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Everything posted by Combatintman

  1. And then what happens when you remove the sand and put fuel back in etc etc. I'd be surprised if this is true.
  2. Isn't the full manual posted on the Battlefront Site?
  3. Got a source for the sand in the fuel tanks thing - I've never heard of it before.
  4. Oh there's more than one of you trust me!
  5. It might be due to vehicle loadouts - I can't speak for the US but certainly you'd expect a box of grenades in most British wagons.
  6. Guys - I spend more on buying a round. You could just get over it.
  7. If the Brits fight any battles with new gear it will compromise the realism that we expect from this great company
  8. Context required really - there's shacks of things you could do. Avoid it. Stick Offensive Support down. Are two quick answers.
  9. Ok its time - this light forces thing is a crock of sh1te. The US Forces had a perfectly good solution - its called the M1 and the M2/M3 Bradley. The bottom line is if you can dominate an enemy at warfighting you can dominate an enemy in stability operations. I've heard a lot of bullsh1t about tracked vehicles upsetting people - from what quarter - the sodding media. Bosnia a classic case - when we sent Warrior over there - the opposition knew about it and that combined with the fact that we were prepared to shoot back soon made the locals stand up and think. So this network centric stuff and early intervention is a total crock - its been discredited in Iraq and it is a Cheney/Rumsfeld doctrine which unfortunately others have followed (the UK's FRES programme being a classic example). And don't start me on the airlift requirements. Flawed doctrine which begat a flawed solution. ...End of
  10. Surely if you copy the demo scenario file into your full version scenarios folder then you should be able to.
  11. RommL - I was guessing from the fact that you were in France that you may have served there given that Sarajevo Airport was in the French Sector in Bosnia during UN times. I got there just after it was really interesting and had a root around Lukavica Bks which was the Bosnian Serb Barracks just up the road from the Airport and some of the contested suburbs in that area.
  12. If you read anything by Lucas you're wasting your time imho - lazy author and no depth. Say what you will about Meyer (namely a tad partisan and an apologist) - bottom line he has/had access to the blokes who were there and was there himself. Lucas pretty much runs on very secondary and even tertiary sources - lacks any detail - you might as well read wikipedia.
  13. zmoney - got a source for that. As Flanker15 says - that's pretty tough certainly given that many armoured vehicles as a whole are not designed to withstand impacts from rounds of half that calibre.
  14. rich12545 - No I apologise - my first post was after coming straight back from the bar - not a dark one so obviously I came back alone! The tactics analogy holds true though - I use it all the time ... I've taught a couple of iterations of officers about tactics and the analogy I use is the ugly bloke (me) the dark bar. Bizarrely enough the British Army has no doctrinal definition for tactics - hence I can get away with a lot. If any offence was caused I apologise - but at least you know how to pick women up now - who cares about dismounting from Strykers eh?
  15. So RommL - how do you plan the scenarios? I'm guessing from where you are that you know all about the Sarajevo Airport, the tunnels and all that. If you can pull that off (and I think you can with this game) it will be very interesting indeed. I look forward to it ... a whole lot more fun playing it than being there!
  16. rich1245, Sorry I sounded a bit harsh - but yes it is tactics - look it up in a dictionary - it will come out with something along the lines of 'making the best with what you have' - hence the me going to bars with very dim lighting these days!
  17. rich12545 Why not stop harping on about it - bottom line - if you play WEGO which is what you seem to be playing - plot shorter waypoints for the vehicles - use pauses - or just find workarounds. I had this in CMx1 - once I'd worked out that disembarking was never going to synchronise I got around it. Its like pulling birds - they think you're ugly - go to dark nightclubs. Simple really ... its called tactics.
  18. missingreality - cheers for that - I might give that a spin. One of the reasons I liked OFP's editor was that you could just add text to your triggers while designing - if the trigger was working you had feedback straight away.
  19. I know its seconds and not minutes - but when you plan on your 'moving part' arriving after 45 minutes then you have to wait that long!
  20. My list of flavour/terrain objects (well starter for 10 anyway): Hesco Bastion ISO Containers Sangars Electricity Pylons Circular Water Towers Petroleum Storage Tanks Satellite Dishes Concertina Wire Wrecked Civvy Vehicles Oil Pipelines
  21. Ok I've not tried it yet because I'm only just at the stage where I'm fiddling around with the AI and I too have spent a frustrating 45 minutes thinking 'where the hell are they' - only to find out that I'd entered my Red AI plan in the Blue AI box! A possible way around this might be to add some spies close to the waypoints you are setting or to set objectives which are known to both. It might give you more feedback when you are testing your AI plans. Don't take these as gospel though because like you I am new at this game. I just wish the editor was more like OFP! Hope this helps.
  22. Bonxa - shouldn't you be worrying more about those guys who keep getting lost in the game? You know the answer will be 'When its released'. I don't blame you for asking - I'm gnawing my arm off for the new module and I'm a Brit with very little interest in the USMC (I owe them a Camp Cot from 1990 - which might explain it).
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