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    Lethaface reacted to General Jack Ripper in Task Force Thunder Mission 1 - Why the mines?   
    The original mission in CMSF1 mentioned a minefield, but there were no landmines in the game.
    Seems logical to add them into the mission now they are available.
    A clear lane through the mines is designed into the mission. You need only detect all of the mines with your engineers.
    The mines themselves are antitank mines, and pose no threat to your troops, feel free to walk around the area and find them all. Once you've found them, run your vehicles through the gap single file.
    See below. My engineers begin their work at 5:00.
  2. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in Soviet on-map big guns in the module for historical accuracy   
    Well, I thought this documents will motivate BF to add some new features in the new module or separate pack and can be useful for players, but looks like this is now have a sense just for historical knowledge, if you want to continue...
    So, last time I finished in the place, when a tank was hit with faust. I am skipping translation about half of the page, just retelling that author describes further how 152 mm SP-gun moved to this building on 50 m, but after several shots also was hit with faust, the crew abandoned vehicle [look at this again, 152 mm several times hit the building, but even after this, walls didn't collapse and enemy troopers kept capability to fight]. The author complains that assault group commander  didn't give even though 3-4 SMG-gunners for covering of vehicles. Because of this, that building was assaulted whole day instead to do it faster. 
    And now I'm continuing translation:
    The guns of 11th and 9th of our brigade were deployed on the open fire position on Zeidelstrasse street. The task to our battalion put the artillety commander of 295th rifle division. He pointed just about the place for gun deployment and the target also just about. It was necessary to communicate with commaners of battaliones and companies of 48th and 38th rifle regiments of 295th rifle division for [correct] target receiving. When the target was received, our guns, of course, without any covering from our infantry side, were set up in firing positions and opened fire. The effect of fire was exclusively large, but the infantry didn't take advantage on this. Jr.lt Malakhov, command platoon leader of 11th battery [spotters is usually appointing from this unit] was sent to the infatry to notice that we will fire at such-and-such target, be ready to attack, but give a sign, when we must to cease fire. But jr.lt was met rudely, nobody was preparing for an attack. The building was ruined, but didn't seiz, because in rubles enemy soldiers settled again. 
    With darkness falling, the artillery commander of 295th rifle division col. Zhokhin ordered our 11th battery to change firing position. For escorting he sent a major, who completely unawaring what's going on ahead, ordered to drag the gun. He was warned that there impossible to pass - the tanks interfered - they agglomerated ahead and couldn't drive further because of the faust-shooters influence on them. Thus, the gun standed amid the tanks whole night and up to 12-00 of the next day. Near the tanks, lt Kirichenko had saw the commander of 416th Guard rifle division and ask to give opportunity to move forward. Mayor-general answered: "There is no special need on your gun, so let it stand". Then, lt.Kirichenko appeal to the colonel Zhokhin with similar question and he answered: "For now let the gun stand, if necessary, open fire from where it stands". Subsequently, we was forced to maintain firing position on this place. At the moment, when the gun was prepared to combat, the representative of Zhokhin arrived with demanding to change firing position in the area, where again it was impossible to drive.  The question had to be settled with col.Zhokhin. Thus, we opened fire at 19-30 instead 2-00. 
    From the foregoing in must be concluded that for the leadership over direct fire [high-power] guns it is necessary to appoint not the [infantry] battalion commander, which somtimes doesn't imagine what is that 203 mm howitzer and thinks it can be rolled out manually whereever as him see fit, but appoint the artilleryman, who has complete not only grasping, but also and knowledges of how to use one or another system.
    To be continued...   
  3. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Scenario Alarmeinheiten

    Advise Battalion, the south Battle Position is secure.   

  4. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Wicky in Fire and Rubble Update   
    👍 One of my my faves since CMBB

  5. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Michael Emrys in Not dead yet   
    This may belong in an already open thread, in which case my apologies for starting an unnecessary one, but I am pressed for time at the moment and can't spend a lot here yet. But I did want to bring friends and colleagues up to date.
    On December 20th. I suffered a fall which fractured my upper right arm and had to spend the next three months in a nursing facility more or less incommunicado. I only arrived back home Monday and am scrambling to pick up where I left off. I had for instance 751 emails waiting for me which I have so far only managed to put a small dent in.
    Anyway, expect to hear more from me in the future. For some inexplicable reason, I missed you guys.

  6. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from Blazing 88's in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    he likes toes in his pot.
  7. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from Bud Backer in Be Not The Anvil   
    Keep m coming! 🙂
  8. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Infantry gun in action.  Scenario Alarmeinheiten. 

    Scratch one T-34. 

  9. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Bud Backer in Be Not The Anvil   
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    Lethaface reacted to Bud Backer in Be Not The Anvil   
  11. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Bud Backer in Be Not The Anvil   
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    Lethaface reacted to Bud Backer in Be Not The Anvil   
  13. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in Soviet on-map big guns in the module for historical accuracy   
    Well, here is a document "Сombat report of 4th battalion commander of 122nd high-power brigade 14.04 - 1.05.1945. For Russian speakers I am just posting a link: https://pamyat-naroda.ru/documents/view/?id=451667467&backurl=q\120-я габр БМ РГК::begin_date\16.04.1945::end_date\31.05.1945::use_main_string\false::group\all::types\opersvodki:rasporyajeniya:otcheti:peregovori:jbd:direktivi:prikazi:posnatovleniya:dokladi:raporti:doneseniya:svedeniya:plani:plani_operaciy:karti:shemi:spravki:drugie::page\2
    For other I will translate as much per day as can ) 
    1. Action of the artillery.
    Control platoons of the battalion have entered to Berlin city in 19-00 Apr.23th. Observation points were chosen in close proximity from forward units of our infantry. At the first onset it turned out insufficient opportunity of close support of infantry with artillery fire from closed positions because of presense of tall buildings in front of the enemy defense line, hence there was a possibility of scraping of storeys by our shells. And therefore, in such case, the fire from closed positions could be fired only at targets, located in the nearest depth of the enemy, that of course couldn't play a major role for advancing of our infantry on contact line. 
    Except for the above reason, there was a difficulty in fire adjustment in the firing from closed positions, because of tall buildings hide bursts. 
    For effectve support of infantry it was necessary to put forward a part of own artillery for direct fire. This kind of firing  is most appropriate to use in conditions of street fights in the large city, thanks to the great fire effect, small ammunition waste, opportunity of fast fire affection at aliving and new appearing targets, at which is possible to provide firing from already occupied firing position.
    To be continued...
    Example of the page:
  14. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Soviet on-map big guns in the module for historical accuracy   
    I would absolutely support @Haiduk's call for these weapons to be included in the module.
  15. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in Soviet on-map big guns in the module for historical accuracy   
    I have a document, which says howitzers moved or rotated manually with steel hawsers by crew and possibly infantry. This is big, but exclusively interesting document, I will translate it page by page. Though if B-4s will be included, then their heavy tractor Voroshilovets also should be added.
  16. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in Soviet on-map big guns in the module for historical accuracy   
    New module will cover time span where Red Army was involved in bloody assaults and sieges which don't limited only Berlin operatin. Poznan, Kenigsberg, also more early operations in Lithuaniua, Western Ukraine - in all these operations Soviet troops encountered with extremaly strong buildings and heavy field fortifications, which successfully resisted to all types of heavy infantry support guns, even 152 mm. Thus, Soviet command was forced to use for direct fire in urban combats and positions breaktrough high-power artillery of High Command Reserve.
    Beacuse of this theme summoned discussion,  I am opening separate thread and transfering my previous posts here. I hope BFC will follow historical developments and will include at least 203 mm  B-4 howitzer in the game as well as super-strong modular buildings and fortifications, almost invulnerable for infantry support guns.

    B-4 on the Berlin street, towed by Voroshilovets heavy artillery tractor

  17. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Frenchy56 in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    After playing around a bit with the scales and transform here is the result, vanilla on the left and modded on the right.
    You can also note that the vanilla crew is way too far back, which is fixed by transforming the model backwards in Blender.
    I plan on releasing the fixes for the 7.62cm Pak36(r) and the various CW 6 pounder guns after I'm finished with them.
  18. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Bud Backer in Be Not The Anvil   
  19. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Thanks for asking.  I'm in the process of making more changes to the map.  It is a bit more urban / congested now (like its real life counterpart).  I have not updated all the call-outs yet.  They still all work but will work better, in the better environment, after I tweak them. 
    Hill Street Station (D-15).

    Midtown Station (D-11).    
  20. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Mord in Released: Mord's Allah's Army Sound Mod v2   
    I made a mention about not knowing whether it'd work in SF1 in the readme. I didn't bother to say anything about other titles because it was a specific mod geared toward Shock Force 2 and Arabic nations which precludes FI/BN/BS/RT/FB and CMA because of it's pre CMBN architecture.
  21. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
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    Lethaface reacted to Armorgunner in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    Hey, give the guy a break! It´s apparent to everybody,  that he doesn't know the drill. From his Point of view!! I can understand. That he thought you were joking, about raping mothers.
    But he certainly knows now though 😄 
  23. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Blind troops   
    Let it go, let it go, let it go
  24. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    I would like to see them on map. They would be useful for the assault on heavy fortified strongpoints (heavy buildings, bunkers, etc). The urban fighting in Berlin features, afaik, many battles for fortified buildings / streets.
    The B-4 seems authentic for this.
    With the 155mm SP long tom in CMFB, the Sturm Tiger and AVRE I think there is plenty of similar 'over powered' semi direct fire units in CMx2 game already. A scenario designer can always choose not to include them. Also, they probably won't be that useful apart from destruction of fortified positions because it would take a long time moving around.
    Like @BletchleyGeek , I think it is probable that direct fire usage of such things is more of a 'bottom up' thing than a 'top down' thing. 
  25. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    Agreed, but here we are talking about the inclusion of a howitzer on map or off map. Not about the atrocitiesvcommitted by different parties. I don't think anyone here applauds what happened to german woman in 1945.
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