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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. Gamesquad: A forum composed of grown men dedicated to slagging off on a computer wargame and its creators. Starring M. Dorosh as Voldemort. Where comments range from dismissive to contemptuous and the (rare) supporters get buried under 'fanboi' debris. A most curious phenomenon. Why do they bother?
  2. It seems this forum has an unusually high proportion of, er, 'thrifty' folks.
  3. Makes sense with the gun barrel sticking through the hedge. No?
  4. Right. Which is why some of us have lobbied to inflict penalties on lower quality squads splitting into teams. Which would have the side benefit of alleviating micro-management. Go bersaglieri!
  5. Yesterday I fired up the CW: The Mace scenario. It's striking what a vast test of cerebration CMBN presents; the varied multitude of units, the terrain, the weather, the endless possibilities and permutations. The luck factor. Can it truly be mastered?
  6. Cave caniculam (I think)? Hmmm, that's not going to scare anybody. I never underestimate the extent of your erudition, sburke. This forum is indeed a gathering of philosopher kings.
  7. What's with the playing card symbols? I noticed a Heart and a Spade.
  8. I've had *one* since the patch. BF might have over-reacted to the complaints and gone too far the other way.
  9. Beware (of dog). You don't want to cross him. Pompeii was studded with front door mosaics carrying this message. And a graphic for the illiterate. Here's one:
  10. Basic skills? A good friend, who's a HS teacher for the LA Unified School District, would be elated if her charges refrained from dropping the F Bomb on her during class. They're pig ignorant of history (except American transgressions), geography, literature, math and science (except global warming). But loaded to the gills with 'self-esteem'.
  11. I'm guessing that the MG module will cost $55, not $35, and will include the new CMBN 2.0 exe. Or you'll have the option of simply purchasing the upgrade for CMBN vanilla for $20+.
  12. Yes. But we're all hoping that it's $$ or $.
  13. Hmmm, wonder where that came from? Wait, we know!
  14. Wonder if BF will add assault boats at some point. These craft shouldn't prove too demanding to model. There were a couple of marquee amphibious operations during Market Garden. For example Robert Redford's, er, Julian Cook's 'Hail Mary' crossing of the Waal.
  15. Doesn't the fact that FI includes the Hermann Goering Division with its distinctive orange hues imply that the game will offer the option to assign decals? Otherwise, what's the point? Maybe some modder will come up will come up with a HQ unit featuring the portly, drug addled Reichsmarschall himself. Aris?
  16. Almost ideal, but too bad it doesn't help with elevation.
  17. OK, I see. I'm fine with the feature as long as Battlefront didn't devote weeks to programming it. We don't want them delaying the release of FI while they fine tune the 180 degree cover arc shortcut either.
  18. Sorry, I may be dense, but why the necessity for Moveable Waypoints? A lot of folks have been demanding them, yes. I have nothing against the concept but where's the saved labor? Your plot was imprecise so you click Backspace and plop down another. Some of us rarely used the feature in the CM1 versions. Seems like another case of BFC catering to the squeaky wheels on the forum more than anything else. Or I'm missing something. (opening umbrella)
  19. Dunno. Probably not. RT against another human doesn't much interest some of us. But.... ...since they're getting around to fine-tuning this feature Battlefront should consider taking earlier advice and implement a Chess Clock™ system for H-H RT matches. Each player gets a bank of pausable minutes which he can deplete at his discretion. The precise amount mutually decided pre-game, of course.
  20. If they did implement fire they would have mentioned it, methinks. I'd settle for some AA guns in a ground-to-ground capacity. According to Ryan's book they played a significant role in Market Garden.
  21. My God, that's an impressive list. After checking out the CMFI page I'm finding harder to fire up vanilla CMBN. Anyone else fell this way?
  22. Bil loves thoes MEs! From this elevation it resembles Shock Force. I wish it were possible to color code the icons of the various nationalities. E.g., yellow for the Italians, tan for the Brits, etc. It would enhance playability as well.
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