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Everything posted by PanzerMike

  1. Hmmm, it is always somewhat troublesome when reinforcements arrive later in a battle. It is after all difficult to predict where the enemy is at that point in time. My solution is to design the map so that the area where the reinforcements arrive is difficult to spot. And I thought this was the case in Saucken. There is a slight depression there and tree lines. But apparently this was still not enough to prevent them from being spotted from the hill on the left and the church? Were you able to engage his later reinforcement immediately from those positions (did you have tanks there?), or that you spotted them early so you could engage them swiftly with other forces. In other words, your spotting prevented him from using his tanks as a nasty surprise?
  2. Used this method in Bunkers Burning. But thanks anyway :-)
  3. Thanks! Hope your confidence that this scenario will be a keeper is justified. Could just as well be a lemon . Looking forward to hear what you think of it, after you have been soundly trashed by the valiant Landsers defending the outpost.
  4. Good suggestions here! Minor things perhaps, but will really make life easier for the player!
  5. Ah, thanks a lot Kim! I had not received prior feedback on this scenario being played in H2H mode. Judging by your comments, it played out beautifully. Splendid! I designed this one primarily for play against the German AI, but I kept H2H firmly in the back of my mind when I made certain deisgn decisions. Thing is, it is very hard to find H2H playtesters. This scenario too was only playtested against the AI. So while it SHOULD be good to go H2H, it still is a bit of a shot in the dark. That is why your feedback is valuable to me! Cheers!
  6. Please rate it after you have played it in the repository! All comments very welcome (short ones in the repository, longer ones in this thread). Do chime in to tell how you fared in this battle. Too hard, too easy, let me know! All feedback is appreciated (for we all know that feedback is very scarce...). And most of all: enjoy!
  7. I have just uploaded the final version to the BFC repository, so it should be up soon. That makes three (well actually four, one scenario was included in the game release itself). Now back to work on my 2 new projects. Ow, and if anybody feels like playtesting, please let me know! CMRT Gates of Warsaw is almost ready for playtesting, so...
  8. Well, that train station looks really really good! And the oil barrel with the spilled oil looks great too!
  9. Вы не морочить голову никому! Если вы русский, чем я Микки Маус! Ты что, Западная шпион? He he he.
  10. Installed this mod and like the feel of it. Probably a keeper for me. Thanks!
  11. @Daft: thanks for playtesting. I just sent you an email. @kohlenklau: the strat map indeed gives a larger picture of the actual battle in that region. The rectangle does not equal the actual map of the scenario. This scenario will receive the finishing touches tomorrow and be uploaded to the BFC repository. Then it is up to the powers that be at BFC when it will be ready for download. I suspect monday, usually they are pretty fast. I have 2 more scenarios in the making: CMRT Gates of Warsaw (NE of Radzymin 31 july 1944, modified Master Map 1, modest force size, Axis attack vs AI defense and H2H, about 70% done) CMRT Fester Platz Polozk (Street Fighting in Polozk on 2 july 1944, Axis defense vs AI attack and H2H, just started working on it and map is coming along fine) On average a scenario take me about a month (never counted the actual hours though), I only work on them some evenings and in the weekend. But with a job, a wife, and two kids, my time is limited.
  12. This scenario should be manageable in RT. You command a Soviet Cavalry company that arrives gradually in the first 30 minutes of the scenario. And the map is such that you can overlook pretty much the entire battle in one glance.
  13. Excellent Buzz. We need men like you! Thanks for the plug Combatintman. For that you will be rewarded with a credit in the designers notes. Ow, and for playtesting too
  14. Almost ready and probably up this weekend or early next week in the BFC repository. CMRT Vorposten! Map size: 784 x 624 Force size: Company Playmode: Allies vs AI A little preview (subject to last minute changes): And the local scenery: Stay tuned!
  15. Great video! Well done! What soundmod is that? Your own that is up on GAJ's site I think?
  16. He Bozowans, how about a new video ? You are really good at it, so more footage of some cool battle would be highly appreciated!
  17. I have two scenarios in the works right now. One of them (CMRT Vorposten!, a small scenario) is in the final stages of playtesting and will be out soon. The other one (CMRT Gates of Warsaw, a larger scenario) is almost ready for playtesting. When these are done (pretty soon I think), I am willing to make a scenario based on your ideas if you like? It would greatly speed up things if certain parts are supplied: - briefing texts and graphics (even if somewhat raw). - OOB of some sorts. - a rough sketch of the map or preferably the overlay graphic. Well you get the picture . And last but not least: playtest it of course!! How about it?
  18. True, it takes a considerable amount of time. If your time is limited you may rather spend that time playing the game than designing a scenario.
  19. Come on guys, try harder . Making a (good) scenario is not easy, true. But even I learned how to make a scenario. I am still learning actually, but that has not stopped me from releasing my fruits of labor meanwhile. If I can do it, others can do it too, I like to think. I am no genius by any standard . If you are willing to put in the effort you will get there eventually. Yes we can! My graphics skills are not exactly stellar, and I don't even have a decent graphics application on my pc. Heck, I mostly use MSPaint and a piece of freeware called HeliosPaint. And searching some graphics on the web to start out with helps. Start with simple, fictional battles. Make up your own 'story' instead of trying to replicate some historical event. Save that for later, when you are an expert scenario designer . Use pieces of the master maps for your first outings and save yourself a lot time to create a good map yourself. Eventually you will make your own map, which is time consuming but great fun! Keep the force size down. Make very simple AI plans. You can for instance just use terrain triggers instead of group triggers, they are easier to grasp. Keep it simple. A simple scenario can be a lot of fun if well designed. No need for monster battles with complicated AI schemes to enjoy a scenario. Ask some guys on the forum to playtest. This REALLY helps and is almost indispensable. It is true that making something just for yourself or making something that is finished and polished so it can be released for public consumption is quite a big difference. Maybe you are afraid you will get negative comments. Don't be. There is no pleasing some people, forget about them. To receive constructive criticism is helpful. I always encourage players to provide feedback so I can learn. And in the end, when you put up your scenario for download in the repository, and you see the counter of the number of downloads go up (and perhaps even some good ratings), there is a feeling of great satisfaction. A steady stream of new scenarios really helps a game like CMRT. Looking forward to your scenarios guys :cool:.
  20. Coming soon: CMRT Vorposten! Allied attack just South of Schlobin (East of Bobruisk), Belorussia 24 June 1944. A small scenario in which you play the Allies vs AI. It depicts an attack by a Soviet Cavalry Company against a German outposts line. The map of this battle measures 784 x 624. This should fit the bill nicely for players that favor small(ish) actions. Smaller even than CMRT Train Spotting. The scenario is being playtested by some of the Beta's and a volunteer on this outer board. Also, a work in progress: CMRT Gates of Warsaw. Mapsize: 1504 x 2320 (using the wonderful Master Map 1 of the Radzymin area made by Pete Wenman, although modified quite considerably to tailor my needs for this scenario). That is a big map, but... size of the forces involved will be fairly limited. Large map plus limited forces equals lots of space to maneuver. No sinking feeling when looking at the map and seeing a lot of icons randomly distributed around the map that take forever to set up (although some players get a kick out of that, to each their own). Probably comparable to CMRT Firebrigade von Saucken, but with a bigger map. This scenario still needs a lot of work and will not appear for at least a few more weeks. This scenario depicts the events on July 30th 1944, when the XXXIX Panzer Corps launched a counter-offensive. A fight between elements of the 19th Panzer Division and the 103rd Tank Brigade in the area around Zwierzynic (Northeast of Radzymin). Can't have people not playing Red Thunder; it's just too good
  21. Doh! You are right. Can't lock difficulty level with a scenario. Can't believe that did not occur to me...
  22. Yeah, you may be selling your self short Fredrik. Building a good scenario is a lot of work, so restricting the number of players (by forcing them to play Iron mode) that will enjoy your fruit of labor is probably not a good idea. Your call of course, but you might want to reconsider this. But building a scenario and putting it up in the repository is always appreciated nonetheless. Thanks for your efforts.
  23. No follow command as of yet, unfortunately. So you will have to babysit vehicles more. Give them waypoints with short distances to move (and follow the road) and create a chain of these. Also give some pause orders so the first vehicle can get a head start. It can be somewhat of a pain now and then, but it certainly does not ruin the game IMHO.
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