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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Thank you for the update Phil. Your Mac work is reliable and potent =CMRT Mac. If the CMBN/CMFI Mac 3.0 upgrades resemble CMRT Mac (they should) ... I suspect every Mac CM player will be thankful you made the time to tackle these significant issues and tested the upgrades on Yosemite:)
  2. Apple Mavericks OSX 10.9.2 security update … way back in February 2014… was shambolic execution by Apple. I agree with waiting to know if Apple has any more surprises in store with Yosemite. Apple’s 10.9.2 screw up persuaded me to build the EVO Hackintosh … by far = Best “Mac” I have ever owned.
  3. Thank you for the explanation of the campaign Ithikial_AU. “Pete's master map is sliced and diced to design individual battles by the GM.” I wondered if you used Pete’s entire Radzymin master map with 65,000 pt OOB on both sides (aircraft excluded). The Radzymin master map total would make for a substantial load time and massive saved files. Breaking it up into individual battles makes sense. True FOW is cool. Just flying around the map last PM (w/o troops) it was easy for me to get lost in 5km X 5km I can see the allure to playing on such a massive and beautiful map. A Battalion(+) affair is massive by my standards of 1 company playing as Elite, Real Time vs. A.I. Enjoy the Campaign and thanks for the information.
  4. Hats off to anyone that can manage 65,000 CM purchase points! A quick look at FGM site. One comment re: Pete Wenman's massive Radzymin master map (approximately 5.5km x 5.5km) was no computer could open it. You must be using the entire map for the operational campaign... aren't your? If so I just loaded Pete's Razymin Master Map - CARE in 2 minutes 46 seconds but w/o 65,000 points on the map. What size save files are you generating with this campaign? Razymin Master Map is an amazing piece of work.
  5. Technically September 22 is Fall 2014 = 10 days from tonight .... not "weeks or months away." "Dates are uncertain and will be unknown until revealed directly by Apple." I do not have inside scoop on Battlefront's release dates for CMBN/FI Mac 3.0 upgrades. If I was a small company in a similar position, I would not release a Mac 3.0 upgrade till I was certain what Apple was or was not including in their OS X Yosemite release. The CMBN/FI Mac 3.0 upgrades will be worth the extra care Battlefront is supplying.
  6. Ironflak, Why are you… ”torn between Red thunder and Fortress Italy..”?
  7. Saferight - "Not bad for a 7 yr old game." How true! Had some free time this AM. Pulled out the old 2008 MBP. Fired up a few saved games, NATO Bier und Brezel, Flank Guard, NATO Alamo, Daraya Tank Raid V4, Sir George's "Steelers", Mali Mayhem, etc.. A few hours of modern game enjoyment... in a 7 yr old game! Battlefront gives plenty of BANG for your bucks. CMBS 3.0+ is gonna ROCK!
  8. iOS 8 was slotted for an official release on Sept. 17. ...OS X Yosemite maybe ready for download together with iOS 8... to allow features in both iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite to be used asap. ...OS X Yosemite could be released on September 19. Dates are uncertain and will be unknown until revealed directly by Apple. OS X Yosemite isn't officially supposed to come out until sometime this fall. "2014, the autumnal equinox brings the fall season to the Northern Hemisphere on: September 22 at 10:29 P.M. EDT. " All this says... soon... maybe;) CMBN/FI Mac 3.0 Upgrades should be ready after we see if Apple's OpenGL graphic drivers are 'unbroken' and fully functional in OS X Yosemite. EVO Hackintosh (currently fighting in the East) is ready for CMBN/FI Mac 3.0 Upgrades... and CMBS Mac later this Fall.
  9. When CMBN/FI Mac 3.0 Upgrades are on offer... one of my plans is take a week off to enjoy the essentially new games I get with upgrades! Another is replay some of the most enjoyable scenarios from CMBN/FI in 3.0 upgrade versions and see the refinements .. in detail. Rest... Repeat
  10. Juju Cool stuff, thanks. [MILD SPOILERS] Wow, Buzz, you took the entire marketplace? MORE [MILD SPOILERS] When it got to the end of the battle, there were a few guys still fighting and inflicting hurt but there were mostly panicked troops in the marketplace. I saw the panicked troops running away and I had just completed taking the train so I called Cease Fire @ 20 minutes to go. As you may have noticed I give (what I call) 'kudos' points for attempting to take it, which I thought was heroic enough by itself to earn the player some points. I never expected people to actually pull it off, though. I used very concentrated artillery support in town. I moved one of the assault guns in a fast, very aggressive manner on the market place hoping to avoid friendly fire and punish the market merchants of death. It was risky but I got lucky with timing of the movement, artillery support in town with the market and rail yard pushes in tandem. It worked! I was never effective “making groceries” in my first 3 attempts. The marketplace was well designed and did inflict some serious hurt in various ways. Good job with the market set up. There are lots of ways to tackle this attack. And trying to bypass certain areas can result in having to fight those same defenders in another place, only this time in a crossfire, if you're unlucky or rash. Absolutely correct. The overlap and defensive force movement was timed well for the pace of the scenario. If you are rash, as I was in 1st attempt and somewhat in 2nd attempt, you will pay for it. I did both times. Both the armor and breach teams are indeed invaluable, and like the briefing says, armor should be used with due care. Ignore that advice and you most likely will be punished for it. You definitely need these resources to take the rail yard w/o bleeding your troops to useless. I was amazed at the kills the AC crews put together from their infantry support roles! Made sure I had eyes up front for the AC crews to help them survive. All AC crews did and used almost all their ammunition! Buzz, I'm curious, did the Mad Hermit get any kills in your game? He only has a very short window of opportunity before he is either killed or succesfully escapes. Had to make him elite to give him even a sporting chance to achieve either (kills/escape). “It's a wonder the old coot shoots as straight as he does.“ I don’t think he got any kills but I am not sure. Maybe one or two? Mad Hermit was killed in the 1st run only. In my other attempts he relocated himself and left the empty wine barrels submerged. He must own a vineyard :-) Oh, And thanks for not getting me killed, btw. Kept you in a “Command Position” along with Mr. Nosov, the collaborator. Didn’t want harm to come to the architect of the rail yard. I did unfortunately get your ride knocked off! You had just exited but not a scratch on Juju. I would recommend playing Railyard at Pitrovsk' in WeGo. The abundance of action was a tough challenge in Elite RT with pauses. I never mind replaying a scenario when it is interesting to look at and well set up. "The railyard at Pitrovsk" is both. Thanks again Juju and all.
  11. Impressive! Well done rocketman. My fourth attempt (all Elite RT - 3 and 4 w/pauses) finally took the train yard and the marketplace. My 1st attempt was the double pincher move recommended. That didn’t work for me. Modified slightly on my 2nd round with better result but my guys bogged down to a crawl after unexpected “market resistance. My 3rd round with much better results concentrating on a fast central approach was going well till I got fixated on a couple of local firefights. The scenario details were great to watch. I lost track of my RT troops in other fights and decided I need to be more disciplined with pauses on round #4. That worked. TV with @ 20 minutes to go. Had some localized Soviet surrenders. My breach teams were used moving through walls inside the train yard. The Armored Cars are invaluable in this scenario. Unfortunately the Mad Hermit got away to drain his barrels and fight again. Thankful Juju survived
  12. Was that on you 1st play through rocketman? Great job! "Should add that it was a hard fought victory with a lot of casualties. This scenario is no pushover or for the faint of heart." Accurate as well. Felt like as I made progress Ivan was repositioning to keep the train in the station and my guys could not buy tickets Playing Railyard in Elite RT with pauses was tough. Even when I concentrated the forces up the middle (a little easier to focus in RT) there was enough action that things got hectic in a fun way. I got lost in the interest at platoon level action several times because the darn scenario was visually interesting with all the mod tags. Cool job Juju and all.
  13. Grateful CC. I suspect Battlefront will get CMBN / CMFI up to CMRT Mac level with their Mac 3.0 upgrades. Count me in Mac user keenly awaiting 3.0 upgrade.
  14. For your first attempt you done good... real good Juju. Lots of intense up close action catching the train. I applaud your design, modding and over all results. I will play it again ... maybe in WeGo and see how that runs.
  15. EVO Hackintosh is a real computer and not a stock Mac It is a custom built (by myself) multiple OS capable (yes I have a Windows 7 Pro 64 SSD in it as well). I need to us Apple OS for work and it is more convenient to not have to reboot if possible. What is frustrating is Apple's disregard for breaking a core OpenGL feature 7 months ago and not fixing it yet. Phil has done a stunning job with CMRT Mac to put it mildly... Fantastic! Best CM game I have ever played. Beautiful and super fast / fluid with every piece of eye candy maxed out on the EVO Hackintosh. I know Battlefront will get CMBN / CMFI up to this level with their Mac 3.0 upgrades. EVO Hackintosh Specs: 3.89 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 4096 MB OS X 10.9.5 (13F25) DELL U2713HM Display 2560 x 1440
  16. Edward Lucas, Senior Editor Economist magazine. NATO playing Chess. Putin playing Poker.... and Vlad tore up the rule book on EU Security since end of Cold War... since 1975 Helsinki Accord ... "a game changer" 1: Vlad wants to determine the geopolitical futre of Russia's neighbors. 2: Stop EU bringing order to EU energy market. 3: Bust the idea of "The West" as a Security Guarantee for EU. Subversion, harassment and intimidation of Baltic states is part of Vlad's MO. This will work unless and until NATO / US makes it crystal clear "Hands Off!" You mess with the Baltic = You mess with the USA. NATO has to put troops and equipment IN Baltic so Vlad gets it. and... Go after Billions of corrupt money stolen from Russian and laundered in UK, EU and USA. Vlad is waving the Mother Russia flag "popular" but plenty of unrest about how dysfunctional / corrupt Russian Government has been last 15 years.... so that is a leverage point as well... I don't think Russian media controlled by state will agree So when is CMBS due? October 2014?
  17. Results on my hackintosh using 10.9.5 public beta build 13F25... Drum roll please..... Zero. Nada. Squat... graphics improvements on CMSF,CMBN,CMFI... Apple did not break CMRT Mac Loud Applause! You have to hand it to Apple, a multi billion dollar phone and pad maker as when they borked 10.9.2 in February 2014, they have consistently failed to fix their OS graphics screw up. So looking forward to Mac 3.0 upgrades for CMBN,CMFI. BTW: I could try OS X Yosemite Beta but I am NOT willing to spend hours fixing what Apple has probably yet to fix. I actually use my EVO Hackintosh for work. Gawd I don't want to have to go to the Evil Dark Side OS for CM CMRT Mac is keeping me Happy:D
  18. Why concern oneself with anything from Russian state-run... "media"? Russian Broadcasters Warned the World of Russia Turning US Into 'Radioactive Dust' ... March 2014. Sorry, if my comment is upsetting to anyone. Battlefront is way ahead of Russia's state-run... "media" in many respects. Very Long, hard work day. Time for a shower and a beer or 2 ... with a little CMX2 to soothe my "Infidel" soul...s
  19. Wicky has his finger on the older CM Mac games pulse. Solid suggestion.
  20. Thanks Phil. My mistake of running CMRT Mac twice on my hackintosh was an easy user error fix. Thank you for you CM Mac Programing.
  21. JasonC, "CMx2 is simply a game at a different unit scale, down one from the previous.... We need far more CMx2 scenarios set at the single platoon scale, and the bulk of them should be set at the single company scale....CMx2 is a smaller unit scale game...." Agreed. I play Elite RT vs. AI most of the time. I focus on smaller platoon level actions ... even in much larger scenarios. I use the new controls, split squads into weapon specialized teams and enjoy the squad leading sergeants perspective. Doing so in larger scenarios, with no pausing, is a blast. Local success in a larger scenario will often mean I fail to get a overall victory but I am often enjoying the challenge of the smaller platoon level action. I can always pause and save and eventually use WeGo when I am looking for the overall win. My schedule makes playing PBEM a bad option for reasonable return rate. I don't have infinite time to burn on each turn. Sitting down to Elite RT vs. AI. I focus on smaller platoon level action w/o pauses at the end of the day is great fun and quick. I can always restart and add another platoon or two to my command role to up the challenge in RT:) Remember, CM has always been, and always will be, about realism first. -- Steve Grammont
  22. I was able to load Ramadi Government Center FULL map in CMSF Mac Bundle in 10.9.1. Great looking and detailed map of Ramadi, Iraq's urban core. I mucked around in the editor some of my own small Company level infantry only setups vs AI. Lots of fun using only a portion of this impressive urban map. 2/14 Apple borked OpenGL in 10.9.2 so now I have the 36% hang issue till Apple comes out with 10.10 maybe? I suspect CMBS could be ready by then:D
  23. I have accidentally started CMRT Mac twice on my hackintosh. Two CMRT icons in dock. I close the one CMRT in normal fashion and Cmd-Opt-Esc deals with closing the other CMRT in my 10.9.4 system with no hard reset required.
  24. 10.9.5 public beta build 13F25 was released to public beta testers. One of the “Focus Areas” is “Graphics”. I am currently in country and unable to do the proper SW adjustments to my hackintosh to test this public beta. Has anyone given it a spin? Any graphics improvements? Looking forward to Mac 3.0 upgrades.
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