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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to JohnO in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Not trying to take anything away from other peoples post but thought I would post my little project.
    I have finished working on the CMBS vehicles and just finished working on the spare tires and antennas for CMSF2. Here is a screenshot. Will start to add gear to the vehicles.

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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Secondary School:

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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Son Tay Compound - map is still WIP:

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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Geezer in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Sgt Squarehead suggested I post in this thread.  I'm a newbie with previous mod experience in other sims, and I'm interested in - perhaps - modding CM.  In exchange for being shown the mod ropes, I'm willing to adapt some already existing Asian object models to CM plus make a few more for Heaven & Earth.  A few sample shots below.  They are lowish polycount models intended for static window dressing - "flavor" models, roughly equivalent to LOD2 models that should not impact the game's performance very much.  The UVW maps and artwork would have to be reworked to fit CM's requirements.  Additionally, I already have a few high polycount models plus can also make a few new ones.

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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Mainly mangrove:

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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Geezer in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Newbie here.  Still surfing the threads to get a feel for the different versions of CM, but I have modding experience - samples below - and can send you the above glider in .obj format.  Let me know how you want to transfer the file to you.

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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Just jungle:

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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from 37mm in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to IICptMillerII in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    Here is what I don't understand about starving people? 
    Get more food.
    Problem solved. Duh.
  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    Considering all the assistance he provides for other users and the degree he communicates stuff within the confines allowed I think that is a grossly unfair representation of his participation in this forum. 
  13. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to StieliAlpha in What Are You Reading?   
    Hm, „sounds“ maybe. But I had my first encounter with them a few days ago and can assure you, it‘s more like a splatter movie. The first cut is the deepest, you know? 🤢😎
  14. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in Artillery requests   
    I think what @Combatintman said above is what you are probably looking for.  I have some equipment cards I made on a Word Document for artillery.  I only did this for artillery that I use often in PBEM etc.  I like the 105mm for their cost (when selecting from the CM purchase screen.  Not RL), ammo supply and ability to fire smoke.  So I included part of an equipment card for German 105s as an example below.  I don't know what German artillery you are going to use in your scenario.  I hope the information is understandable after the cutting and pasting (I removed the classified parts for PBEM OpSec) .  
    You asked for a list of each artillery unit and the range.  For the Real Life (RL) range that info is available in the Combat Mission (CMBN) game manual (not to be confused with the 4.0 engine manual).  The game manual also lists all the assets in the game with the RL stats. 
    However for game purposes almost all the artillery assets can range an entire Combat Mission map.  There are a few exceptions such as a light mortar on a huge map.  So, in game terms the range may not matter unless I just misunderstood what you were after.   
    The below chart/card shows the Fire For Effect times when using a HQ or FO with and without TRPs.  Each HQ & FO are broken down from Elite to Conscript.  The last time I updated the card was March 2017.  As far as I know the FFE times for CMBN are still accurate. 
    The crater size is just to help identify what the OpFor is shooting back with (one of the games within a game).      
    Equipment:  Howitzer Section Medium 3x105mm Howitzer (Wespe)
    Dates Available: All available WWII dates. 
    TOE Location: On the purchase screen: Formations, German Army, Artillery, Self-Propelled Howitzer Section [medium].
    Off Map Ammo: 96 HE, 30 Smoke1, Yes Personnel Airburst                                                                         Crater Size: Light, Medium, Heavy, Super
    FFE Time
    Notes: 1) The 30 smoke are part of the 96HE total and will be fired with the HE rounds during a fire mission (even if duration is less than maximum).
    Equipment:  Howitzer Battery Medium 4x105mm Howitzer
    Dates Available: All available WWII dates. 
    TOE Location: On the purchase screen: Formations, German Army, Artillery Battery [medium].
    Off Map Ammo: 140 HE, 40 Smoke1, Yes Personnel Airburst                                                                       Crater Size: Light, Medium, Heavy, Super
    FFE Time
    Notes: 1) The 40 smoke are part of the 140HE total and will be fired with the HE rounds during a fire mission (even if duration is less than maximum).
                                  Last Update: 7 March 2017
    EDIT:  On my computer I had to expand the browser window to see the right side of the card / chart after I posted. 
  16. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    No I need to do them - I was conscious of it when I was putting the map together, the later buildings should be good, but the initial ones I plonked down will need some Alt Click love … when I've finished this map of course …

  17. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to 37mm in Syrian requesting fire mission sounds   
    I just checked & found these in my mod folder, presumably part of an unfinished mod for some video I was considering making... I think I got 'em from Project reality.
    It should be noted that all voice files found in the Blue forces can have arabic equivalents (including voices for incoming artillery & grenade battles, burning vehicles... stuff like that)... a fact which Heaven & Earth has taken advantage of.
  18. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Liveload in Tal Malah   
    Quick update:
    Kafr Nabudah 4k is coming along nicely. Qasabiyeh, Kabani, and Tal Malah have been updated internally for the campaign. Here's some in-progress shots of Kabani after the elevation rework.

  19. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    I've looked at it too … I reckon there's a Red Force Khe Sanh campaign in it along these lines:
    Battle 1 = Hill 881
    Battle 2 = Lang Vei
    Battle 3 = Hill 661
    Battle 4 = Khe Sanh Village & District HQ Compound
    Battle 5 = Khe Sanh Airfield
    The aim would be to make it representative rather than an actual recreation of Khe Sanh because to do it for real would involve huge numbers of troops. So the core units would be two NVA Regiments. One Regiment would attack from the West and would fight Battles 1, 3  and 5 and the other Regiment would attack from the South and fight battles 2, 4 and 5. It would work something like this:
    Battle 1, 1 Bn/1 Regt.
    Battle 2, 1 Bn/2 Regt.
    Battle 3, 2 Bn/1 Regt
    Battle 4, 2 Bn/2 Regt
    Battle 5 would involve 3 Bn, 1 Regt and 3 Bn, 2 Regt as the core units. The player is also given the choice of which of the battalions from the earlier missions to add to this battle via a decision mission. The premise being that they will pick the bn from each regiment that incurred the fewest losses in Battles 1-4. The battalion in each regiment that incurred the highest losses would notionally be a reserve or sent to a blocking position. So for example:
    Battle 1, 1 Bn/1 Regt suffers 50% casualties.
    Battle 2, 1 Bn/2 Regt suffers 50% casualties.
    Battle 3, 2 Bn/1 Regt suffers 40% casualties.
    Battle 4, 2 Bn/2 Regt suffers 60% casualties.
    The player in the decision mission selects 2 Bn/1 Regt and 1 Bn/2 Regt for Battle 5. Forces for Battle 5 would therefore be:
    2 Bn/1 Regt at 60% CE
    3 Bn/1 Regt at 100% CE
    1 Bn/2 Regt at 50% CE
    3 Bn/2 Regt at 100% CE
    This of course is only a rough conceptual sketch so there would be nuances reflecting actual events such as NVA armour at Lang Vei, with possible options to commit it to the Khe Sanh Village battle and the Khe Sanh Airfield battle.
    I think this would be a relative cinch to make because, with the exception of Khe Sanh airfield, the maps wouldn't be massive and the two hilltop battles would be a doddle (ie a hill covered with trees with a cleared area on top with trenches, barbed wire and minefields. I'd be surprised if each of those took more than a couple of days to put together. Lang Vei again should be not much more than a 1500m x 1500m map with a bunch of trees and a fortified compound. Khe Sanh Village would be about that size or smaller and would be a bit more complex but not excessively so. The big map would be Khe Sanh airfield which I reckon would be a 2.5 x 2km map and some jiggery pokery would be involved with the road and runway orientation but I've had a pretty good look at it and I think its doable.
    The 1:50,000 map sheet is Series L7014 Sheet 6342 III Huong Hoa and you can get it here:
    Places I've referred to on the map can be found at the following grids:
    48Q XD 8036 = Lang Vei
    48Q XD 8538 = Khe Sanh Village
    48Q XD 8441 = Khe Sanh Airfield
    48Q XD 776437 = Hill 881
    48Q XD 803443 = Hill 661
    Just rough thoughts of course but I think it is achievable and @37mmhappy to discuss ...
  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Mord in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Pertaining to our conversation in the other thread about moving Black Sea's mdr files into SF2. Here's a test I just did moving CMBN's mdrs and textures into SF. It was a quick check and I didn't rename anything etc. You get the sloped roofs without doing any model work. The flat roof textures ended up on the peaks but I didn't bother delving deeper into what needed to be renamed (or if it's even possible) to get the BN roof texture to show. There's still  at least one flat roof present, which could come in handy, or be renamed to get the slope.
    Anyway, something to consider when you go back to the Euroscape mod. Might be less work if the roof textures are a simple renaming of bmps.

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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from J Bennett in Rome to Victory Pre-orders are now open   
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Bud Backer in CAAR - CMFI Rome To Victory Beta - The Kirpan & the Rhino   
    In the upper-left/northeastern quadrant of the map, we find the hamlet. If you recall from the overview, due south (right) of this is the ridgeline, and beyond that, the river, fords and the allied deploy zone. Down/west is the larger town, and the ground begins to rise just below the end of this image. 
    You'll note that while there are several sandbag, trench and foxhole positions, but with the exception of one foxhole position at the top centre, in the woods adjacent to the hamlet, they are all occupied. Like in the village across the river in the previous map segment, the flak 88 is in a trench, and adjacent is an ammo bunker. The 20mm flakvierling is in the clearing between the woods and the row of buildings, in a trench as well. Scattered among the buildings is the second Fallschirmjäger platoon. 
    One Nashorn is in the farmer's field near the hamlet, waiting for Kurt's orders. The other is tucked behind a house on the left, half of it completely hidden and the gun pointing toward the ridgeline. A third (unmarked) vehicle is near the houses. There are some trucks available to move infantry, but they are vulnerable and are just there if an opportunity presents itself. The whole force is largely a static one, and the defences are geared toward grinding the enemy down, not outmaneuvering them. 
    Near the bottom-right, again in a trench, is a parachute 75mm recoilless gun, just like in the village. On the bottom-left is an officer who is a good spotter as he is the mortar platoon commander, as well as one of the Luftwaffe's lighter mortars. There are heavier ones in the town itself. 
    The enemy is going to approach from off the right side of the map. To move toward the main objective, the town, they can attempt to bypass the hamlet, but leaving a force like this on their flanks is unlikely. So they will have to fight here first. As you will see in the next post, some of the defences of the town can help in this fight, because the town is substantially higher than the hamlet.

  24. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Bud Backer in CAAR - CMFI Rome To Victory Beta - The Kirpan & the Rhino   
    Finally, we get to the town, the main objective, and the last section to explore. This is in the northwest/bottom left corner of the map.
    On the right you see the ridgeline running up from the bottom of the image to the top. There is a decoy position in there, which may see real use, depending on the how the battle unfolds. Two TRPs should allow quick response to the enemy advance. I can't see them being on the open fields so they are placed where the allies may attempt to use cover, the woods to the left and right of the town. Not showing an icon is an HMG unit in the houses that are just up and right of the word "TRP", to cover the woods and give the enemy some trouble. 
    Two bunkers on the right side of the village have HMGs and should hopefully provide some decent suppression. Scattered among the buildings is the better part of a Gebirgsjäger company, with mortars, HMGs and 75mm infantry guns for support. Near the road at the east (top) end of town is the last 20mm flakvierling, and the Pantherturm is to the left. It has excellent LOS across the map as do many of the forward units. In town, tucked in alleys, are two Stug IIIGs and two StuH42s.
    Behind the town at the very bottom is a tower with the overall commander, a Gerbirgs battalion CO and some supporting units including a dedicated artillery spotter. This tower gives a view over most of the map, in some places even across the ridgeline onto the south side of the river near the village. 

  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Rinaldi in [AAR] UK - Recipe for Disaster AAR   
    Let's crack on - only one more update left. Things move quickly now.
    The enemy infantry pinned in front of BP1 hug earth and return fire, often firing their RPGs at excessive range in an attempt to hit the Warriors that continue to menace them. Syrian mortars begin to range in on 2nd platoon’s dismounts in BP1, which causes me considerable anxiety. While the firefight is going my way the sheer number of Syrian infantry pinned down and firing at 2nd platoon’s infantry (who are slowly accruing casualties) make it too risky to currently disengage, so the best I can do for now is sit tight and hope the enemy fire mission is inaccurate. My own artillery at 1832 begins its own fire for effect. Similarly, the Harriers continue to smash unseen targets at the western edge of the battle zone, apparently hinting at still-fresh enemy forces entering the area. The tell-tale spires of acrid black smoke confirm as much. The Harriers expend their remaining ammunition in this manner and bug out of the fight, their job magnificently done.
    By 1834 the enemy mortar fire is hitting in the vicinity of BP1, thankfully well to the rear of the platoon. Our own artillery fire however, hits with devastating accuracy and effect. Syrian infantry are downed in heaps under the air bursting 155mm shells.

    2nd platoon engages the enemy infantry from BP2 as friendly 155mm bursts over the pinned enemy.

    1st platoon displaces as enemy artillery bursts on and around BP3.

    3rd platoon likewise remounts and displaces as new enemy armour appears to their front and left. 
    Enemy artillery fire also begins to range around BP3, with much more accuracy. 1st platoon takes a few light casualties as the enemy artillery switches to a fire-for-effect but is quickly able to displace from the potential kill zone and shelter in their Warriors.
    The enemy artillery fire coincides with a spot report at 1836 of additional enemy armour, in platoon strength, moving into EA1 and towards the Syrian infantry. The arrival of this armour marks the end of the fight at BP1, the survivors of 2nd platoon are ordered to disengage, pushing through the mortar fire in their rear and to their planned alternate position. The near absence of long-ranged anti-tank ammunition coupled with the absence of my own armour means that BP1 would be a death trap for my exposed infantry.  Their warriors also move with them to the rear. The infantry uses them to resupply and grab as much AT as possible before taking up their new positions. The hasty BP is likewise evacuated, with the 3rd platoon falling back into the palace proper. By 1838 every unit has moved into alternate fighting positions and has restocked on as much handheld AT as they can. Luckily the Syrians are not punching forward with as much impetus as they were doing when the battle first began. A lull sets in for several minutes as the Company HQ observes a handful of enemy armour vehicles and a single tank begin to push cautiously through the middle. The fire mission that had been pounding the Syrian infantry with terrifying results is called off; across the entire front the enemy advance restarts, slowly.
    A single question was at that point on my mind: Where in the hell was my promised quick reaction force?
    I am not left wanting for long, by 1840 the cavalry arrives, much to my relief. Their timely arrival obviates the need to rely on a close-in defence on the reverse slope. It only takes a couple of minutes for the leader of the tank troop to liaise with the Company 2IC and get the brief on enemy contacts and locations. While this happens, the Company commander observes the Syrian T-72s pulling back into EA2, dispersing among the little rises and mesas. A curious, though welcome, decision for the Syrians to make.

    Situation as of 1842 hours. With the enemy seemingly stalled out or overcome with caution, it's time to drive them back.
    By 1842, the Challengers have been brought into ‘the know’ about the battlefield situation and an aggressive, hasty counterattack has been drawn up.
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