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Everything posted by Heinrich505

  1. Baneman, Was ist loss hier? Why are the flame troops not opening up? Vee must have flames!!! The cold fog is making me chilly... Heinrich505
  2. PanzerMike, Ah HAH. Guessed it. Yes, the Tigers broke free in Anzio. Interesting read about that encounter. Definitely CMFI. Playing through Lancing the Abscess in CMFI right now. Rather large battle so slow going. There are Tigers in this too, but this was one of the attacks against the US area. Made me think of Water's song. Very moving rendition. Heinrich505
  3. Hank24, I've read occasional accounts relating to the injury of the loader or other troops behind the weapon when the weapon was fired. Don't have any written doctrine to go by but I'd figure the loader had the responsibility to duck after he signaled the gunner that the weapon was loaded. The gunner is focused on lining up the target. Ideally the weapon would be fired with a large open area behind it to minimize potential casualties - not always possible in close confines for city fighting. Collateral damage from friendly fire is always a bad thing. Sorry to hear about your neighbor's friend. It is always good to have personal accounts that relate to our pixeltruppen and their struggles. It increases the immersion factor and makes the game seem a little less like a game at times. The Leaping Horseman. Nice one. Kind of goes hand in hand with the 71st Infantry Division Kleeblatt. Both ended up in the same terrible place. Do you read books by Jason Mark? Heinrich505
  4. Oh Good Lord, I say, Major, what the bloody 'ell is that man doing with his rifle to the dead man? I 'eard you Yanks were a peculiar lot, eh wot? Stress of combat and all that rot! What sort of buggery is going on 'ere? 'Ave you Yanks no decency? Let the dead lay in peace. Your lads 'ave been at the front for waaay too long. Monty shall hear of this, I promise you. Heinrich505
  5. c3k, Yikes, a bewildering cornucopia of documented action, flooding the thread. The action crackles like bolts of lightning. Will the flamethrower dude remember he still has the damn thing strapped to his back? Does he know how to turn it on or does he need his partner to turn the wheelie things on the back to start the flow of fuel? I heard he was just a clerk typist about a week ago before he got "Shanghaied" by some wild commander spouting something about how he should be grateful he wasn't going to die typing out meal requisitions and condoms when he had a chance of bursting into a flaming ball of fiery glory. [Errrrhhh...cue Scooby-Do sound effect] I'd ease the M16 back a tad and let the Acht-trad advance into his fire. Just my 2 cents. Heinrich505
  6. Hapless, I'd try blasting the woods a bit with your tanks for a start. If you soften up the enemy infantry hiding in the woods, you might be able to drop some smoke and get your own infantry to rush across the gap to support them. Also, you might be able to flank the 88 if you ease the armor that way. Heinrich505
  7. PanzerMike, Very glad to hear that. I am looking forward to seeing what marvels you have created for CMFB. Dark side of the moon, eh? Reference to Pink Floyd? "It was dark all around. There was frost on the ground When the tigers broke free..." Might be interesting to see a scenario about that song... Heinrich505
  8. Umlaut, The guy in the upper right with the MG42 looks kinda like Adam Baldwin from the TV series "Firefly" and the movie "Serenity." The guy in the lower right could be a younger Leonard Nimoy minus his famous Spock ears. Just throwing darts here and hoping one will stick. Heinrich505
  9. Doc844, Good one. Always best to live to fight another minute. It is always nerve wracking waiting to see if your vehicle makes it to cover or becomes a flaming wreck. The cliffhanger was well played. Heinrich505
  10. c3k, Can you reanimate the "Field of Dead" somehow? I am thinking the living dead might make for a good counterattack right about now. Baneman can't kill them twice, eh? Get the tube guys in action. Pillage the dead...er...I mean, uh, buddy aid them, yes, do that. This is all good. The action is crazy and I am loving it. Heinrich505
  11. "Holy Crap, Hans, call your freaking shots!!!"...Rolf shouts as he pats out the flames on his smock from the backblast of the 'schrek. Hans chuckles under his breath. He doesn't much care for Rolf. Those smart clowns from Berlin...they think their flatulence smells like roses. Nice cliff hanger. Screen shots are great. I really like the fog effect. Heinrich505
  12. Doc844, You are looking kinda grim in your Kubelwagon. Must be the news of the T-34/85 mit tank riders, Ja? "Verdamt, Fritz, alvays mit zee negative vaves..." Where there is one, there is more... Good first plan. Be ready to adjust it according to your intel. Since he has tanks, I'd be more cautious running the AC up. I'd use infantry to get the first spots and then use the AC for support. It doesn't look like the map is really large enough to warrant using the AC for far-ranging recon. Save him to support the infantry. My two cents... Thanks for posting. Always fun to read these. Heinrich505
  13. c3k, ....I soiled me armor, you had me so scared... More M8s. Bring them to the fore. The cemetery seems to be getting fuller... Great action. Keep them coming. Heinrich505
  14. Baneman, Typical c3k, using evil science to try and tip the balance. Zombie-M8 needs to DIE!!! Looks like only headshots will do it. If Ken is using zombies to crew his AFVs (wonder how much that costs when choosing abilities in QB?) then you should bring in Alice the zombie killer.
  15. Michael, I remember that one well. I had read in detail the actual historical account and, like you, hoped to see the Hornissen show their stuff. That was a tough scenario. I think I managed some sort of minor victory by placing the Hornets all over the place as if they were static AT guns, and while most all of them were blasted, they did manage to kill off enough of the Soviet Horde. This one should be very good in RT, I would think. Heinrich505
  16. Baneman, "Hail, Hail, the gangs all here..." Of course we are following. This is great stuff. Heinrich505
  17. c3k, The action is nonstop and insane. Thanks for all the screen shots. There is so much going on at the same time and we don't want to miss any of it. Heinrich505
  18. I agree with IanL. Talk about a "Mad Minute!!!" The only thing missing now are gouts of flame from your flammenwerfer... Heinrich505
  19. Bud, Great to see the fun continue. I'm guessing Germans = artillery, but will anxiously await further panels. With a flat bottom and being top-heavy those monitors probably rolled badly in any sort of sea more stirred up than becalmed. I feel sorry for the stomachs of the sailors who manned them. I'd guess they spent a lot of time hanging over the rail... Heinrich505
  20. Hapless, Part II is excellent. Don't worry about competing with c3k for narrative. He is in a class all by himself - none of us can rival that. STAVKA reports that generally speaking, the use of smoke rounds is preferable to using burning T-34/85s, but if the outcome is successful...meh... Your tank charge had a very authentic feel to it. Nice work staggering the rush, although Dimitri in the first tank might disagree with you. This might be because his was the choice for first across, but the "Blue Hat" waving his smg around his tank might have convinced him it was better to take his chances out in the field than to try and reason(?) with NKVD. I've read accounts where the Soviet tank assault had the infantry stripped away from them as they rode over German positions, but the tanks kept on into the rear areas of the German line, causing mayhem and confusion before they were picked off one by one by rear elements with 'schreks and 'fausts. However, having shattered the main line, additional Soviet units would then be funneled in to take advantage of the initial breakthrough. Exactly what you said, but in this case no one else will be following up your charge and you've got to make due with what you have. So, STAVKA reports that the actual breakthrough was successful in another area of the Front, and your action is simply a diversion to pull German troops away or pin them in place for possible encirclement. If your breakthrough tanks start to soften up the woods a bit with area fire, that might cause further mayhem and allow some of your infantry to follow. I think you have a really good balance of plan and action. I don't need to see the plan as much - I tend to focus on the action. However, your explanations for what is happening are really good and enhance the action. I'd say don't change a thing. Great stuff right out of the box. Heinrich505
  21. Bud, Great stuff. The screen shots are excellent. Nice little vignette going here. I needed the circle to spot the assassin but I'm thinking a thinner version of red would work well too, not as visually jarring but still pointing out the enemy in the distance. Tension is mounting... Heinrich505
  22. Baneman, A fitting epitaph! Was his partner able to buddy aid the "tube" and thereby become Tube Guy II? Heinrich505
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