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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. "I am not blindly attacking. Yet. That will come later..." Busy the last few days so I missed... No... I am in the correct AAR “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway” John Wayne
  2. I don't think all Wish List items will make it in but I suspect ... over time.. many will in some manner be included. BF is a for profit company. They know how to make great games. They have a keen knowledge on best ROI so... some of our Wish List will become reality.... but BF knows what makes the best ROI & programing efficiency for their company / customers and the game engine. Now if they wanted to splurge.. how about "Real Time 1 minute playback from ANY unit's perspective while on pause."
  3. I want one Maybe I can plead "Hawg Invasion" to get permission Would be a cool weapon in CMSF-2 but looks like "the Senate Armed Services Committee eliminated all funding for the XM25 in its revision of the Pentagon's budget in June 2013." Sequester? The XM25 CDTE fires 25 mm grenades that are set to explode in mid-air at or near the target. A laser rangefinder in the weapon is used to determine the distance to the target. The user can manually adjust the detonating distance by up to 10 feet (3.0 m) shorter or longer; the XM25 automatically transmits the detonating distance to the grenade in the firing chamber. The grenade tracks the distance it has traveled by the number of spiral rotations after it is fired, then detonates at the proper distance to produce an air burst effect. These features make the XM25 more effective than traditional grenade launchers at the task of hitting targets that are behind cover or dug into the ground (i.e. in defilade.)
  4. I had a kid on my recreational baseball team named Sancho Panza (from Argentina) and his father was German! Sancho was no A-Rod but I would not block his stealing any base. VERY SOLID guy without fear = HARD sliding SOB. Ken is still traveling but expects to be home tomorrow and get me a turn tomorrow night. More subterfuge and pixie dust Bil
  5. "My first girlfriend was bi." I know "I will fight with no intelligence at all!” “A man ought to do what he thinks is right” JW... Ken reminds me a lot of John Wayne. "Duke", 6 feet 4 inches, 220 pounds, a solid walk, physique was the quintessential cowboy... not to be confused with the Marlin 1894 Cowboy "357".. Ken has Stens Ken's wife pioneering spirit ... "Whatever. I'm going to get some more wine." .. will whip Ken into shape if he strays from his AAR mission I know mine does
  6. Top 30 would be great. I know BF has plenty of projects they are working. I suspect you need extra staff to do the "wish list" to 10. I will be a returning customer for all their products for sure but it would be nice to see a few wish list items included in CMSF-2. One that should be available is frames per second display option. This might help fine tune the texture / model settings per each PC.
  7. Fighting Seabee made a CMSF Mod Manager years ago. I don't remember all the specifics but it was a good start to making swapping mods easier for users. I am hoping BF can incorporate some UI that makes tagging (this group goes with this game or save file) and swapping mods to a scenario/campaign/theatre easier than the current z-folder system. It works for sure just not as fast as it could be. Thanks for your suggestions GJR144.
  8. This thread has been a true inspiration. I will devote my life to the pursuit of a sacred objective: talking two young, beautiful and naked women into playing hotseat against each other while I watch. So you prefer multiplayer I have confirmed (from unnamed sources) there is hidden treasure in the windmill! Who will find it 1st? ...cue the "Sharks" soundtrack... Forward Boys!
  9. I am getting all verklemptez Bil.... pick a topic...windmills create wind ... from grain... speak amongst yourselves... discuss Nothing like using a common sense stiletto to make a point I suspect Kens troops will reconnoiter for the fermented grain liquids and if they meet Bils troops... truce over brews
  10. Cool windmills. I know this is Beta but to be clear, the vanes are stationary? Map looks attractive. Maximum elevation? Yes Bil, your AARs are easy to follow, entertaining and educational. Thanks as well.
  11. Your wife is a real trooper. I am sure she will appreciate the dozen tulips you ordered for her "I see a lot of little gray circles. They're moving, but really fast. Oh! I hear shooting. Hmm. I think you're going to be disappointed." We celebrate this kind of chaos... Carry On!
  12. ruse de guerre - Yep. Could be the foundation for many scenarios and campaigns CMSF. Rolling down the list of the many requests Mord had a couple of strong contenders: Weapons stashes for Uncons static like bunkers or mobile resupply Module options to plug in terrain like Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Speaking of Modules it would so much easier if CMx2 SF&BS had ... UI option that allows select different Z folders to load at start up different mod themes rather than physically moving files in the Z folder to change mods. I am working on a top 10 but it is tough as there are plenty of good ideas.
  13. If his troops are wearing stilletos then their feet are going to be killing them. I don't think stilettos and polder go together very well, do you? Squish, squish... It might be a form of ninjutsu....stealth, camouflage, and sabotage... as Ken will resort to desperate tactics in desperate situations
  14. Simple... I vote for plan MoJo - Ask your wife to press the red button (preferably when she is busy) .... for the sake of the game....and when she throws her stiletto at your computer ... she will acquire TOTAL MORAL SUPREMECY over Ken & Bil.... priceless, No
  15. Rained in all day so got to play plenty of CM in all CMx2 varieties & check out the CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AARs=Should be fun! My multi tasking caught some of the public access "Security Analyst" discussion about Syria & the Middle East in 2013 vs. post 9/11. Their assessments were the regional M.E. SHTF time has yet to arrive but is close. The "Security Analyst" also mentioned how the Winter Olympics in Russia have been "blessed" as a desirable & legitimate target but some religious leader! Of course this is bad for the real world but I thought how CMSF-2 & "Black Sea" upon release are going to be so timely with real world events/ I was reading thru the CMSF-2 Wish List and the last request was… "CMSF2 remaining in 2008 time range in Syria but expanding to 2014+ expanding special forces campaigns and team and squad-level games with a possible invasion of Iran". Sounds about right... and Drones... we gotta have Drones.
  16. There probably are Windmill grogs on this forum. I don't know. Wouldn't the clutch just engage the grindstone inside not the external wind vanes?
  17. Yes this should be another great AAR. Delightful selection of vehicles. Great way to demonstrate the vehicles that will be in CMBN-Market Garden. Movie mode is fine. Yes. Stens but you got to get close to see Ken's stilettos
  18. Post an image of the stiletto up-close, deadly, ambush killing work Count will salute. Get in their and get some Ken!
  19. "I am confused about one thing. Can you clarify: what good high heels are going to be against Bill?" Stilettos distract ... close in with stens = kill Bil?
  20. Thanks LLF. A full factual history of the Ramadi battles (2003-2009) would be important and interesting. Your description of WICKED WEDNESDAY. Ramadi, Anbar Province, IRAQ, July 14, 2004.... sounds intense. Way over my ability to push forward but I too hope it will appear.
  21. "BF might get gummint sponsorship for their "commitment to recycling". Great idea Buzz." Go Green $$$ as in ecology and economy. Heck if you offer ALL the CMSF scenarios & campaigns and "mod tool" to bring them into CMx2 iteration you just IMO increased the attraction. Some original CMSF customers might sit on the fence ... well it is just a CMx2 upgrade. Drop in the "mod tool" - WOW! I get all my old CMSF scenarios & campaigns in the CMSF-2 as well as the sure to be enhancements of units and new scenarios & campaigns.
  22. Bil, Didn't you read the intelligence report that your forces are facing Stens and stilettos and "pixie dust"? Might be a the strategic location that includes "bar, whiskey, cigars, with women" I'd be careful in this one when things get close because it is going to get really hot! How hot? Just ask mjkerner
  23. "I was thinking that Bil will expect me to come at him aggressively. Well, using his own jiujitsu, in a wax-off manuever, I thought I careful move to contact would catch him off guard. But then, I thought he may expect that I would try that. So, in a double-bluff move of great guile, I am attacking." "I expect to find them in a bar, whiskey in hand, cigars burning, with women on their laps by the end of the battle. " My kinda fighting! And we get .... jiujitsu, wax-offs and double-bluff moves of great guile.... but wait till we get stiletto, up-close, deadly, ambush and killing work... "It's gonna be a hot one! How hot, Buzz?" Depends on the height, thinness, taper, material and color... but RED.... really HOT RED.... just like FIRE! Ken begs you to BURN!
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