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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. If I were an internet journalist I'd think twice before reviewing any CM games. Too risky. Especially since the advent of the CM2 engine. As I posted in another forum, CM and Battlefront seem to trigger violent emotions ranging from adoration to bitter, obsessive, stalking hatred. Issues over game delivery policies or tactical implementations get personal fast to an extent unrivaled in the business. I suppose there are other examples in the industry but, off the top of my head, can't think of any. Kind of fascinating, actually. A back-handed tribute? But one notices they're still around while others have slipped under the waves.
  2. Yeah, harsh and shallow. James Allen, the proprietor of Out of Eight, contributed some scenarios to Shock Force and wrote a glowing, and grossly premature, 8/8 review. A review which, given the preemie state of that hastily released game, earned him a discharge of heavy flak from buyers who frequent his site and trust his judgment. He was embarrassed. Conflict of interest? In damning CMFI with faint praise I sense a man trying to reassert his street cred. That said, Allen's site .which covers every genre. is fun, comprehensive and usually reliable. He writes well, he entertains. He's a big fan of the Panther Games series, awarding the pricey Battles from the Bulge a perfect score. To each his own; their demos made my eyes bleed.
  3. You convinced me. But this topic is proving more durable than the pyramids. Maybe a new sub-forum is in order.
  4. A while back I downloaded a 1946 British film 'Theirs is the Glory' about Arnhem. It featured many of the actual participants as well as some still running vehicles, Allied and German, from the period. It was stunning to watch the Panthers jolting and rocking as they maneuvered and fired. Closer to the CM rendition than I anticipated. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theirs_Is_the_Glory
  5. If your mortar team is too close to the building it will be unable to fire. Think about it....
  6. Good God, you're right. Although non-intuitive ....
  7. But, Jon, didn't you meet your wife that way? You know, playing Age of Conan: Unchained.
  8. Go into the Saved Games menu. Select a saved game. Press Delete. Nothing. Maybe a quirk of my PC. I dunno.
  9. Yes, not even mentioning the 'niche-y' aspect of the audience for hyper-realistic and cerebral games like this one with its older, commonly employed demographic. Eight players is a lot for your typical CM scenario and, in RT, you'd need more refined Pause options. Like Slitherine's and others? It's becoming an industry standard.
  10. During the early years of the Nazi movement Hitler's colleagues were continually urging him to join their pick up football games. His response was 'how would it look if their Fuehrer were to be seen losing a game!'. (Hanfstaengl) Agree. CMFI is the best Battlefront game to date. My only issues so far are the somewhat narrow scope and that it won't let me delete saved games from within the program (and I could be missing something there). CMFI will, imo, really bloom when it adds the CW troops and moves to the mainland, presumably in the next module.
  11. On the non-splitting Italian squads: Some players pine for more flexibility. Steve defends BF's decision based on historical inflexibility. I recall that in CMBB Russian squads below a given level of experience were prohibited from dividing. I don't remember much angst back then. Maybe because there was more abstraction- no 1:1- in that series of games anyway. My question is: what's the expiration date on this controversy? It's starting to get tiresome already.
  12. Speaking of icons, I noticed that BF has stubbornly resisted my idea to identify the constituent teams of a squad.
  13. That appears to be the case. BF seems to have massaged the fatigue factors. Heavily laden units *seem* to tire faster even on flat terrain. Dunno. Good question.
  14. Wireless mice are Satan's spawn. I fell in love with the MX500. But, after a torrid affair, it jilted me. Like all its predecessors.
  15. Sir, in complete sincerity, you are a wordsmith. My screenwriter partner and I are quarreling. There may be an opening.
  16. My thoughts exactly. BF needs to think really hard on the Pack concept, it's starting to look like wargaming spam. That and the anticipated deluge of titles risks turning the MP community into a a Swiss confederation.
  17. I see the question I submitted didn't get asked. Namely, whether there's truth to the rumor that, when at the computer play testing the Axis, Steve wears a coal scuttle helmet.
  18. Sport? Some of us have been too busy re-watching our favorite bits. Like the rainbow coalition dudes in stovepipe hats marching in commemoration of the Industrial Revolution. Thank heaven for Tivo!
  19. Damn, I worked on it for a half an hour. But you're right. The lapidary effect just isn't there.
  20. I wish BF would hurry up. Tomorrow? Rather hard to maintain interest in CMBN (vanilla) with all the upcoming goodies. Kind of like' how you gonna keep 'em down on the farm once they glimpsed the game that looks really cool despite a rather narrow scope which hasn't come out yet but should be released soon.' Or something...
  21. I just extracted it with a cigar clipper. (ouch!) Turned out it was Rocky Marciano's dormant account. The interest had compounded impressively since 1969! Thanks anyway!
  22. Nope wrong guy, Mick. Not you, rest easy. Now that I think about it was that player from New Zealand. The dude with the sheep. Cheers.
  23. Thanks for the unforgettable image! It has a lingering quality all its own. And its gotten my mind off picturing JonS in a muscle shirt.
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