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Everything posted by PanzerMike

  1. O ye of misplaced faith in The Great Liar. I was once like you, in darkness. No longer. I now walk in the light. No more green lies for me. Green Pope Gore can get stoofed. In fact, could it be that Gore has actually been Meeks all along? Enlighten yourself. Do no longer fear the Inquisition that is the IPCC, the board that poisons the ignorant minds with their Greenpeace crap science. Rise, downtrodden green tax slaves! Throw down your green shackles and be free! Rise now! *steps of his soapbox now*
  2. Polozk is the German spelling. In English it is usually spelled Polotsk. On this strat map it is spelled Polatsk. Ow well, what's in a name...
  3. Looking forward to your feedback, Frankster65. And good luck with Vorposten. That one will probably require several attempts before you succeed, he he he. But it can be done! And to all you lurkers out there who play my scenarios (and other peoples stuff of course), come forward and post your stories! Be a trooper! More and better scenarios will be your reward for posting your comments. And of course a big thank you for those who do so already! Cheers!
  4. Local Warming between Emrys buttock cheeks, *shivers*, now there is a chilling image...
  5. I am awaiting the final test reports. Five players are busy with it, two of them have already given their comments, so three reports are still due. I hope this will be ready for release in a week. So the wait will not be that long.
  6. Global warming is the mother of all lies. I pity the poor fools that can not see through the evil lies of High Priest of all Lies Al "Liar" Gore. He is worse than Meeks. Perhaps not as bad as Emrys though. Not sure...
  7. This scenario is being play tested as we speak . Some more screenshots to wet your appetite:
  8. Peter Frank (only 2 posts on the forums, wow), thank you for sharing your thoughts on this scenario in the comment section of the repository. You state that this scenario was fairly easy to win for you (perhaps due to luck, but still). Anybody else who played Gates of Warsaw care to comment? Is this battle fairly easy to win? I did not design this scenario to be very hard (as opposed to CMRT Vorposten! for example). But it should not be a walk in the park either. What do you think? Mind you, all feedback will result in better scenarios in the future. So think of it as an investment
  9. Imagery looks good, not so sure about the storyline. Wait and see.
  10. Okay, good! You will receive another one 45 minutes into the battle. I love Hetzers :-)
  11. Thank you c2yeung for your comments in the repository. What was the end result of your game? I know you like big maps. How does this battle compare to the 1st mission of Blunting the Spear (which also uses this map, only without my alterations of course) in your opinion?
  12. Ah, dipped your toe in, did you Snake, he he he. Hope you enjoy the rest of the battle too. Looking forward to hear your experiences. This puppy may need some tweaking, but I guess as it is now, it's a good start. With some nice mods the city looks even better. I also use the 'rubble' mod tag. This battle just begs to be viewed at level 1. Street fighting is really something else. I have done something somewhat similar to this scenario with "CMBN In the heat of the morning", my very first scenario I ever made. But the scale of this one is larger. I tried to keep the size of this down though, frame rates start to suffer when the battle rages in full fury, at least on my rig. I have given the defender the freedom to create his own setup within the setup zones. I think the setup is pretty solid however, no real need IMHO. Do keep a reserve to plug the holes in your line. You do NOT want to commit all your forces.
  13. Just a little more patience kohlenklau. Playtesting will commence shortly. So far I have two people that offered to help with playtesting.
  14. Hi Snake, No, not a QB map, but maybe it will end as one in some of the upcoming releases. The map of Trainspotting did for example. This map actually, is a completely overhauled crop of a map Benpark did many months ago during development of CMRT. As far as I know it has not been used anywhere. Ben makes great stuff. I will credit him of course in the notes. Making a map from scratch is a lot of work, to start with something raw made by someone else and take it from there really speeds up things. Sometimes I make my own maps (Bunkers Burning for example), sometimes I take other peoples work and tailor it to what I need (Vorposten used a small part of the map of Red Hordes, by Pete Wenman, but you will have a really hard time recognizing it). Or I use the master maps. Gates of Warsaw uses Master Map 1 by Pete. For CMBN MG I used a master map for King of Oosterbeek and Betuwe on Fire. The Polozk scenario is in the final stages of development. I am working on the briefing text and graphics. In fact, it is ready for playtesting I guess. This battle is something different I guess. You play the Germans defender against the Soviet AI attacker. It is a brutal urban slugfest. The Soviets are trying to reach the bridge, sealing of the Northern half of the city of Polozk. They do not have to get across in this battle, only occupy the northern end of the bridge. Players who are tired of attacking all the time are going to like this. It is sort of large, but since you play the defender, you do not have to work very hard. Also, Urban scenarios are relatively scarce. The CM engine received significant improvement in MG that work out well in urban battles. But urban environments are still not the forte of CM engine. I hope it will be improved upon before we get to Berlin. But still, Polozk is a lot of fun IMHO. Some scenes I have seen during playtesting were 'cinematic'. If you play WEGO (like I do) there is a lot of reruns you want to check out up close, he he he. I will take you up on your offer to playtest. Will upload it soon on the Beta FTP server. @all: if you want to playtest this battle too send me a PM and I will send you the BTT by email!
  15. I understand. Patience is a virtue. Is your map availbale for download. I'd love to take a look at it.
  16. This is version 1.1. A few very minor issues have been solved (no issues that require a restart of 1.0 should you be playing that, just a little tidy up). Enjoy!
  17. Rocketman, RepsolCBR, Buzz. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Jolly good show!
  18. Was your first attempt at making a scenario not succesful? In what sense? Making a scenario is one thing, making a good one is another. That's why I value feedback on the stuff I make. Otherwise it is quite difficult to know if you are on the right track. It is unfortunate that player feedback is so scarce in this community. Look at the repository. CMRT Firebrigade has been downloaded almost 600 times. Only 14 ratings. But that's the way it is. It does not stop me from making new ones though. With every new scenario you learn. I have put out scenarios of varying size now, some armor heavy, some infantry heavy and mixes of that. Smaller maps, bigger maps. Right now I am working on an urban scenario. That is very different to make I am experiencing. But trying something new is fun. Thanks for your feedback on my stuff. Highly appreciated. And good luck on your project!
  19. And right you are RepsolCBR. Last minute changes when you are tired are usually a bad idea... I have corrected all 3 points you raised. I have already submitted v1.1 to the repository, so it should come up soon. The few terrain objective tiles for Phaseline 2 do not affect the battle at all, nor does the typo in the briefing text. Concerning the flak vehicles, the correct ETA is 1530. You can continue your game if you like, it's all minor as you said. You should be a playtester Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
  20. Great, looking forward to hearing from you if "Gates" is fun in H2H mode.
  21. Do let me know how H2H works out. It was not playtested H2H (a scenario almost never is). I designed it in a way that I think makes sense for H2H play. Sort of like I did for CMRT Firebrigade von Saucken. Feedback is always scarce, especially for H2H. But going by your feedback, Firebrigade did okay in H2H. I expect this new battle will do likewise.
  22. Well done Buzz! You have proven that you can certainly win this one, but it may take a few tries (and good tactics of course...). And you are welcome! I see my new scenario (CMRT Gates of Warsaw) is now up on the repository. It is so fresh, I have not even had the time to give it a thumbnail, he he he.
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