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Everything posted by PanzerMike

  1. Great stuff! Ouch, that reserve platoon wandered into an artillery barrage. The bridge approach was under interdiction fire (those burning wrecks there where a tell tale sign). Hope you did not suffer too many casualties!
  2. You forgot one more thing: the best looking females on the planet. I kid you not. Do not let anybody tell you otherwise. No Sir.
  3. Erwin, could you name some of those scenarios that are memorable to you? And why did they stand out? Just curious. I have made 9 published scenarios to date (one included in Red Thunder, the others uploaded to the repository just to please the community). I started making scenarios right after Market Garden was out (so a little less than a year now). I guess I am still quite new at it, compared to some of the old hands here. I have tried to make different kind of scenarios (assault on MLR, assault on outposts, city fight, attack on hastily prepared defenses, vanguard forces in rear areas etc.), just to prevent players from feeling that they are doing the same over and over again. I have not really made a scenario yet with armor engagements at really long ranges, though I have tried to give more maneuvering space in scenarios that are armor heavy. As also has been discussed before, feedback on scenarios is rather scarce (to put it mildly). Only a few players give feedback, often the same people (bless them). So knowing if your work is well liked or not is kinda hard. Edit: sorry to derail your thread John
  4. Actually my forefathers grew the stuff in a polder behind a dike just a couple of miles West of the town of Schoonhoven in the 18th century. I even have the paperwork to prove it. I kid you not. The only thing is, they did not grow the stuff for smoking it. It was used for making ropes for ships. But hey, maybe they were puffing it too . Oops, I did it again
  5. The Fuhrer is counting on it. Failure will result in being sent to the Ostfront. Ow wait... Und ein AAR mit Bilder, wunderbar! Grossartig!
  6. He he he, you are truly funny Boo Radish Ow wait, am I in violation now :eek: Wasn't there some rule about emoticons :confused: Ow well
  7. Yawn. The dog from next door is more fun than Bore Radley. And that dog died last month...
  8. Thanks Repsol! Loosing the Hetzer because it got stuck in the dirt, that will make a world of difference! Careful where you drive that thing! Have fun on your next try!
  9. Yeah, you bore me. Can you do card tricks? Sing? Dance? Belch the alphabet? Come on! Entertain us! Peng needs more cowbell.
  10. Meh. I am immune to Pengola virus. No worries. For you...no hope I fear.
  11. *Darth Vader mode on* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *Darth Vader mode off*
  12. Thanks for your comments MOS. I am currently making CMRT Gates of Warsaw Redux. AI plans are being redesigned, arrival times tweaked, OOB tinkering etc. Gates Redux will basically make it harder for the Germans (both vs AI and H2H), as some players found it a tad easy. Gates was designed to be not too hard on purpose, but hey, if some want a even tougher fight, I am more than willing to provide them with one . So there is more to come!
  13. Welcome Alex to the Peng Memorial, home for incurable hicks and loonies. Please do not feed them.
  14. Hmmm, 5-7 tanks in some kind of hedgehog formation? Never seen that before. Units are supposed to point in the direction of the next waypoint. Don't know what happened there. I am willing to making CMRT Gates of Warsaw Redux if there is interest in it. If I make it, I will make it harder for the German player.
  15. I am trying to understand some of the posts by the Oddstrayliuns, what language do they speak? It certainly isn't English. Google Translate is struggling, identifying it as gobbledygook. One would think that the large number of Dutch that emigrated there would have brought some form of civilization and introduced a proper language. Not so. Apparently Oddstraylia exercised some kind of assimilation policy that forced them to conform to using gobbledygook too?
  16. Well done. Sounds like a good battle. The Soviets outnumber the Germans 4 to 1 in this scenario. Enough to do the job, but no walk in the park.
  17. Thanks for the feedback Kim. Your suggestion to let the German tanks arrive a little earlier is probably a good one. The slow start was deliberate, but I realize not everyone will appreciate that. You did :-) The aim of this scenario was to have a pretty large map (using the raw Master Map 1 and adapting it, thanks Pete!) with relatively modest forces (considering the size of the map). So a lot of room to maneuver. That seems to have worked pretty good going by your account. So the Panther got the shortest straw he. Luck also plays a role, sure, but I like to think that good tactics have something to do with it too, he he he. For your information, historically, the attack failed. A few days later, the Germans had amassed a lot more forces in this area, and achieved more success. Good to hear this scenario was good fun (in H2H).
  18. Yeah more chrome would be nice. The engine is pretty sweet IMO, but some chrome would be a good idea. Agree on the running animation, that one could use some love.
  19. My sources tell me you are also known as Sister Flo in some dark clubs. And you look so swishy in your satin and tat. And your frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat. Don't worry about it Emrys, it could be worse. Much worse (like some strange act with a donkey, a flute and an accordeon that comes to mind).
  20. I have been reading some of the old Peng threads (not all of them, I ain't stupid). A lot of people came and went in the those 15 years. Some of the old hands wandered off into oblivion never to be heard of again (perhaps contained in some asylum for the mentally ill). Some only rear their ugly heads once in while in the MBT. Only a relatively small number of old die hards persevere. To those Olde Geezers: I salute you! Be ye Knights, Olde Ones, Serfs, Squires, Smurfs, Others recognized, Cross Dressers (hi Emrys), Donkey Rider of the Acropolis (or sumfink), etc. I say well done. Now where is that other bottle of whiskey, this one is already empty. And why do I keep hearing this effin' accordeon...
  21. Ah. I wondered what was wrong when I read your first post. Your second post clears things up. Good luck with your final assault!
  22. A decree by the The One true Jester ..er.. Justicar of the Peng Thread, isn't that nice. Squire, schmuire. Others recognized he, like WineCape, Abbot, Dorosh and Donkey Rider of Doom Emrys? No thanks. Where is Meeks when you need him...
  23. Nope, Grand Vizier it is. Sounds a lot better than "Just-i-kar" don't it? I care not for knight, squire, serf, choir boy, donkey rider of the apocalype (hi Emrys) or whatever.
  24. Bravo! Wonderful! Simply wonderful! La vie en rose on accordeon. The Grand Vizier (you should see my hat!) of the MBT approves! But can you play 'Careful with that axe, Eugene' on your next gig? On accordeon! Maybe a little too much for Olde Man Emrys though...
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