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  1. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    It's a hoot to play too.....I loved every minute. 
  2. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Freyberg in Online magazine posted BF's game screenshot   
    So.....New Brits Pack for CM:BS not too far down the line then? 
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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Hopefully this was a factor:

    More here:
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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    I'll second that.....Many thanks @Aquila-CM, your work is both revolutionary and inspiring. 
    PS - I absolutely guarantee you'll be seeing several of these items in 'Bong-Hai' (Heaven & Earth Mod), it's just a matter of time! 
  5. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    I'm time poor at the moment mate - @37mmhas already hit me up. If I get a window, I will be all over this project like a rash.
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    BTR-82 Release (CMSF2 and CMBS)


  7. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    MT-LBM-6MA (MT-LB V2) Release (CMSF2 and CMBS)

    Green (CMBS Original with Added Gear) 

    The MT-LBM-6MA comes with a 14.5 and 7.62mm dual weapon turret. I didn´t know that this vehicle variant existed in CMBS but it is a perfect match for SF2´s BTR.
    - desert and green version available
    - hatches corrected
    - random gear added, gear comes with a dedicated gear texture which is only used by this MT-LB and which can be customized for example to make it greener
    - replace the dedicated gear texture with a blank.bmp to remove the gear.
    - new model can be used in CMBS alike, just rename the .mdr files to "mt-lbm-6ma.mdr" and "mt-lbm-6ma-lod-x.mdr". Hatches may behave different when disembarking as this is optimized for CMSF2´s BTR. However the often for model swaps troubling "Open Up" should work fine as it required no change.
    - this model - no matter if used in CMSF2 or CMBS - is compatible with the already existing CMBS MT-LB texture mods out there. Replace the textures in the folder as you see fit.
    - hatches are optimized for a BTR-60 replacement but it can also used for other vehicles such as the BRDM-2 (less passenger capacity). If you want to use it alongside my Makeshift APC mod I recommend to use the MT-LB for the BTR and the Makeshift APC for the BRDM-2.
    - both versions in the clouds. I removed my old MT-LB mod.
    @Erwin The vehicles, skins, weapons, conversions you can use as simple "Z modfolder" jobs. The flavor objects need also to be placed in the Z folder but you shouldn´t do this blindly. They are primarily dedicated to scenario and campaign creators which then can replace specific flavor objects with them them and modtag them for their scenarios.
    However "private users" still can use them but it requires extra work. You can basically open every scenario in the editor and place your own flavor objects into these missions without getting spoilered about enemy forces and positions. But it requires some knowledge about flavor objects and where to expect them. I started a scenario lately that features a radar station landmark, so I opened it in the editor and added the radar station. I often replace traffic light flavor objects as these are almost never used in rural/open terrain and they come with an excellent draw distance. But no matter if open or urban terrain with a good eye there are always unused flavor object slots with a good draw distance to be found for these personal edits. With some practice this just takes a minute.
  8. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Apparently there is an exhibition for captured and improvised vehicles from Syria. An article covering it:
    I´ve included some objects into my latest playthrough and made some screenshots:
    Train Engine Car + Couple Box Cars

    Truck Pics

    MOS already made some beautiful billboards. I throw also one in.
    Warning Sign:

    I`ll put the texture into slot 2 of the billboard release but will also upload it directly to the clouds.
  9. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Ruins Pack Release (WW2 + Modern)


    Use it so or combine it with visible/invisible Buildings, Walls, Emplacements, Wrecks etc. for LOS/Fire/Movement block and additional cover. Can be customized, textured, resized like all projects here.
  10. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    I´ve just exchanged ideas with @3j2m7 about depicting the Balkan War or Israeli-Arab conflicts and noticed that I forget to mention this mini mod:
    Six-Day War Vehicle Collection (Stug, Jagdpanzer, Pz. IV, T-34, T-55, Sherman, all with desert skins)
    Similar to the Falklands vehicle conversion minimod this was also created. It includes Arab Stug, Jagdpanzer, T-34, and T-55 and the Israeli Sherman. If scenario designers should pick this up, they replace the static T-54 and static T-55 but keep in mind that there is no way to limit the fire arc of the STUG/Jagdpanzer so if you use them then only for the AI and place them in tank emplacements which limit their fire arc via terrain. A total conversion with infantry etc. if one would be interested should be certainly doable as most modern conflicts from post WW2 to up this date work pretty good with CMSF2s capabilities. Many infantry weapons of this war are already to be found in the various CM games. A Red vs Red scenario would be likely the best base and with the force selection trick you can also use further bluefor vehicles (and their reskinned/relocalized crews) if really required. You can do Red vs Red quickbattles and by human purchase and setup these tank battles fairly quick. Just have in mind what replaces what.
    M1200 Armored Knight V2 for Recon Humvee

    I think this was my first Blender modification created 3 weeks ago. Corrected hatches and removed the M2. Desert + Woodland Skin version.
    MT-LB, BTR-70, BTR-70M, BTR-80 for BTR-60 Conversion

    Replace your BTR-60 with other Russian APC with custom skins. Good for some enemy variety. (Credit to Euroscape authors for the BTR-70 skin). MT-LB swap is not very realistic as the real MT-LB has no 14.5mm. 
    SPG Makeshift Car
    One of the first models.
  11. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    If you're looking for some inspiration try this awesome site I've just found about the Australian involvement in SVN:
    While it takes a while to load, it is worth the wait. You can toggle Vietnam era military mapping overlays, get action summaries by clicking on the red spots on the map, view geo-referenced Vietnam imagery and other analytics. If you get bored with the map, go to the home page and navigate your way around various articles about combat and heaps of other stuff. See screenshot to get a feel for it:

    This has been bookmarked by me - a definite keeper.
  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from JM Stuff in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Thought it was time for another postcard or two (it's been a while):

    All we need now is a Sampan or two to go in 'em! 
  13. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Ultradave in Proximity fuzes in GL?   
    It's an animation for the game. To me it's always looked the same, but 40-45deg is probably reasonable. Ballistics with air friction. But you don't know where the battery is (and therefore the range, the charge it fired - all that stuff is abstracted and from the infantry's viewpoint, you don't care at all).  
    Maybe this will help. It's an example of 155mm Tabular Firing Tables. It shows examples of all the data and corrections to be applied. It only shows one page of each type of data in the book but if this can't convince you that there is accurate data and that artillery that can fire precisely and firing data that can be calculated exactly, there isn't anything more I can say.  It works. I had years of experience doing it. 
    If you REALLY want to get into it try FM 6-40  the gunnery manual.
    Just scroll through the table of contents to see the topics and you'll get a good idea of the complexity involved and the efforts for accuracy. You can probably find places to download some older editions of 6-40
  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Splinty in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Wyld Stallyns Rule! 
  15. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Thought it was time for another postcard or two (it's been a while):

    All we need now is a Sampan or two to go in 'em! 
  16. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    People's Militia...

    Imperial Cavalry...


    I can now use the best placeholder for the People's Army...

    I was also okay with the Armour placeholder so you've been of great assistance @Mord
  17. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in How to mod skybox (skyline)   
    Reckon you need to take a look at the warp/transform tools to straighten things out and you'll pretty much be there. 
  18. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    'The righteous jackboot of justice'! 
  19. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Captured/Insurgent M2 HMMWV V4

    The M2 HMMWV being one of the few vehicles that can be made accessible to foreign crews in the editor I´ve created a highly randomized insurgent version with a frankensteined appearance to depict the lack of spare parts etc. However main goal was to test how far randomization can be done for a single vehicle. Here is the result:
    - Will randomly display spare wheel
    - Will randomly display gunners camo net
    - Will randomly display makeshift door or other replacement doors in several colors
    - Will randomly display the hatch in the back either in different colors or removed.
    - Will randomly display frontal protection and tire mudflap.
    How to do it:
    1) When you want randomized gear in Blender, name a model part "gear" + (Number) there is a chance that it will displayed or not:
    1) EXAMPLE: name spare wheel model "gear15". It might be displayed or not. You may get a vehicle with alot of "gear" models or you may get a vehicle with little "gear" models.
     2) When you want your vehicle to display exactly ONE option of many use -optiona -optionb -optionc as suffix to the model name.
    2) EXAMPLE: name spare wheel on the vehicle´s back face "spare-optiona" , name spare wheel on the left face of the vehicle "spare-optionb" etc.. Either the back face spare will appear or either the left face spare will show on the vehicle.
    2) EXAMPLE2: name a door that uses a desert texture "hatch1-optiona", name a door that uses a woodland texture "hatch1-optionb", name a door that uses a blank texture "hatch1-optionc". Result: either or desert, or woodland, or a invisible/no door will appear. (I used this on the hatch in the back when you watch the Insurgent Humvee Showcase.)
    3) Sometimes you may not want to have all options the same chance to display. For example I didn´t want half of the HMMWVs to have this makeshift door. I believe this little trick should work. Create several duplicated of the model you want to show often and name them for example: "hatch1-optiona" "hatch1-optionb" "hatch1-optionc". If you add now the model you rarely want to see with "hatch1-optiond" it should have an average appear chance of 25% in this example.
    4) Was curious if weapons could be utilized with the -option feature and I added a DHSK to my Insurgent Humvee which then should be randomly displayed instead of the M2 but upon export it threw an error. 
    Tiger with Camo Nets

    1) The Tiger uses a quick recolored camo-net model & textures from the British CMSF vehicles. You can basicaly do this to all vehicles and it isn´t that time heavy. 
    2) When adding camo or other stuff to the vehicles, make sure that you attach them to the correct parent. I.e. Camo nets for the turret should be attached to the turret so when the turret turns, the camo nets will follow and stay in place.
    3) I tried to add CMFIs own bush models to the Tiger which looked beautiful in Blender. However in the games only the wooden base is visible. Perhaps someone else will figure this out or find an good bush substitute in the game files.

    4) I am pretty sure there are more models suited for camo addons to be found in the CM game files.
    Downloads in the cloud.
  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in How to mod skybox (skyline)   
    A bit tedious but getting closer with the skyline.
  21. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    The National Guard Armory.  

  22. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Mord in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Made this guy for you today. Took quite awhile!

    He ended up being a much different style than the first guy so I whipped up this dude to get a bit closer to the same art. Isn't perfect but fits better than the first one.

    This is how I arrived at him.

  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in New terrain tile: 'Lily Pond' Deep Marsh tile   
    Yup, I really like this mod:

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