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Everything posted by PanzerMike

  1. Lots of people happily slaving away at the Bulge game to bring it to a computer near you. That's it for now I guess. I am sure Chris will put up new screenshots and stuff eventually. Patience my friend.
  2. sburke, you doody head. I have resisted posting a picture I have had of you for some time, but no longer. Now everybody knows. I removed the background in the picture, because this is a PG rated forum. But you know what was there and it was not pretty. Ow,and here is a new avatar for ya, free of charge: You're welcome!
  3. Yep, that thread and the pdf included in the game is what got me into making scenarios. Great stuff!
  4. Gates of Warsaw: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3222 Enjoy.
  5. Sir Foul Ole Joe JFLPCT Knight Mushroom of the M.B.T., Jesticar for Life of the Peng Crap Thread, Creator of the Peng Crap Thread Flopcast, CessPool Brain Decommissioner and Flounder of the Scurvy House sburke, you are a nincompoop.
  6. Wot's a dalem? Does it cause involuntary twitching? Or an itch? A rash maybe? Who knows?
  7. Gawd sburke, don't you ever get tired of typing all that rubbish about Foul Ole Joe? Or do you keep a specific text file where you can copy/paste that crap from?
  8. Yes, still no word from Emrys. He said nothing about going on a trip or sumfink. It has been a month now. Hmmmm. Has Emrys been gone for weeks on end before? Some of you have known him for a long time. I even checked the Port Townsend online newspapers, but only found an article from 2006 about a fire in the complex where a Michel Emrys lived. His room was damaged. The guy was 62 at the time. I think that is THE Emrys. But that is old news. There is an email address on the Joe Shaw homepage: http://home.comcast.net/~joe.shaw/wsb/html/777807/view.cgi-.html But this site has not been updated for ages by the looks of it, so I don't know if that email address is still in use. Emrys, where art thou?
  9. Oi, no rules in this Thread. This Screwachai character is totally messing up the fine balance of things in the Alternate Universe that is the Peng Thread. Boo, fix or do sumfink!
  10. Michael, cometh forth and mock me. Please. I even bolded your name, see? Need to know if all is well.
  11. No idea. Now you got me worried. Anybody hear from him?
  12. Thanks LukeFF! I see you are a CM Beta tester. I have more scenarios that need testing ;-)
  13. Good to see more scenario makers entering the arena. Unfortunately I don't have time to chip in. I am currently busy at the BFC Skunk Works, making hush hush stuff . But kudos for your efforts!
  14. Baneman, what the hell are you doing here. Don't you have something better to do, like beta testing or sumfink. Don't become another Sburke. Leave now and never look back. Really. Leave.
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