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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I had a similar situation with a greyhound. Took 3 shots into the rear of the StuG before it rolled out of sight. Finally got a Sherman to move up, it caught the StuG which had apparently suffered so much damage it could barely move. Still took me a few rounds from the Sherman 75mm. (it was close range but I think I was catching the top of the engine compartment.) Am still in that battle and have a Sherman platoon playing cat and mouse with a Panther platoon. So far it is 3-2. Not bad but I still have 2 Panthers prowling and only 2 Shermans. (both 75s). If they can hold out long enough I have 2 more platoons coming I won't spill details as it is not a QB.
  2. The only reference I could find was the destruction of an "armored truck". Hardly a ringing endorsement for AT combat. It doesn't help that so few armor assets were available in Normandy initially vs the US Airborne landings. It is possible they might have been useful there just weren't a lot of targets. The few that were from the reading I have done either succumbed to 57mm ATG or Bazookas. I got the quote below from elsewhere, would need to search the book to find the actual quote. Capt. Arthur M. Stefanich and Lt. Gerald N. Johnson, C/505, who both were combat veterans of Sicily and Italy, along with 70 men who had dropped some distance northeast of the 505 DZ, picked up their parabundles by 0930 hours, and made a forced march directly for La Fiere bridge, their assigned D-Day mission. They spread out, and on the way got in a quick lick against the enemy that morning by destroying a German armored truck with a gammon grenade. They also took two prisoners along the way. - Robert Murphy's book "No Better Place to Die".
  3. I don't always play tactical wargames, but when I do I play CMBN. (in WEGO)
  4. After 2 threads of first impressions and multiple thank you threads it is pretty clear the general overwhelming reaction is - "leave me alone I am too busy playing the coolest WW2 tactical game EVER!" Though there are plenty of user suggestions for changes and a lot of issues generated simply by the learning curve required to play, there seem to be few actual bugs. (one offs don't count guys). Would be interesting to hear how you guys feel now that it is finally out the door. What do you think you got right? What do you think you wish you had more time on and will continue to work on? Much of this you have commented in other threads (fire, the UI, QB unit selection etc etc) but you are always responding to our requests. What do you guys like/not like right now? Hopefully this won't turn into a "how could you not put request (insert your personal hot button item here)" discussion. Again we've all had our say...more than once. Would like to hear yours.
  5. leaning back and forth against an inflatable doesn't count.
  6. I had a similar effect when I shot up a PSW. As the crew was bailing I saw a head popping through above the second wheel. I had to laugh as it looked like some of Terry Gilliam's work.
  7. I pre-ordered, but the DL should be exactly the same, I just get a box and a piece of plastic as a bonus. It is in mine.
  8. Check your CMBN game folder if you don't have the desktop shortcut. It should be there.
  9. Separate from the version that comes with the game or do you mean a hard copy you can order?
  10. You really don't get how this works. You first say you are really really busy. You then proceed to schedule some time off and have someone respond on your account to make it look like you are still around but are really really busy. You keep making comments like that and folks are gonna expect the CW module next week. Btw the way thanks again for a fantastic game and try to get some rest, we all know you guys have been burning it at both ends for a while now.
  11. I vote yes to going back to playing the game and leaving this thread to collect cobwebs. Incoming!!!!!!!
  12. I believe the actual quote in the paper was: Reporter: Steve, how do you feel about the release of CMBN? Have things gone the way you'd hoped? Steve: I'm going to Disneyland!!
  13. Well as promised by the beta testers, the maps are amazing. Am playing one of the battles (huzzar) that has a good size map and am trying not to just spend too much time rolling around the map, but it is amazing. The demo was nice but like drinking 2 buck chuck when Opus 1 is now ready for download. incredible guys, really just incredible, and I haven't even gotten to the vehicles etc.
  14. what i was wondering was - why if you have the game are you not busy playing it rather than taunting us all repeatedly with the fact that you have it.. what kind of sick mind.....
  15. 80 of whatever other items you included I assume. Size, terrain type etc. I am guessing if you check the actual folders you can see all the maps available.
  16. LOL okay just curious, why would you wait until the DL storm to pre order? Or should I just not ask?
  17. well we can't gripe about the game not being released yet so we needed something....
  18. Ha just watching the DL slooowly going and watching the changes as they update the forum site. All very very cool, thank you BFC.
  19. My only issue is if I will still be sober enough to play? Already decided to blow off work for the rest of the day and open the wine. Too good a moment not enjoy.
  20. your giving us more credit than we likely deserve, damn pixeltruppen just brewed up my Sherman!
  21. hopefully not sooner than 2 1/2 hours at this rate where is that corkscrew...
  22. cmon guys, it is still in pre order state so he didn't really do anything that has an impact. And who can blame him for being excited. We pre orders are all getting the email and would be downloading anyway.
  23. shame on you, not that it would make that much difference, pretty much all the pre orders should have gotten the email and you can still only pre order on the website. Nothing for it but to open a bottle of wine. :-D
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