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Everything posted by PanzerMike

  1. Well, that is mighty kind of you No Good Crapscout. Patatje Oorlog, Dutch cuisine extraordinaire, is indeed very very good. I will probably add "PanzerMike was correct" to my sig, he he he. Cheers!
  2. Emrys, update your photo on your account. Make it a recent one, perhaps a mug shot. You know, the one that was taken after you were arrested for taking a piss against that nice police officer. Who turned out not to be a lamp post at all. The things some old people do after they drink a few Shirley Temples...
  3. You lot still here? Drat. New forum, same foul smell. Wasted opportunity.
  4. Ow yeah! Thanks Michael, you old dog you. Hope you don't mind me making fun of old men like you? I really do have respect for the elderly, you know. I just never show it.
  5. Stop whining Wank..Wuss...uh dammit wot s name...Washer. Find out what the deal is with all these moribund Houses. Chop chop, get cracking!
  6. In some parts of our glorious Kingdom, curry sauce is added to this too. Delicious!
  7. And what old, debased, defunct Houses may that be? Does anybody actually know? Maybe a visit to the graveyard will shed some light on this. Or maybe Emrys knows. He is old. Really old. Emrys? Wake up, you already had three naps today! Tell us what Houses there are/were in the Dark Ages of the Cesspool.
  8. Sigh. Your knowledge of fine Dutch cuisine is severely lacking, Wank.. Wuss eeh Washer. Fries with mayo? Fries with peanut sauce, mayo and onions you mean. Patatje Oorlog it is called. Use google translate to find out what that means. Patatje Oorlog rules. Our gift to mankind. Yummie.
  9. Don't bother sburke. Some of these Cesspool dwellers are beyond help. Stuka in particular. He is useless. At least Emrys looks nice in a skirt, so I have been told by some members of an obscure club. Stuka...not so nice. And he can't play the flute or the accordeon either. Useless, I tell ya.
  10. Imposter !?! You've got a lot of nerve, you poop slinging primate. Hah! Don't make me find my password for that old account, I just can't be bothered. I have no fetish for old accounts with ancient join dates (or a hamster infatuation for that matter) like some of the local weirdos here. The night of the refreshing monkeys. Where was I..hmm. Ah yeah, I remember. I was at a cool party with all my cool friends, having a blast. The women were gorgeous, the music was great. What a night! I have a life you know, unlike you. Try getting out some time, there is whole nuther world outside that mouldy gaming room where you reside. You know, I do not NEED to wear out my F5 key on my keyboard. I get to play with all the new goodies from BFC WAY, WAAAAY before you do. Yeah, that's right. Me and the boys at BFC HQ, we hang out dude. Making fun of you on the Inner Sanctum. Dang! In your face!
  11. Yeah, American food is sooo much better. Their contribution to world cuisine is impressive. McDonalds and KFC of course spring to mind. Cardboard burgers and greasy, fried chicken. Jolly good show...
  12. Aaaw, don't be so hard on poor old Boo, sburke. Be a little more considerate. He tries. Really. He fails miserably. Still, he tries. That must account for something. Or not. Besides, the poor sod lives in Akron, Ohio. Give him a break. Or not.
  13. Hmmm, this will take a little digging. Let's see. Ah, here it is: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=691060&postcount=1 Eons ago really.
  14. Emrys, old chum you, good to hear from you again. What House are you with? And I do not mean the Old Folks Home. And weren't you dancing the Calypso riding on a Donkey or sumfink?
  15. O ye of many wrinkles, Nidan1, most trustworthy of playtesters, I salute you. I have been here for eons, I came to the BFC (or was it still BTS) forum in 1999 and never left. Lurking mostly that is. But occasionally peeking into that weirdest of places, the Cesspool. But this band of weird, hairy old men somehow wasn't very alluring all this time. But lately I find myself strangely drawn to this place. Don't really know why. Maybe I have started to (gulp) like some of these benign strange creatures here? Even Emrys... Or maybe I am just going slightly mad. That helps too. And now for some coffee. Yes, please. Ow, and Baneman, when you find any of those Olde Ones, lemme know. I bet you will find a live Dodo in your local pub sooner though.
  16. Ah, here he is, JDMorgue: Official Lawyer (Emeritus) of the Peng Challenge Threads & Founder of House Lex ~ Arch foe of the Rule of the Justicate. Hasn't been seen in the MBT for 5 years. Pfff. Edit: House Lex?? How many bloody houses are there? Whose keeping track?
  17. House JDMorgue eh? Never heard of it. Are there no scribes to document this kind of stuff? A stenographer perhaps. A really cute female one?
  18. Right you are Baneman! You seem like a clever fellow! You, Sir, may be Floydian material.
  19. Moriarty, have not seen him in a looong time. We need new Houses me thinks. The old ones are largely moribund it seems. This place needs an update. Heck, I may start one my own. The Floydian House. Only prog rock lovers and scenario makers may join. The elite. Bad ass. The creme de la creme (pardon my English). Anyone interested in becoming my Serf? To pass the test you need to make a decent scenario. The other Houses here can play it (H2H) and tell you it is utter rubbish (meanwhile playtesting it, while not even knowing it). Heck, it may even be uploaded in the repository for the greater good of the entire community (outreboarders, yuck) after the crowd here has trashed it. Justicar? What sayest thou, O mouldy one? Great plan right? *ducks to evade the feasc..., fec..., eh, poop slung at him*
  20. Not that I care the least bit about this little playground for the mentally unstable, but is there an up to date description somewhere about what Houses there are (or were) and what idjits are enrolled in them. Are only the House of Ruin and the Shabbyan House present in this pit of foulness?
  21. He, leave me out of this Wank... eeh Watcher. But thanks for the compliment anyways Ow wait, did I just violate a rule by adding that smiley. Oh dear
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