting vehicle that the Army has ever fielded. It would rival the M1 Abrams tank in size and weight and be twice as heavy as the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, the current infantry fighting vehicle...."
  15. Looking good mjkerner. I know nothing about their djebella style but they look authentic to me.
  16. Sounds great Peter. UAVs two broad types simulated, Man portable and higher level would be a sweet addition to CMSF-2.
  17. Thank you Steve. Sorry for the distraction. para - I assume you mean well in your numerous questions while waiting for MG to arrive? You will also have to wait for James Holmes current legal mental status (prior to purchases and now) to be revealed in court. That information is sealed. As for James Holmes behaviors prior to his mass shooting in CO, it should be clear to any rationale man that Mr. Holmes was unsafe to himself and others. I have witnessed 2 separate occasions where a FFL Dealer refused a sale even when the intended purchaser "passed" the NICS check. I have been informed of many more refusals as FFL dealers can refuse/shut down a transaction at any time for any reason they feel is valid... from unpleasant demeanor to blatent attempts at illegal activities.... to a guys with red "joker" hair looking / acting wonky asking to buy an AR. Commitment criteria in most instances is "homicidal, suicidal gravely disabled" and multiple reports indicate James Holmes behaviors with mental health professionals could have and should have him committed, IMO. para you seem to misunderstand the nature of weapon laws, transactions and real world gun violence... at least in the USA. You are very focused on mass shootings and we in the USA keep trying to impart to you the facts. As horrific as mass shootings are they are the rare outlier. Regular old run of the mill handgun homicide is THE major gun violence in our country. This is where a gun violence intervention will make the most impact, save the most lives. Our current government is not going to resolve gun violence by making more restrictive laws. Our government does not even prosecute most NICS failure applications now. I hope this situation will change para but more restrictive gun laws .... to what some extreme anti gun good Senators suggest.... "..an outright ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America turn 'em all in ...." is not the answer.
  18. Exercise "Steadfast Jazz" in Latvia and Poland from November 2-9 shows the 28-nation alliance refocusing on its core task of defending its own territory.... I can dance to it too
  19. Fuser, Your "in progress" SDKfz 7 Flak looks so lifelike. We are lucky to have you improve the games. Thank You.
  20. para- Please, with all do respect you should do your research.
  21. Childress, "I've been under the barrel of a gun twice, as well...." Being face to face with the Barrel of a Gun, unarmed and given instructions to comply with or ... is not something you will soon if ever forget.
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