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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. For CM it shouldn't make much difference indeed, although I seem to have a bit better performance on huge battles with 3080 vs previous 1080. Could be just imagination though. I did hear that the 3060ti is a great card price/performance and close to a 3070. So for certain games there might be a noticeable difference.
  2. All level of skills have some kind of use in the end
  3. That's some large maps! Looking forward to playing them!
  4. Perhaps I should refrain from replying, but there was literally no reason to bring stuff like this up here and now. This (at least) was about the inclusion of Jagdtiger vs Valentines in F&R. You bring up a post from 5 years back? That's some very old cows your pulling from the ditch (dutch saying). Haven't read Irving myself nor do I have the desire to read him, to be clear. But I don't think it's a topic for this thread or perhaps forum. Anyway, peace out it's almost weekend and I'll be enjoying that!
  5. You could very well be right regarding the SBF positions. However I'd expect Bil not to target his artillery on a hunch, also not sure about the call in time or how the cluster artillery even works exactly. What we do know is that both are indeed looking at the same flank, while Capt plans to advance (through the open?) and Bil seems to be preparing for an enemy push there. Or, at least he seems to be setting up some TOW M113s against that flank, has some tanks already in place there and ordered the second tank platoon to the same flank but out of sight. So I'm not sure he will be surprised if Capt pushes full strength there, he's sort of expecting it it seems to me. I'll guess for the outcome of the armour fight, a lot depends on artillery; Capt has ordered strikes on the crest while I suspect Bil wil also try to use his own (he's quite a lot). Not too worried about the infantry, if Soviet squads are 6men each like CMBS / Syrian CMSF2, I'm not sure how big of the difference is regarding infantry strength. Plus Bil has enough artillery to barrage the town. I think the winner of the armour enagement will decide who has the upperhand with infantry fighting for the town. But, I think it's difficult to be accurate without having seen the map in CM for ourselves.
  6. Opinions are like 'bottoms', everybody has one. If someone spouts nazi ideology, than by all means call it. But thinking that Soviets overwhelmed Germans with numbers or that German tanks were superior, has literally no direct relation to being a nazi. Perhaps all nazi's believe that as well, but that doesn't make it true the other way around. Cows are mammals, not all mammals are cows. If moderating a discord channel makes you see Nazi's everywhere, perhaps it would be healthy for you and your enjoyment of your hobby to stop moderating that
  7. And plain dumb people. It is dumb to assume anyone who would enjoy a vehicle of a certain kind in a game is a fanboy of the political ideology of the nation which fielded that vehicle. Especially if it is used an argument for other vehicles to be added. Now I don't care about the Jagdtiger or Valentine 234 whatever added, but if people do that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a rosy view of whatever or being a nazi fanboy.
  8. Not sure. I think Bil may be able to force out Capt's base of fire AFVs using cluster bomb artillery (along the treeline or around the bridge seem good targets), going for positional advantage on the right flank and probably do well fighting it out. Some Cobra's might come in as flying cavalry and save the day. At the same time, Capt has called artillery of his own and manpads might shoot those Cobra's down. Are there any flanking opportunities from Bils left flank? Anyway I'll put my money on Bil to balance out the odds a bit ;-).
  9. Nice one! Give m some hell! Two out of three ain't bad indeed, more than enough for government work ;-). And indeed good to see the Sagger demand more respect.
  10. Don't know which scenario you talked about, also not behind game PC. I'm just scrolling a bit on the forum between / during some meetings which require my presence but not much interaction. Anyway my point was that we started talking about this when you said that you're shoot & scoot protocol was very different. Now the conversation has moved to recon by fire / maneuver warfare. Shoot and scoot is, at least in my book, something used against an opponent you know is there but in a situation where you don't know if there are more opponents. The classic shoot & scoot is to have a tank behind a hill, move it up to hull down, shoot at the enemy, reverse behind the hill. But of course in theory you could call any shooting and moving 'shoot & scoot'. Anyway, goedenavond!
  11. Fatal error: undefined state 'completed' on line 666. Same here but I think that's all working as designed, more or less. When the module is out we will receive a DL link and the necessary key is already in place.
  12. I would prefer recon on foot instead, if possible. I wouldn't worry about AT-14 with regards to your G-wagons, in a match against a good player they would probably be on armor arcs and so not triggered by Jeeps. And indeed their speed make ATGM / RPG fires unlikely to hit. However, small arms fire is much faster and more numerous. A couple of infantry sentry teams could easily shoot up your G-wagon. Which will give you recon info, but that info could also have been obtained by some infantry scout teams at lesser cost. But if time is of the essence and or long range recon is necessary, than yes I can see a recon by fire with fast vehicles as a valid option. Like you say, movement in bounds from cover to cover with a pair of vehicles covering / shooting for another moving pair is a good tactic. And indeed why not also shoot on the move. I once tried a big manuever like this in urban terrain with two platoon of tanks and a mech inf company (PBEM). Didn't have time for proper scouting as my forward base was under assault. Did record some of the turns (just some nvidia captures of a couple playback movies): -- But still that's not shooting & scooting we were talking about originally. Anyway, sounds like your getting ready for some PBEMs!
  13. Not that I always or usually agree with @Aragorn2002, however to look at this subject from Dutch perspective after WW2: Basically after WW1 The Netherlands put pacifism in practice. The idea was that neutrality would save/protect us from war, there was a large 'broken rifle' movement. The only tank we had was in a museum and had to be driven out to help defend the coutry after our neutral strategy didn't work. So, from there the perspective of 'dangerous nonsense' is nuanced I guess. I don't think Aragorn likes war or something. Well I think that the history of our countries are in a large way responsible for these differences. We took some different lessons from WW2, so to say Personally I'm happy for Germany to take a more outspoken role with regards to EU / NATO defense and geopolitics. We shouldn't forget what happened, but the past shouldn't burden the present with feeling of shame or guilt. At least that's my opinion.
  14. I'd never send a vehicle by itself on a long move through unknown / not covered terrain (especially not an open Jeep which has 0 protection against small arms). But as part of a larger maneuver, yes it's always good to be shooting at suspected locations while moving and ending up in cover. However I thought we were talking about shoot & scoot in urban terrain with BMP-2s
  15. My guess: you plan to lure him into advancing on your right flank, with the second tank platoon staying out of sight but ready to move into hull down and shoot and scoot against such a movement, while the TOWs are positioned to fire ATGM at armor that pops up hill crest but out of LOS/LOF from the bulk of his forces further down. Your last tank platoon will move to the left flank, aiming to get side shots into any forces moving on your right flank (if LOS/LOF allows that at least). Your infantry will cautiously move forward through the center and utilize covered approaches as much as possible, with the aim scouting while getting closer towards the objective without becoming engaged just yet. Although any dragon ATGM teams will be looking to get sideshots on any of his armour / IFVs which advance forward up the hill. Something along those lines. Edit: also, more smoke in front of his treeline and or cluster munition artillery strike along his SBF positions when identified. At the moment it seems the treeline would be a nice target but the area around the bridge from where your TOW M150 was targeted, would be a nice option as well. I guess you plan to strike only when it's clear enough where and if a SBF position will be established.
  16. Guess they did that on purpose, why tow it if it can run down the hill itself? It's nearly indestructible after all
  17. Probably because it could do it. Or perhaps it wanted to impress you with his ability to use flail tanks and give you something to shoot at with your jagdtiger. But in all seriousness, AI force selection isn't using big data or neural networks for it's decision making on what forces it needs to win. All i know it's a semi random selection, so you're probably better of reviewing it and or selecting it yourself.
  18. Partisans have ambushed the railroad used as a development pipeline and delayed the date F&R will come in our hands, so they had time to upgrade their kit a bit.
  19. That means run and hide. They won't be able to operate the weapon if Wpn Controls are knocked out (at least in my experience, which is recent).
  20. I think this discussion is now mixed between what defines a tank, the politics in the German army during WW2 about who controlled the Stugs and whether the Swedish 'S-tank' was capable in the anti tank role.
  21. in what way is yours different? Against BLUE forces and in modern (especially if there are Javelins around), it helps to limit exposure to the bare minimum. But in general I think it's wise to reposition asap after firing. The exact timing etc should differ per the situational needs.
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