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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. And -3- the game engine. LLF is trying to replicate an operation which the game was not designed to simulate. At least on that scale and with that unique vegetation.
  2. No, there isn't. However many of the scenarios. e.g. 'Lemon Hill', add Italian Scout units including 3 man teams. The teams carry binocs so they're more useful than detaching two man ad hoc groups. Dunno about QBs.
  3. Sometimes you end up with an unwieldy number of units because the computer insists on breaking down, with no input from you, all or most of the squads into teams. Especially the Germs, for some reason. Very annoying. But I'm sure Sburke loves it.
  4. It's pretty clear that Allen/Jaguar was loaded for bear from the start. It's hard to come out a winner when you have to satisfy more stringent- and, frankly, frivolous- criteria than applied to other products within the same genre. CMFI was heading for an even lower score on his site but the strong and contrary reaction to his video on this and the Wargamer forum softened, one suspects, the final blow. How influential is this guy, anyway?
  5. You gotta respect a man who refers to himself in the 3rd person. Are you channeling Julius Caesar or Bob Dole?
  6. Damn. My girlfriend was looking over my shoulder as I was reading this thread. Now she thinks we're all crazy.
  7. It's amazing how infrequently I've used the Armor Arc in the new game. Maybe because of the relative dearth of infantry AT weapons? The tendency to play exclusively the offensive side? Movable way points- a couple of times.
  8. Somehow I doubt Combat Mission:Landline Coms Edition! would rock the sales charts.
  9. I did notice that when the radio-less company commander called in the off-map arty it did include a *very* stiff delay. Over ten minutes, iirc. Perhaps that reflected, in an abstracted manner, the inconvenience of setting up the phone link.
  10. Probably not worth it for a minor ally. As a game implementation? Interesting a rather frivolous coding diversion, not to mention the 'ZZZZZZ' factor. Maybe disabling the ability to call in off-map stuff if the (Italian) spotter moves? I suspect, as a non-grog, that landlines were more common on the defending side.
  11. Thanks, Mikey. I had assumed the Italian off map stuff would have to be consumed on Turn 1. However, my guys got plastered (hmm...) trying to get up the hill in the first attempt. My plan was doubtless defective so, for the reload, I scheduled a meeting with the various and disgruntled commanders. Their advice was insightful (not) hence the experiment. Also, pls ask Steve to increase the range of the Italian mortars to beyond 450m. 1000m works.
  12. **SPOILER** Scenario: Lemon Hill The Italian force must seize Lemon Hill, a dominating position on a rather denuded promontory. The Company HQ quick moves to a two story house off on the right flank accompanied by two Breda ACs. The HQ, 500m from the setup zone, is able to call off map artillery down on the hill (to negligible effect) 850m distant. How is this possible? Neither the HQ nor the Bredas possess radios.
  13. It seems that troops in CMFI get winded a lot faster using Quick, likely the default tempo, than in previous games. Especially when climbing hills but now also on flat terrain. Additionally the weight they're carrying appears to affect them more, e.g., mortar teams and MGs. The Walk command, neglected before, is coming into its own.
  14. Try the Commonwealth module. Many of the scenarios are whale-ish. And a Medium scenario in CM2 = a Huge one in CM1.
  15. And the limited range of their mortars, around 400m. That caused an unpleasant surprise in a recent battle.
  16. Maybe banning Dorosh was a tactical error. Despite his egregious behavior on the forums. Who knew he'd get pro-active and become an anti-BF evangelist? As LBJ said of J Edgar Hoover: 'It's probably better to have him inside the tent p*ssing out, than outside the tent p*ssing in'. On the other hand....
  17. And you have to email the moderator to get permission to access it. It reminds of a visit to Pompeii many years ago. The guides restricted entry to the rooms with the naughty pictures to adult males.
  18. Also, this new game seems less in dire need of Mods than previous ones. It's looks great out of the box.
  19. I fired a QB yesterday for a change, selected the Germs. To my surprise and dismay, all the squads were pre-splt. As the commander *I* want to decide who splits and who doesn't. For some reason this doesn't occur with the U.S. side (I tested). And it's more of a nuisance to combine squads manually than to split 'em. Also by multiplying the number of units by two it makes it challenging to get a feel for the power of one's kampfgruppe. So, thumbs down for this development. Jaguar come back! All's forgiven.
  20. Well, given your judgment that CMFI *might* be worth $20 as an expansion pack, it doesn't seem likely that your review will end up stickied on this forum. On the other hand I salute your gonads. Not only reviewing a game with such a polarized pedigree, packed with heated detractors and admirers, but actually getting down in the mud and wrestling with them on various fora. It's akin to strolling through Jurassic Park at midnight with a pet sheep on a leash.
  21. That's how I felt. Originally. I did end up buying CMFI but if I had only known about this upcoming gem BF may have had to wait for my 55 bucks. Not only do the camera controls appear state of the art but the pre-release scuttlebutt hints that the Italian (yes it about THAT campaign) squads can be split down to the individual carabinieri . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LstRXsqC00k
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