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Everything posted by souldierz

  1. Finally took time to read your AAR.Looking good and will keep checking to see how this turns out.My guess is whoever wins this little skirmish will get the initiative on their side.If the enemy is full in 1 spot they must be empty in another.Maybe a counter assault somewhere else could catch him off guard.U said u got 2 tank squads does that mean 8 tanks in total? Its always cool to see how other people play and how they use their tactics.Keep it going its a good read.
  2. Those Taliban are wiped out to the point that they wont be causing trouble anymore.That's an old video i believe and more then 70% of those taliban were killed if not 95-100%.To my knowledge Apaches and Cobras roam in pairs most of the time and would keep an eye on the area to clear any remaining threats and attack from all angles.I'm sure they wont go to base unless they got em all or the fuel is low.The other strikes were probably not posted but I'm sure they got them and recorded the aftermath of all the bodies that are dead for command to see and evaluate. Attack hellos i hear are the most effective and that the taliban fear them more then any other vehicle.When the Gunships come around the firefight stops and Taliban hide until the gunships get low on fuel and leave.There's some very intense footage that comes from these air units and sometimes very spooky to watch.They see the enemy before the enemy knows they're there and the Apaches can zoom so close to the point they can tell what kind facial features you have and what kind of beard u got on even tho they might be a 1 kilometer out.Then the shot is fired and the taliban have no clue about the big bang or bangs coming their way.I guess you can hear the Gunships fire or the missile coming because in many videos some of the enemy duck or run while others are left clueless and dead.The ones that almost or did get away from these strikes were the ones who ran as fast as they could.Any1 who tried to hide would get the area sprayed with that cannon.Some Erie stuff especially when u see 20 enemy men cluttered together around some vehicles and u know whats going to happen and it does. In game the Apache runs are cool but i learn not to trust their rocket fire.Hits me more then the enemy and that's where the ability to say from where they strike from would be very good to have in game.Watching the Apache do gun runs in game on buildings and troops is always entertaining.
  3. I'm keeping an eye out for this Russian-Afghanistan version.Its got my attention and chances are i might pick it up if it becomes available.This is a good game system and it would be good to see it expand to show off other conflicts as well as other armies while constantly improving itself.It will also be interesting to see how the missions are and maps and also how the briefings are laid out.Russian tactics I'm sure without a doubt are different then the western tactics because of different gear and so on so it would be very interesting to see what the load out and squad setups are and how to use them tactically.Should be fun.
  4. So i guess its safe to say that this is a 2d image of small boulders that provide your soldiers with some extra cover and concealment.Not big enough or good enough to duck down behind like a wall but still big enough to give u a surviving chance.In real life to be honest i would not want to be behind to many small boulders unless the advantage is clearly on my side.Bullets have a nasty habit of dissolving what they touch and sending chunks of whatever screaming through the air causing more harm. I wonder if there was a field with this terrain in the middle, could my troops hide there and not be seeing by the enemy or will the enemy spot them just as quick as if they were in field? I guess i need more experience on this terrain and to watch it a little closer to see what the real impact of it is on troops and vehicles.This is definitely a spot I'm gonna try to send my scouts and snipers to and find out what advantage i can gain from it.
  5. In cities i feel like BFC did a good job at making it harder to finish the enemy off.They use to just sit in a house until they were all shot down but since this withdraw feature was put in it made Urban Combat more challenging and better from my point of view. For example i was blue team moving up slowly to a town with a squad and a stryker.My squad took fire from a small house and right away I set the stryker to area fire on the house and i also made the squad area fire on the house while i used the assault command to close and kill with the enemy.They were leap frogging closer and pounding the house hard with AT4s, machine guns and m203s not giving the enemy time to shoot, then i noticed that some of the enemy troops started to run out the back door.My squad made it to the house where the enemy was only to find 2 bodies on the floor.The red team withdrew to a building behind the original building they were in.I again took fire from them and peppered the enemy house with area fire and again the same situation happened they took a few casualties then withdrew from the 2nd house.I ended up chasing these guys clearing them house from house until i got them all. Its very well done but the AI doesn't always pick the best escape route.There was a few rare times they ran out into the open and got wiped out completely.They have 3 out of 4 sides with very good cover why they choose to run in the 1 open spot across the firing arcs of tanks and bradley's is beyond me.Some cases they would be better off staying where they are.When it comes down to it even humans panicked and made very unwise decisions that cost them and their comrades their lives so i don't dwell on it to much as long as it ain't my troops doing that lol.Sometimes AI stupidity ends up being very realistic but not always. But in all Urban Combat in this game is great and sometimes frustrating and it very well should be.Its always fun to watch these little pixel dudes in close combat if u can stomach some of the loses.
  6. I'm a little confused to what exactly this rocky terrain represents. I noticed in 1 firefight i had a harder time hitting the enemy in this type of terrain with shrubs all around. Does this mean that there are big desert rocks or boulders that are 5-10 feet tall and wide and the troops can take cover behind them or does it represent rocks that are the size of your foot and maybe 1 or 2 feet tall and have no real cover? Do the troops have added cover in this terrain even tho they look exposed like they are in the open? I'm sure its been discussed before but i guess i missed out and i cant find any info on this.
  7. Hope this works.Its my first time posting screen shots online. Strykers and Scouts in 101st uniforms.
  8. Ive noticed this to.I tried moving them out of the position and also the Hide button after the shot but the AT guy keeps himself exposed to long and then gets shot most of the time.Then i need to sneak in and do buddy aid on him to get my rocket launcher back.
  9. I agree with you Mord its very fun to watch these guys close up, especially with the sound mods including yours.I can never thank u guys enough for these little treats u give us.Makes the game top notch, Icing on the cake so to speak and the cake is something to praise on its own! I had good little moment like this when i lined up 2 squads beside a tall wall ready to have them rush the compound like the swat.I was completely shocked when i saw 2-3 grenades hurled over the top of the wall and landing at the feet of my troops.Not a shot was fired and i never even saw the enemy who threw them but it made me panic lol.I was surprised some of my troops survived i thought for sure when i saw that i was about to lose 2 squads or the majority of them, but the troops only took 2-3 casualties and a lot of injured.The assault of course was rushed and sloppy so a few more casualties went down. Heartbreaking to see a plan take a hit like that but it was awesome to watch.Good eye candy, had me thinking about that moment for a while.
  10. Looks like u put the RPG guys in some good spots.Gotta keep those guys alive its no fun playing against bluefor without rgps.
  11. I try to take advantage of smoke anytime i can. Ive learn't never to underestimate the importance of smoke screens. Usually in the beginning of the game if i am assaulting a urban area i call in artillery to lay smoke over the urban area or in front of it making a big cloud to cover them so they don't shoot me all at once from multiple positions while i am rolling in the open (a while back i heard the Israelis were getting flak for this tactic by human rights groups) and also i am able to pick them off 1 location at a time when the smoke clears and they start to shoot. With the vehicles i use smoke to cover infantry movements moving from one street to the next or to cover bridges,water crossings, small fields and also to move my troops to better firing positions.When i assault a building using a Bradley with a squad inside i usually rush up to about 5-10 meters from the door, deploy smoke before dismounting my troops and then quick run beside the building so my men can peek in the windows then have them hunt their way in if they are not under fire. For inf i usually have them throw smoke to block the enemies firing arcs while my troops move or crawl into firing positions inside of buildings or trenchs then i have them hide.When all the infantry are in good fire positions across the map i unhide them all and watch the firefight take place.That was an awsome tactic in the Brits demo when i had all my inf on the edge of the cliffs then got them all to reveal themselves at once then move the vehicles into hull down spots. Smoke is a good tool to use and i use it often, so much that after a battle my poor pixel troops can be considered as second hand smokers.I try to keep that in mind and keep them away from the smoke as best i can.I wonder if running around in smoke can effect the troops stamina?If it does or doesnt i still try to be realistic and keep my inf away from smoke.Better for the enemy to choke on it then me.
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