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Everything posted by PanzerMike

  1. As long as that pond is not the Cesspool, you will be alright. Good luck!
  2. My gawd, Watcher. What is your major malfunction!? You would not recognize superior rhyming if it hit you in the face like a load of piss from the bucket. You are beyond repair I fear. Ni!
  3. Think of a large pile of dirt A smell like under Emrys his skirt Hairy old men Piss in a can And bad jokes so many it hurts
  4. The Dutch already gave you a Dutch clause: Santa Clause (proper name would be Sinterklaas, but hey you know, the English screwed it up as usual).
  5. You know, the mouldy crowd of the Cesspool really needs someone impartial. A referee kind of chap. To determine winners in taunting contests, rhyme rivalries and that kind of things. Someone above the different Houses (where is Moriarty anyways?). Impossible to bribe. Immune to sucking up. Impervious to silly insults from hairy old men. A prog rock fan. Someone like....me! Ni!
  6. I am completely impartial. I mean, I could not care less what you Cesspool dwellers are babbling about. You are all useless fe*** to me. Having said that, sburke trashed the opposition. No contest here. The house of Ruin was soundly beaten. Humiliated even. What a disgrace. Tsk tsk tsk. Cheers sburke. Well done I say! Go team Shavian. Ni!
  7. Yeah, u go girl! Tell him off! That dirty rat! The nerve of that guy, showing up in the MBT. Hah! Ni!
  8. @Grunt_GI: You are 49 years. Whaddayamean old? Come on. Emrys, he is old. I mean REALLY old. Ragged and tattered. Moth-eaten and worn. A relic of a bygone era. But I would not miss him for the world
  9. How would I know, I don't speak cow. Next they let you out of the old folks home, you should ask one. I hear senior citizens respond to animals really well. Let me know.
  10. Welcome back Seedorf81. Of course you need a new pc. And that is a wise thing to do. Money is boring, a new pc is fun. You NEED Red Thunder and you NEED Black Sea. Just say...yes
  11. Dang, I forgot the Oddstrayliuns. Sorry bout that Stuka. Hmm, let's see: In early 1606 Willem Janszoon encountered and then charted the shores of Australia's Cape York Peninsula. The ship made landfall at the Pennefather River in the Gulf of Carpentaria on 26 February 1606. This was the first authenticated landing of a European on Australian soil. Other Dutch explorers include Dirk Hartog, who landed on the Western Australian coast, leaving behind a pewter plate engraved with the date of his landing; and Abel Tasman, for whom Tasmania was eventually named—he originally called it Van Diemen's Land after a senior member of the Dutch East India Company. Maps from this period and the early 18th century often have Australia marked as "New Holland" on account of the voyages of these Dutch explorers So all was well in the beginning. New Holland no less. But what went wrong I wonder? Ow wait, it was the ... English. A Fleet of British ships arrived at Botany Bay in January 1788 to establish a penal colony What a shame, all downhill from there, I'm afraid. The English were on a roll. Oz never recovered. The Dutch (bless them) tried to reverse the fortunes of the poor Oddstrayliuns by sending boat loads of aid workers in the 1950's and 1960's. Alas, to no avail. Damn shame really. You could try to petition us to take you back in our glorious kingdom as a slightly backward province. Who knows, maybe Oz will be a better place then after a few generations. Worth a try I guess. You would become a serf to the House of Orange. If you behave well, you may make it to squire
  12. Ah, yeah, name calling. Faint echoes of the olden days when the English were time and again soundly trashed by our tiny nation. Emrys probably still remembers this vividly: The Raid on the Medway, in June 1667, ended the war with a Dutch victory. It is considered one of the most humiliating defeats in British military history: a flotilla of ships led by Admiral de Ruyter sailed up the river Thames, broke through the defensive chains guarding the Medway, burned part of the English fleet docked at Chatham and towed away the Unity and the Royal Charles, pride and normal flagship of the English fleet. The greatly expanded Dutch navy was for numerous years after the world's strongest. The Dutch Republic was at the zenith of its power. Over 300 years ago, and still not over it. How sad. Lucky for us, English culture has contributed greatly to the Dutch vocabulary. Especially one particular English four letter word starting with an f comes to mind... Ow, and thank you for the great English contribution to cuisine. You have given the world greasy fish and chips, served in a classy newspaper. And horrible, horrible beer. The Scots on the other hand...
  13. Actually, I did look a bit like that back then, he he he.
  14. I guess it's only natural that a place full of old farts smells like this. But I am fond of old farts, even of that venerable fartmeister Emrys. I mean, what would the world be without smelly old farts? A piss poor place I say. Hairy old men on the other hand... Talking of hairy old men, here is one: http://home.comcast.net/~joe.shaw/wsb/html/view.cgi-home.html-.html You guess were all the hair grows (hint: not on the head)...
  15. So far this engine still seems to be the best of it's kind. For me at least, the continued upgrade of the existing is working pretty well. For such a small company, I think you guys are doing a great job. I do feel that the animations could use some love. Especially the running and hunt animations. That would make a big difference, at least for me. And yes, special effects could use a boost. Immersion, immersion, immersion. But this engine has enough life left in it to soldier on (with gradual improvements) for quite some years IMHO.
  16. My dear Emrys, I am sure you could beat the Oddstrayliuns in a farting competition pants down. Really.
  17. Man, the air is foul in here. Did somebody die or did Emrys stink up the place again with his poison gas farts... Sburke? What the hell are you doing here? What has come over you? Dazed and confused by the fumes here? Get out while you can. Just follow me. Clean air and sanity lie yonder.
  18. Thanks WillemO! You are welcome! The repository is not exactly user friendly and could use some love. But I can find my way around there. For a list of sceanrios sorted by author, you could look at this: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=60&orderby=5&page=3 It is sorted on submitter (sorting on author seems bugged, but submitter and author are mostly the same anyway).
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