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    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    New defense line of "dragon teeth" (dead Wagners gravestones) in Krasnodar region %) 

  2. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The third strike in Berdiansk for today.

    Also reportedly two explosions on outskirts of Skadovsk - seashore town of Kherson oblast.
  3. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Butschi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I get the frustration, of course he wanted to get a more positive answer. Can't blame him either. But as someone commented on TV: Sadly, part of the frustration is self induced because Zelensky clearly overplayed his hand this time and expected and/or promised too much. As Stoltenberg said in his last answer at the press conference, there is no NATO membership while Ukraine is still at war. And since noone can tell how long the war is going to last there can be no realistic date for a membership. Even the Latvian prime minister said this was the only realistic answer.
  4. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Butschi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Oh come on, you know perfectly well that even if Poland were servicing M1s since 2002 the US government would never pay for it if not at a large part of the money went back to the US. And don't think for a moment that the Poles would be handling this differently if roles were reversed.
    Germany gave tanks to Ukraine. Those tanks had to be either refurbished (paid for by Germany) or taken from the Bundeswehr (replacement being paid for by Germany). Now Germany pais for keeping those tanks in the fight. It's better to do that in Poland so Poland gets its share. The rest goes to Germany. Perfectly normal. I don't see the drama here.
  5. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Butschi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Do you think things were different if we were talking about M1s instead of Leo2s? Do you really think the US government would say "The Poles are perfectly able to service their M1s, we'll just give them our taxpayers' money instead of letting it flow back to US companies."?
    These deals are always made in a way that supports domestic economy.
  6. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Der Zeitgeist in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    That's not surprising.
    US & Western Europe sent a lot of equipment that needs extensive training and preparation before it can be shipped, so the time between announcing a particular system for Ukraine and delivering it will be quite high.
    Eastern Europe sent a lot of former Soviet equipment that needs little or no training, so deliveries can be done much faster.
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    Lethaface reacted to MikeyD in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I recall awhile back hearing US and Europe was having the small problem of pulling out equipment from storage, expecting to quickly hand it over to Ukraine, only to be shocked by its dilapidated state. Then comes the repair and refurbishment and parts replacement before they can hand it over, greatly extending delivery times. That applies to everything from Humvees to M777s and much else.
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    Lethaface reacted to DesertFox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    Lethaface reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    On repeat: Igor Sushko is a fabricator. 
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    Lethaface reacted to Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    Lethaface reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It would be the part when you stepped on the slippery slope of seeming to suggest that an older persons life was worth less than a young persons life.  I don't even disagree but is opens up a major hypocrisy hole in the position of the "think of the children!" side.  If the value of life is indeed transactional in nature (e.g. old people are going to die soon anyway) then that universal principle applies across the board.  The loss of children itself become transactional as well = relative morality.
    In reality landmines, napalm, cluster munitions and fully autonomous "killbots" are less about the cost/danger/morality of warfare, and more about political power.   If it were about existential danger of weapons in warfare then we would have banned all nuclear weapons years ago.  There is even a treaty from 2017 but as you will notice even though 92 states signed on there is a whole lot of cricket sounds coming out of the Western world on this one.
    I am pretty cynical about all this considering that the real existential threat to human survival - and yes that would be all the children - cannot get traction from anyone but the global South/3rd world.  Maybe this is a work in progress so starting small is the plan but considering our current situation the entire thing really feels hollow.  The landmine and cluster munitions treaty did exactly zero to prevent the Russian invasion, nor did it stop Russia for a millisecond in using these weapons with wanton abandon.  This should be a big hint that soft power/collectivism/whatever-the-hell-they-go-on-about is not a real thing without hard power to actually back up enforcement because people are the worst.  Our better angels have pointy tales and horns and no amount of pontificating or posturing is going to change that.  And here is the rub and why this whole thing is likely really upsetting so many in the liberal humanism/human security camp - if we were in Ukraine's position how long would our moral high ground be sustained? 
    Maybe, just maybe, our righteous (and preachy) house is built on sand in the face of the old red gods.  We have just been rich enough and safe enough, for long enough to forget this.
  12. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Tux in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Is your argument that Western European nations in World War 2 were simply too nice to fight against the Germans and that their more-or-less united stance against the use of DPICM today is a further display of the same 'lack or moral fibre'?
    Is it just for convenience that you omit the fact that the only nation to fight Nazi Germany for the entirety of the war was Western European, as well as the fact that the same Germany that most of Western Europe simply 'couldn't bring themselves to fight against' now also opposes the use of DPICM?  Not to mention anything of the myriad nuanced reasons behind individual nations' reasons for surrender in 1939/40 (hint: none of them surrendered because fighting the invaders 'wouldn't be nice').
    Sorry mate, some of your points are useful but this is the closest to trash you've posted for a while.
  13. Like
    Lethaface reacted to The_MonkeyKing in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This is such a nothing burger. Comments were taken out of context. From a video interview by Admiral Rob Bauer, chairman of the military committee of NATO. So the guy is not even "the guy" to ask about this.
     This guy loosely quoting states that F-16 is such a big and slow undertaking it will likely come in time for the current offensive. Absolutely nothing controversial here...
    "The discussion on the fighters is an important one, but it will not be solved in the short term for this counter-offensive."
    "Training those pilots, training the technicians, making sure there is a logistic organization that can actually sustain these aircraft will not be available before this counter-offensive."
    "We shouldn’t mix the two discussions – I think it’s important and understandable that Ukraine asks for these fighter aircraft – but we should not mix it with the counter-offensive discussion now."
  14. Like
    Lethaface reacted to A Canadian Cat in Just an Idle thought about perhaps 'revamping' some CM:BS elements   
    LOL really, should have been? BFC did a really good job in 2012-2014 in guessing what the battlefield would be like in 2017, including drones. It was based on lessons learned in Afghanistan and other places. What they have makes a lot of sense. I suspect what they got wrong was the ease that drones are downed by some AAA, even then I'm not sure we have clear evidence on that.
    For sure if they were to create a game in 2023 guessing what the battlefield would be like in 2027 they would have a lot more drones of different sizes and capabilities.
    I would like to see a TO&E in a module that includes more types and more instances of drones in the org chart. I think that's about all you can expect. Even then we might be disappointed in their interpretation of drones in 2017 since by definition the game is not set in 2022.
  15. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from FogForever in Benefits and risks of hull down battle positions   
    I have a hard time imagining that too :). 
    If the hull down Panther could have aimed for the turret of the hull up Panther, the test results would probably be rather different. Also the tests don't account for battlefield conditions, in which the hull up Panther also has more chance that it is exposing it's weak hull side armor to other units compared to the hull down Panther. Although that all depends on the exact position. 
  16. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Maciej Zwolinski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It is a much bigger missile (about twice the dimensions of a Stinger, which has to fit a man's shoulder), it is not being shot from the ground upwards but from the air downwards, and it has a much easier time targeting a tank, than an AA missile would have targeting a helicopter. It must have been a much easier thing to design than an AA missile of similar range. 
  17. Like
    Lethaface reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Please take The Bomb discussion to latest Oppenheimer review comments section (or Barbie Movie if you prefer).
  18. Like
    Lethaface reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This thread?
    One side is able to and is advancing, and it isn't the Russians.
    One side is about to take Bakhmut after about 10 months of nearly constant fighting there, and it isn't the Russians.
    One side is constantly improving the quality and quantity of its military, and it isn't the Russians.
    One side has strong and cohesive internal social, political and military structures, and it isn't the Russians.
    One side is winning this thing, and it isn't the Russians.
    It's a bit like the Second World War. The Allies had won by late-1943, at the latest. There was still a lot of fighting and dying to go, in fact *most* of the fighting and dying was still to come. But the outcome was clear.
  19. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Author of video Valeriy Markus, he is not squad leader, he is in a rank of master-sergeant and he is chief sergeant of 47th brigade. Very ineteresting video, alas, only UKR subs. 
    Some episodes - Markus detained Russian POW. He is convicted. Enlisted from correctional facility in May 2023. Nobody ask their agreement, they just were sent "to dig trenches". They dug trenches near Vasylivka, then were deployed near Tokmak. This guy told "alot of armor and Grads" around Tokmak in fields. To this place, where he was captured they were moved five days ago. He had AK-12 rifle. Markus says to him "nobody will risk to evacuate you now, so the only way for you to survive is that we must kill all your friends in next tree-line. This is a war" 
    In trench Markus is planning tactiacal actions - he ordered to put two MGs on flanks and wants that artillery conduct short, but concentrated and intensive strike on enemy position, then assault group with fast attack wil burst into tranches
    In the night, Markus again plans next assault. He say there need two pairs, which have to silently crawl along tree-line, where Russian trenches and to throw grenades there, when other group will attack from other side. He says he will in this "grenadier group" and ask who are ready to go with him. One soldier answered, that nobody of them didn't do these things, so Markus says "If we don't take in dare rush this positions, we will must withdraw, because enemy artillery will smash us here"
    Looks like he has found volunteers, we are hearing sounds of explosions in the night and next cadre is a group of Markus after the rest in seized trenches. This is about Markus meant in short video where they are slept on corpses of Russians (and this turned out not a joke). Next Markus again plans mopping up the tree-line with two groups, which have to crawl along the plant and seek a trail, leading inside the tree-line, He ordered the sapper to move first and he checks the way in tree-plant with a probe tool. Next by radio we are hearing Russians withdrew to blindage and shooting is starting.
    Next cadres - UKR soldiers comletely captured enemy positions. They say Kadyrov troops were here, but on my opinion there was just regular troops of 42nd division, which mainly consists of Chechens.     
  20. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Butschi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The latter even more than the former. Especially several in a row... Used by every idiot on the web for discussions on Facebook or Twitter when they know they can't compete in said discussion. Usually "completing" a comment like "Yeah, keep on believing what they tell you"...
  21. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Bulletpoint in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Every time I read someone writing in all caps "HERE'S WHAT THE MEDIA WILL NOT TELL YOU" it goes into my mental spam filter and I just ignore it. Same with comments that end with "crying with laughter" emojis.
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    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So, it's how Leo could survive 4 ATGM hits, espesicllay its were old Fagots %)
  24. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You can imagine how is Soviet light armor vulnerable, if UKR soldiers say that M113 and especially YPR-765 have better protection %) 
  25. Like
    Lethaface reacted to IICptMillerII in Shall try to start an unofficial screenshots thread?   
    This was my first dive back into the world of reshade. Some are better than others (at least to my eye) as I was figuring out how reshade works again and trying out different settings. Not sure why I decided to go with CMFI to test this out, something about this game always seems to pull be back from time to time. It's got a certain character to it. There are a handful of mods alongside the reshade in these pictures. 

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