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Everything posted by PanzerMike

  1. Good post Combatintman. If you go too far with all the variation in a scenario it will potentially become a nightmare to make. I do like the idea that the AI player can have some extra forces, but variability in Weather, Arrival times, Game time, etc. would be probably be too much. Making a scenario, polishing it so that it is fit for general release (and not just for personal use) and playtesting is a very time consuming process as it is. With all the extra options the workload will probably become too great for many designers and playtesters. You write you have 3 CMRT scenarios more or less finished sitting on the shelf, but you consider them not fit for release. Aren't you being a bit too hard on yourself? I have released 5 scenarios in the repository. They are maybe not all up to 100% BFC standard (playable in all modes, as all sides, with multiple AI plans, etc.). But they have been downloaded a few 1000 times thus far and many players seem to enjoy them a lot. Maybe you should consider releasing your puppies, despite the fact you are not confident they are up to par. Maybe just let the players be the judge of that And thanks for playtesting my fruits of labour :cool:
  2. Whaddayamean comedic? No comedy in those lyrics. Roger Waters was never known for his comedic lyrics. Vitriol perhaps, but comedy... Had Roger Waters known about the Cesspool in 1975, this is the song he would have written. Fer sure.
  3. You raise a good point. Especially 6. It is hard to find the right balance. Often you feel the urge to give the AI players some extra forces to compensate for it's shortcomings. But only for the AI player, otherwise H2H balance will be affected. But presenting a player with a hard or easy version of a scenario is a nice idea also. Not just multiple AI plans, but also multiple OOB's. It would be nice if all this could be accommodated WITHIN a scenario, instead of developing multiple versions of a scenario. I fear things will become quite cluttered otherwise. Ow, and you CAN have multiple setups in a scenario right now. You can place the forces on the map, that is the default setup. After that you can change their setup position in an AI plan (by using the yellow setup zones). It is not very friendly to use though, and a lot of work of you want alternate setup zones for all the forces on the map. I usually only have multiple setup positions for some key assets (like AT guns), but not for ALL forces.
  4. How I wish, how I wish you were not here. You are all lost souls, swimming in a Cesspool. Year after year. Running over the same old ground. What have you found? The same old fears. Which you were not here.
  5. Thanks for the update. In this phase of the battle you can really go tank hunting with your fausts and shrecks. Very exciting! The satisfaction when such a puny rocket sends an ISU 152 to the scrapyard is immense, he he he. Keep these updates coming, they make for a great read!
  6. Nice Snake_eye! A scenario with really long engagement ranges with 88mm AT guns should be interesting! Those large PAKs are real beasts!
  7. Shoot Emrys. How rude! He seems like a perfectly nice guy. Smelly, but nice. And he has a Donkey fetish. But still nice. And some of the clubs he frequents (peacock feathers anyone?). So what, so he is a little odd. No reason to shoot him. Really.
  8. I never thought of Ye Olde Farts Of The Cesspool as orchids. Carrion flowers yes, orchids no.
  9. Yeah. Better eat the Donkey. On the other hand, it supposedly plays a mean accordeon and can be trained to blow up tanks. That is more than can be said of Emrys.
  10. He he he, so funny, if you enter "Hertzer" in google and see what images are found: Hetzers. Seems you are not the only one that misspells the name of this little tank destroyer. I love the little buggers, very effective!
  11. @Erwin: what do you mean? If you mean the scenario itself, it can be downloaded from the repository.
  12. @All: I now have 4 people that will give this a spin. That should be enough :cool:
  13. Thanks Salemi! I will send the scenario file to you as soon as I can (@work right now)!
  14. Great mjkerner, file sent to the given address :cool:
  15. And again Peng would slowly rot on page 2, if it weren't for a certain someone... This place is starting to feel like an Old Peoples Home. Smells like one too. Are you out of adult diapers or sumfink?
  16. And were these Booty troops distributed among the Companies/Platoons as replacements, or thrown together in separate Companies/Platoons with more experienced officers to lead them?
  17. Ow, and the Saving Private Ryan battle for Ramelle was a cakewalk compared to this epic battle :cool:
  18. The city of Polzok obviously has seen better days, but still, the mods you are using make it look pretty good What mods are you using? Ow, and scratch one ISU-152! Congrats!
  19. Think about the framerates! Great map, but beware. Once you put a lot of units on a map like this and actually start playing, most pc's will start to moan and groan...
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