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Everything posted by souldierz

  1. I come across some info from documentaries and scientist interviews I see on TV, and read about it in the paper once in a while,Wiki has always got some good info as Stalin's Organist pointed out, but i just try and pay attention for new info when the topic comes my way.I have yet to come across some good info of what they learned yet from smashing the particles together. Here's one good site that provides much info, but all you really need to do is google it http://lhc.web.cern.ch/lhc/ Small animation http://hands-on-cern.physto.se/ani/acc_lhc_atlas/lhc_atlas.swf I heard there's a rumor that there might even be a black hole in our Galaxy behind the sun, and that's whats making us spin around.You never know:)
  2. People and their doomsday imaginations, will it ever end? This is an interesting experiment,and i`m not a science geek,far from it,but I am trying to keep informed on the info they get out of this thing.What a phenomenon,pure magic. My biggest fear would be,what kind of new weapon of mass destruction will they produce out of this new knowledge.
  3. I seen most of the videos, funny thing is, i could only get through half of some,because my craving to play CMSF would be to great and I would have to start a game myself I`m sure now the game play would be different if more videos were posted and I do like seeing how others accomplish the missions. I was going to try and post some vids myself(never done it before,but i did learn how), but i have low space on my computer at the moment and i was unable to merge 2 video clips together before, because of the low space.Maybe I`ll try again one day.I probably should have posted it in 2 separate parts, but at the time I thought i also had to keep it on my computer,now i know you can delete the video off your computer after you upload it to Youtube.
  4. Very good looking Marines. I like what i see, but unfortunately, i think i get a small performance issue when the fight is on or when the Marines clutter together,but it could be fine for others(I don`t have the best PC in the world).I haven't played many missions with the file yet, but i did see one obvious bug.When the Automatic Grenade Launcher soldier goes to reload his weapon, he seems to dribble it once on the ground like a basketball, i noticed this when he was on a roof top.There was also some weird shaky head movement, but it was rare from what i saw. There seems to be little changes when they are engaged in a firefight, but i just can`t quite put my finger on whats different.It`s like the game where you have to find 10 different things from 2 pictures that are identical just slightly altered,and i haven`t been very observant on what was changed. The Marines also look more fit(could be my imagination),and it looks good in my opinion, but it would be nice to see more variety in the faces.The ones that are there now,and the ones with the goggles look great, but still a lot of twins.Be cool to get some Hispanic faces to go along with the Caucasian and African ones,might as well say there should be some Asian and Middle East faces also so I don`t get a back lash about being racist or prejudice:),after all there are many races in the western world forces.The more variety in faces the better, just don`t know how well it will match up with the names, tho it wouldn't be a problem in some cases lol. I like the work that was done, and it does add character to the Marines.Good job
  5. Fantastic looking game.You can already see the potential of such a release just by looking at the few screenies.You guys do great work and are probably exited about this particular release,seems to be a fan favorite Hopefully now, people will settle down and wont go all Bone crazy, that should be the fix people need to get on with their lives..... for at least a couple of weeks to a month anyway..... before they start to fiend and go crazy for something else:) Now, we got some info and some pics, the next step is game play footage. I like what i see and the little details that are mentioned in the first post sounds great, can't wait to get my hands on it and start giving commands in this WW2 setting.
  6. He sure doesn't sell himself short.
  7. Take Command was a very good game, another game i ran into late.Good to see a more improved version coming out and I will be on time for this one. Thanks for the heads up:) I would like to to see an ancient or medieval version of this game.Total War is not bad, but i like the play of the battlefield in Take Command better.To play that game in a setting with ancient warfare i think would prove to be a great game.Especially with huge maps.
  8. I like the story and the maps presented, looking very nice and it has got me interested. Seems like this is going to be a big campaign.I'm looking forward to playing it and to see how the story line plays out, should be good fun:)
  9. I tried dismounting the TOW a few times.It took I think 10 minutes to pack it up,a lesser amount of time to deploy,but it was time consuming both ways so most of the time I leave it on the Humvee.It can be moved around much quicker that way.I'm not sure if there is much of a difference in game when the TOW is used on the ground,I haven't played around with it enough to notice the difference,if any.
  10. Sounds like Battlefront is ridding over this bump fairly well:)
  11. The beauty of Martial Arts.You should have seen one of my Martial Arts teachers. I mean :eek:.She was basically a small blond model,who happens to be the Sijo's(the founder) daughter and she spoke very softly.Her husband happens to be a Sifu(a very top notch Martial Artist) and trained under Sijo since he was young.They are all a bunch of fighters and this Blond Women who is a Sifu also, was just smokin hot.And a vicious lioness.She's all sweet and delicate and soft spoken one minute,and then the next you see the intensity and fire in her eyes as she gets ready to fight or pull a move. Gotta watch your move around her tho, the Warrior at her side fought off other guys who made attempts at her before, and he was very successful at beating them back lol:)
  12. Good to know,if anything similar to this happens again I'll be all the more wiser as to what's taking place. I have Vista, so if i did go through with it, the Exe would have asked permission to access the internet and I would have known right there that there was something wrong.
  13. That Olivia is a little cutie and I like the look in her eyes:) Katrina sounds like she has a mean punch and that makes me like her even more,what a hottie she is. Lots of dirty things enter my mind on what to say,but I'll hold my tongue for the day i meet them.
  14. Thanks for the heads up.I just got rid of a nasty virus not to long ago.A very updated one at that.I had to take out my hard drive and bring it to a friends so he could use his virus scanners to fix it of of his drive.Its gone now, but I still can't use Internet Explorer,i have to use Firefox and Google chrome and i do get glitch's from time to time,nothing serious.If Another Virus gets on this PC,I bet i will have to reinstall everything.Good thing I check the forums first before i check the Email. For future reference, would BF ever send anything like this in Emails?I don't remember getting anything but the info needed for the product i purchased, or a new password for the forums.So when I saw this Email it seemed out of place and out of character.
  15. I would like to see a Red vs Blue campaign.Doesn't always have to be Red defending an area while blue attacks.There's multiple ways to make a Red vs Blue mission.I'm not familiar with the editor and spent most of my time on the game playing it, but there some scenarios I think could be done and would find enjoyable. One for example is being red,and fighting the blue force through a town(or whatever terrain), as the blue force AI plan calls for the blue to withdraw and pull back 1 or 2 km, to a base outside of town,instead of pushing forward after the enemy or staying and defending an area.The red forces fight and pursue them out of town, but can't pursue them to aggressively or they could get cut down,or the player can even try to find a way to try and cut off the blue forces from pulling out, but yet either way, must remain on the Blue force heals as blue pulls back. Another could be Red forces attacking a base, or embassy,or hotel, or even an outpost that is isolated,as well as a bogged down convoy. In some of these missions(also insurgent scenarios) the Red force shouldn't have to completely wipe out the blue force, but should try to get himself pts for certain things like, a destroyed tank or truck or whatever vehicle,along with gaining certain amounts of points for casualties inflicted,or getting to a certain position.Even if the time runs out in some cases, and the gun battle doesn't resolve, it could simulate the Red forces melting away after receiving a withdraw order over the radio,and hopefully the player got his pts necessary to win, by destroying certain things or setting foot on certain land. A Red counter attack scenario would be a good one also.Defend an area from a small Blue attack,and then after, counter attack, and try to fight to get pts required and simulate pushing the Blue forces back. If the Exit Zones features were in CMSF, i think it could give many more options to make a realistic battle of today's world with red(and blue of coarse). The Blue side doesn't have to win every war in this game.A hypothetical Red campaign on Blue forces in the Middle East,where the Red side comes out victorious and drives the Blue forces back,i think would be fun to try and play.It would be a challenge all around for players and designers,but I would like to see a Red Campaign very much.Syrian Airborne and T-90 tanks could give the Blue forces a good blow and would be great to attack with. It would also be interesting to see how the Campaign story is, and how peoples imagination can play with it.Maybe in this Campaign, a Blue task force was hammered hard and then had to be dismantled and rebuilt and renamed,and you were the commander that crippled it. PS-As a player of this game there's two kinds of scenarios I would personally like to see and have a craving for.One being a big Coalition force fighting a lot of Uncons, the other being a big conventional battle as the Red forces against combined Blue forces(Marines,Brits,Army) in a meeting Engagement.
  16. I got it also, titled 'We are proudly presenting new update client for all games from battlefront for FREE' Thanks for the warnings, its been deleted.
  17. Very Nice! I will check this out when released.Good Work Ryujin.
  18. I would love to see The Operational Art of War and CM combined.I still play OAW3 from time to time.I have a South Vietnam campaign going(last one I finished was the Saddam's Final Gamble 2003 scenario),and it would be great if you could play the battles like CM.I really like both games and like I said,I would love to see those 2 worlds collide somehow.It would be great fun and a good game to dedicate time to.
  19. Rumor has it,that goat milk is actually better for the Human being then Cow milk.Not many goat products in my part of the world,at least i never really checked for them,and i can't remember the last time i saw a goat farm around, or any goats in any farms for that matter.Around here seal meat is the new food talk, but they say its like eating oily rubber,something I won't hasten to try. Eating a Kangaroo sounds nasty, and I suspect there's a reason why its not on the top menus, I wounder if you could make kangaroo jerkies,but please,keep them to yourself,I think I would rather eat a bat lol.
  20. Wow, lay off the tea, your gonna give your country a black out and bring it back to the dark ages .Poor Simon,while everyone is running around worrying about a terrorist strike, hes there trying to prevent a catastrophe caused by kettles.:DWho needs a bomb to take out a power plant, just use your kettle and crank it,and then watch Simon squirm . They need a Tim Hortons like what we have in Canada, that should solve their problem,instead of donuts and coffee, they will serve tea and biscuits:)
  21. Nice pics JH Morneau.The gas pedal must have got stuck on the Toyota again,because that was not where he was suppose to go lol, but when the Javelin has a lock on,it's game over(most of the time), and those guys in the Toyota MG had no clue what hit them,nor will they ever.Toyota parts now liter the Wadis, but at least they used most of their ammo.The Militia hopes there's a Toyota dealership still around, they don't want to go back to using camels and they need something cheap, also Toyota's are the number one choice for Militias.You don't have a legit status or a reputation in the Militia world, unless you got a few Toyota's to back you up, no one would take them as a serious organization and you can't claim to be a real Militia if you don't have Toyota's in your vehicle pool lol. Here's few more pics of our PBEM going on.My snipers are having a very good hunt,and they produced some good pics, but I can't post them all yet. This Sniper pulled off a very good shot.He managed to ambush and put one or two Marines down(one Marine being a Major) at about 200 meters out.The 3rd Marine then tried to run back over the crest of the hill, but the Sniper managed to reload his rifle and get one final shot off,before contact was broken. Same shot from another angle to prove the skill of the shot.He reloaded just in time.The Marine I believe was hit just below the neck in the back and was not fatally shot down,but went down severely wounded.This sniper however would not make it out of the battle alive and was later killed at the base of the hill where he withdrew for another ambush and firefight. Here's a gun run on one of my other MG Toyota.It disabled the truck and all but one man was killed in the surprise attack by the attack helo.The Militia never heard or saw that devastating blow coming to them. A Recoiless Toyota takes aim at some Marines and creates a good action scene.Toyota's would harass the Marines and kept them on their toes, but the Marines always seemed to be one step ahead of rocket fire,narrowly missing disaster each time,very lucky.Eventually the Marines got the elusive Trucks and took out a serious and dangerous thorn in their side. This pic is of a trapped and pinned ATGM team.They were stuck and pinned in a crater,and then the end came as a grenade came into view.The militia man took cover and kissed his arse goodbye,I can't say that it was a quick and painless outcome. It's a good game and the Militia is taking a pounding, but the Marines are getting bloodied up in this one also,lots of grieving will take place after this mission.My snipers are proving to be the most lethal men in the Militia and have claimed many victims,still hard fighting remains.
  22. I'm playing a PBEM game with the Brits,and when my attack helo comes in to strike a target,the canon fire could be seen zig zagging in the air as it appeared into view, and then straightens itself out onto the target at the last moment.Same thing with a missile that was launched.It zig zagged then turned sharply to hit it's target.It doesn't seem to affect the game play,and the air support ended up hitting the targets accurately,but funny enough,the one strike that did go straight, missed the target completely, according to my opponent. I think I seen this mentioned before long ago,and that it's only rarely seen in PBEM games.I can honestly say I never seen this once in Single Player.I suspect it's a known graphics bug.
  23. Good to see another DAR being posted.They always make for a good read.I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread.Keep us posted and good luck to the both of you Looks like there will be some tense moments coming out of this one.6 AGS's can definitely pour out carnage on an unsuspecting foe and those T72-M1V are no push over either.They were(if not are)the toughest Syrian tanks I faced yet, and they refuse to go out quietly.I'm curious on the outcome to this mission, should be interesting:) Good pic,I see your intended plan clearly.
  24. Love that Hooters picture(the one with the cake:)).Refreshing, and energizing.Now there's a bone I can appreciate:D. Funny post MeatEtr:), I guess the one they called Charles was just part of Steve's imagination all along.
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