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Everything posted by meade95

  1. Hmm? After multiple tests, I have yet to determine what these units actually do (I'm placing Red units as such....then playing as Blue...). It seems at times, some units start off where they were placed (via the editor) and stay there.....while at other times they seem to start off at an entirely different location...and/or move to one rather quickly...... (On a side note, not really related, I love the designate unit feature/option ...to be killed / destroyed for additional objective/bonus within a mission).
  2. Will do. Plan too. At work currently and was just brainstorming a thought.
  3. Here's a somewhat simple question? Say I have a group (Group F4) and in the set-up order I have a shaded area that encompasses 4 buildings in total - What will the AI have this group do? Will they simply stay in whatever particular bulding they are in (in the placement phase during unit placement editor).... Or will they somewhat patrol around this entire shaded area until coming under fire / spotting the enemy?
  4. Thanks again for this information - So, as long as a red unit is placed within the red-zone/s, it will start up in the location of where you have "shaded", correct (not necessarily where you have it placed in the scenarior / unit editor).
  5. Edit (above comment). When I typed "At plan #1" (which is really order #1 of Plan #1) which is the set-up order - And all of this is for Group 4, lets say, for example. So in theory there could be multiple Plans for Group 4, in which they could have multiple different set-up orders (and additional orders off of those differing set-up orders).
  6. Thanks for the additional info - I plan to do as suggested - Go through / playtest a couple small situations and try and get a better feel - But do I have this start up process correct - Say I have a group labeld (F4) group 4 - At plan #1 - When it says "set-up". When I shade in a section on the map (yellow) does this mean this unit will look to get to this point on the map (if not already there when placed)? And once at that location, if not given another order will remain at this given location/s ? Now if this is the case? So when I place a set-up order (location and ROEs) how long will they remain at this location prior to moving on to order #2 (if there is one). Now, for order #2, is this again merely placing a yellow shade somewhere on the map? And then this unit will find a way of getting to said location (while protecting itself). Do I have this somewhat correct?
  7. Thanks for the link - Appreciated! "The Plans" section of the AI is naturally the most complicated / cumbersome for me at this point - So, one can basically have 8 groups, correct? and each of these groups can have how many plans? Is there a maxium number? I think the example of using one truck moving down a street was somewhat of a poor choice too a degree. Another question. Say, you simply put a figher group onto a map (with no real plan). What will the AI have them do? Simply stay at that location and only act when responding to incoming fire upon them? If you want a fighter group to simply protect a given individual? How do you go about this? Or do you simply have them defend a given location / house / structure?
  8. Looking for a good information / walk thru's in creating AI plans (for Red units) in new created scenarios -
  9. I'm on board with most other comments on here - The review wasn't all that bad (in text) however, its score was much too low - As an avid player of RTS/FPS on the more tactical / stragetic level (from HPS type simes, POA2 to OGR, original R6/RS) I think with the lastest 1.10 patch...... CMSF should be given an 8 out of 10 at this point. The "objective" confusion I found odd as hell in the review.
  10. Ok. Thanks for the info - I look forward to when you do have time to put out a Black-SOF for the U.S. Army. Which of your uniforms (non-conventional) currently do apply to the U.S. Army side? Or are all your non-conventional looking uniforms currently just for the Marine units. Your Uniform Mod Pack Part 1 - Are these for both Army and Marines? THanks again...
  11. NormalDude - Love your skin mods - Couple questions - I have used (and really like) your black SOF skins for Marines - However, is there any way I can get this uniforms on the U.S. Army soldiers? As some of their weapons layouts I would perfer (for guys with these uniforms). Do you have black SOF for U.S. Army? And to remove your Black SOF skins for Marines (and go back to the original) do I simply remove your SOF black Marine file from my Z-folder (correct). Thanks again!
  12. This already happens - Soliders give medic aid to every solider that is down - As long as you keep your unit close to where a fallen man is.....
  13. A late friday release of 1.11????? I can hope, can't I...
  14. I agree completely with the above - I see how they have it now (with no friendly fire from small-cal weapons) working very well. I think it makes much sense...
  15. Enjoyed this one much - Thanks! Quesiton, do you use alternative battle plans / AI plans for the UNCON force? For replayability? I likewise finished this battle with about 8 min's left....due to a surrender. I added a few additional Marine elements to my force structure (taking away few Army that you had). Finished with 4 KIA and 8 WIA....
  16. Absoutely excellent AAR - Thanks much! Well done!
  17. Completely wrong - Did we create moral equivalences with Nazis? No. Was it needed to end the war? No. Ditto that with Radical Islam (not Islam, but Radical Islam). There is no ability to compromise with such radical elements. They do not want it. Killing those elements while at the same time helping to create an atmosphere for mass self-deporations away from radical Islam is key to a long term victory over this element / enemy. But killing them (those already leading this cause) is a damn well key part.
  18. Trying to create a moral-equilivence between the United States and that of Islamic Jihidists is simply not dealing with reality. By any and all reasonable measures. For those that think there is.......than there is simply a conflict of visions between these two mindsets, one that all the talking and eloquence in the word isn't going to bring together to mutually agree on anything of substance.......So no need to continue.... Which is exactly why after 9-11 the United States and this Administration recognized on/in the macro-sense (even if not getting everything right on the micro-levels.....which no war has....again on the micro-level one can make a case that WWII was one blunder after another up until the time we...won!)... But the United States/GWB Administration recognized in the macro-sense we were not at war with just AQ....but with Islamic Jihidists and those Nations supporting them. Now, that doesn't mean you can go to war with each nation simultaeously....or even with all eventually........but it does mean we had to go directly after those elements most threatning (and unstable) along with looking to provide a path/atmosphere for a mass self-deporation away from radical Islam.....(as those nations within the ME, itself, were not going to create such an atmosphere)....and I don't mean by putting mandates down or laws.......but by creating and introducing the value of self-worth (but in order to do so, we were going to have to remove a dictator or two, kill numbers of evil SOBs, show the people of the ME we were willing to suffer and stay the course with them)....through such a process / path......the ability to create an atmosphere that allows people to make their own choice away from radcial Islam (not Islam, mind you), would be possible. Such a path would provide security (immediately, in the short-term) while also looking to address the long term solutions as well. This is how you move the ME out from under such Jihidists.......
  19. Agree with all above - Especially the need to know what the sky-jocks above are carrying to the battle (and +1 on the need for the big Spooky AC-130 being brought to bear).... I think is likely the next stage in CAS for CMSF...
  20. I couldn't agree more with your overall premise here - Spot on -
  21. Darn. I have tomorrow off work (first day in over 3 weeks) and was wishing to see 1.11 out!
  22. Damn. Try saying that 5 times in a row! Ha. But on the whole here I completely agree with you here 9 times out of 10. Also, plan to get back with you on your longer post - But bro, that was like an interrogation post......with so many questions......But definitely plan to get back with you with some time. Plenty of good questions.
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