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Everything posted by meade95

  1. Could I suggest providing your map in several versions. Maybe one map in full (large scenarios) but also broken down into 2 or 3 smaller maps? To run quicker engagments (less CPU usage). Thanks
  2. Is Sniper accuracy (or elite level in general) going to be tweaked higher with patch 1.12 coming out? I still contend it needs to be. In all my play testing accuracy level of elite snipers just doesn't fit...... I also agree with the need for snipers to stay prone more often......and for more evasive behavior once contact has been made (especially incoming rounds).
  3. The issue of Humvees buttoning up hopefully will (has to) be addressed with the next patch - I also believe the tweaking down of RPG accuracy needs to be addressed as well.
  4. Good points regarding "extreme Vs Fanantic". However, I'm not certain that extreme level shouldn't be tweaked slightly higher though. In terms of not retreating / push forward. Though, more so, I believe elite units should have their attributes tweaked higher with regards to accuracy in shooting (especially CQC), speed and general situational awareness.
  5. I like the smaller operation / infantry sceanrios as well - I think it would be great if BFC allowed for more tweaking of "soft" factors for indiviudal SOF type units. Perhaps allowing a designer to increase SA/spotting factors for a given unit....or allow for more fire accuracy (in CQCombat). Even above what seems to be for "elite" units as is now. I'm not talkign rambo style or anything foolish like that. But there is no question tip of the spear SOF shooters today do posses incredible skill sets with regard to SA, fire accuracy and morale / steady-ness under fire.
  6. Great looking map - Plan to use it - It is just a stand alone map, correct. No AI scripting with it.
  7. I would like to have a few more differing maps on the small to medium scale. That allow for MOUT / Urban combat. Either smaller sections of citities (say like in Syria / Iraq)......and likewise in places like Stan.......but would be more "town-ish"...not city type maps.
  8. Why are supply issues a concern of BFC (in the sense of simply givng the customer the option of "no time limits")...These concerns are on him, if he runs out of supply, etc. Furthermore, the supply issue won't even be an issue more often than not.....as all the "no-time-limit" option would allow for.....is a slower pace of progression by units (with more ability to micro-manage in RT). This whole notion of supply issues I find very odd. You can still make scenarios in which it would be optimal for it to be done within X amount of time (or even require be done so without suffering a loss).....However, the option of no time limits would simply allow indiviudal customers to go about playing XY & Z missions in a manner in which they would like to, regardless.... I love CMSF and think BFC (Steve) does a great job on the whole.......However, not having the no-time-limit option I find foolish and needless.
  9. The lack of the option to turn-OFF time limits is one of the most frustrating (and basically ridiculous) features of CMSF / BFC. Regardless, still a great game and company.
  10. Funny - But a side note: Snipers in general (especially Crack/Elite level) U.S. snipers need a big tweak up in performance....(IMO).
  11. Hmm, Steve, sounds like what the whole concept of the WOT/GWOT (whatever acronym you perfer) was / is all about, from the start (and why Iraq and beach-heads of quasi-deomcracies / freedoms were so important.....in any long term strategy for dealing with terrorism, in total)...... I know we have had our honest disagreements on this topic.....but it seems you may be willing to see such things clearer... when you are in the CinC (CEO) type role.....but don't allow for such luxuries when others are in that position/s. And I'm not agruing or bringing up opinions about original force numbers or leaving Bathists in power positionis or not, etc, etc....but simply the need to remove Saddam, and moving on Iraq as being clearly part of any long-term successful strategy regarding the ME & terrorism. From the standpoint that Saddam had to be removed, stretching AQ thin (which proved disasterous for them) as well as those beach-heads of freedom and the concepts of self-worth taking root. Best regards,
  12. Hmm. Good thought. On setting to "poor" after-the-fact of purchasing.
  13. I don't buy the notion that the Syrian Army (much less battle tested within the recent past) would be any more proficient than the Mujahudeen / Taliban / AQ elements / Iraqi insurgent elements.....with regard to RPG use. I would suggest it would turn out just the opposite. I believe RPG accuracy is much too high in CMSF (and done so for gamming balance.....admitted to or not).
  14. I concur with the notion that RPG fire is much too accurate (and deadly)...even with "green / Conscript" rated Red units. I believe the accuracy needs to be tweaked down.
  15. Can't wait until this one is released! - Not sure I have enough time right now to help out with Beta-testing. But can't wait for the release! Excellent campagin choice!
  16. A complete and utter farce of a movie. Lies among lies wrapped around complete untruths, with scattered facts, concieved via a pre-bias and agenda......with no intention of being honest or factual whatsoever. Please.
  17. I was just playing (I believe it is called...Streets of Hamas) or something close to this. You have to secure two seperate locations within a small town/city. I tweaked it slightly myself adding a few more UnCon units (for the enemy side). Just played it....had not advanced my Marines into any of the two areas and low and behold at some point the AI surrenders to me.....And while they had take casualties.....upon review of the map.... They still had a large number fully controling one KEY area (and I had not even fired on it yet...nor had many in any forward enough position to)...and in the other key area they still have a few men there... I had NO men in either of these areas..... Yet at the end it gave me credit for securing both?
  18. Sounds very interesting - This is where CIA Mike Spann was killed -
  19. I believe the simply pop-up option would suffice and be more than reasonable for players / customers to have the option for....... That being a simple pop-up of "set time limit is up / do you want continue".....when time has expired....
  20. But that would be known to mission / scenario designers and easily worked around - Via limiations on distances for such longer missions, shorter engagment settings for the AI, etc, etc, etc. I still find no real reason why BFC simply doesn't provide / allow for their customers to have this option.......We would be making these missions for ourselves and allowing ourselves the option of using more time....... I can completely understand if they did not want such longer times for their created campagins....
  21. AI supply issue I can see being somewhat of a point - However, if the more time option was simply an option for the "Player" to take more time (more micromgmt in RT play) this wouldn't cause any issues with the AI/Supply issue....
  22. I'm curious why wont allow for the "no time limit" option? Esepcially for user-created scenarios / missions. There are plenty of great missions / maps....and plenty more theoretically that could be greatly enhanced if players could take whatever time necessary (at least more than simply 2hrs)..... Just curious.
  23. +1 - FISH is likely my favourite map/mission DL thus far with CMSF...
  24. When setting up a scenario (to be played Vs computer) am I missing an obvious value (I can directly adjust) in terms of setting the conditions in which the computer AI will offer a surrender / truce? Or is this direclty / in-directly related to the morale of units still within the AO of where the scenario is taking place? If I wanted to create a situation where all the guys are a bunch of dead-enders and are willing to stay and fight until the end......(and I do not want the AI surrendering early / even with heavy losses)....is the way to accomplish this simply setting the vast majority of enemy units to "fanatic" or "extreme"? Thanks
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