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Everything posted by PanzerMike

  1. Thanks. I like to think this adds some realism to it. Time is already somewhat compressed in CM (in real combat, things take longer, with longer breaks in between). I wonder when those 152's start blasting away. Once they move forward, the tank hunting can begin. I hope you have some brave Schrecks left in reserve to direct them to the hot spots! How many minutes have passed so far?
  2. The short lulls in the fighting are deliberate. At some moments the pace of the battle should go down, only to pick up a little later. The AI will consolidate it's positions and (longer range) fire exchanges occur, without them trying to push forward. This is how I programmed the AI. Good to see that works as intended. Nice going RepsolCBR!
  3. Emrys! Surely it is no coincidence that you and the Donkey show up in the same thread
  4. I have a feeling those ISU-152 will soon enter the fray. Brace yourself...
  5. Hi All, I have been tweaking CMRT Gates of Warsaw that I released a couple of month ago. It is ready for playtesting. The aim was to make it slightly harder for the Germans, as some commented that they had it relatively easy. If anybody would like to give REDUX a spin, let me know and I will email you the scenario. Also, players who have not played the original before are welcome to play REDUX. Thanks!
  6. Oi! Wots this. Peng about to disappear to page 2. Are you ladies paying attention? Helloooo!?! Luckily this here Grand Vizier is paying attention. Page 2. Tsk tsk tsk.
  7. Good luck on your quest Mutunus! And do share some pics of your scenario so we can see what it looks like! What battle are trying to recreate by the way?
  8. That looks really really good! Gimme gimme gimme! I can't wait to make a Berlin scenario in the next module when I see this. Gotterdammerung! I think the general idea thus far was, that the CM engine was not exactly stellar for urban battles (at least that was my idea). But Polozk turned out pretty decent (given the limitations of the engine) and it is well liked by the community it seems. That is great . And it wets the appetite for more urban battles (Berlin, Charkov, Stalingrad, etc.), he he he.
  9. Yep, and I deliberately kept map size and force size down for Polozk, and still it is hardly playable for some players. I like to think that the majority experience acceptable frame rates though. I try to find a sweet spot, that will appeal to what I hope is the majority. It would be a shame if you design a superduper map with a cracking battle, but only a handful of people are able to play it on their state of the art PC...
  10. Ow, those poor pixeltruppen crossing that rail line straight into an artillery barrage. What kind of commander would order such a suicidal move. Tsk tsk tsk.
  11. Regimental forces on a 1 km x 1 km map :eek: That IS out of control dude I would advise you not to do that for a number of reasons. One being the frame rates that will take a hit. Urban environments eat up more resources. And to put a regiment of pixeltruppen on top of that... test carefully if this is playable. Especially when the lead starts flying. Huge forces do not necessarily make for a better scenario, though it may look very impressive. Make sure your battle does not get too bloated and more a chore to play than fun. You will turn a lot of players off I fear. Just my 0.02
  12. All the units that have been assigned to a group will become activated. I usually reserve ambush for individual AT guns or HMGs.
  13. Bore Radley is right, lots of taunting, not much of challenging. My challenge is to make scenarios for this community. New content is what keeps games like this alive IMHO. Honestly, I don't get to play CM that much, as most of my time (besides work, family, etc.) is devoted to making scenarios. But do you think I get some credit for that in this here Cesspool... no Sir. Boo Radish won't even grant me the title of Grand Vizier despite all my efforts. This Cesspool stinks...big time (though that may have something to do with Emrys and Donkey some say). Boo Radish, I fart in your general direction (and add to the stink).
  14. Yes, I was kind of surprised myself when I made this scenario, that the engine handled urban fighting this good. All the gradual improvements over time to the engine are really paying off. Good job BFC! Of course, there is still room for a lots of improvements. For example, especially industrial building could use some love (chimneys, modular buildings so you can make something like the tractor factory in Stalingrad, machinery doodads, cranes, etc.) But also things like fortified houses. You name it. But still, urban battles can already be lots of fun. Making this scenario was fun too, because it was 'different'. No battle like this for the Ostfront has been made so far AFAIK. And playing the defender is kinda different too, usually you play the attacker in scenarios like this because the AI does not handle the attack very well. But in this battle, the attacking AI does pretty good I guess. It took some experimenting but the end result is not bad at all IMHO. There really is a challenge for the human player to organize a good defense. Staying in one place for too long usually is a bad idea. Knowing when to fall back or shift positions helps a lot. Especially when the ISU-152s engage, discretion is the better part of valor. I kept the size down, so you can micro manage the defenders. You really start to feel for your pixeltruppen when some of them perform real heroic acts when you send them tank hunting for example. Or the damage a well placed sniper can do in a street fight. I still enjoy watching some turns over and over. Like making and watching your own Saving Private Ryan (the end fight of the movie in the town of Ramelle). Glad you are enjoying this! And great AAR, thanks for that!
  15. *****Spoiler***** There was a reason why the setup zone for the reserve platoon was on the West side or the railroad. You decided to move them across the railroad to the city on turn 1. The AI is set to give interdiction fire at the area around the railroad. You blundered into that. Just bad luck. War is hell.
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