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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Was playing around with the Bois de Baugin scenario the other day and quite by accident noticed the structure in the villa actually has supplies inside. Jon Sowden you are one crazy guy for detail. I had played a full battle on the map and though I really like it never appreciated the full extent of the detail that went into it. My hats off to you.
  2. Thanks, so the pond is gonna have to be a marsh, not the end of the world and on my map, probably more appropriate. Map Grognards. I am defintely gonna have to visit that. The whole point of the map I am working on is simply to develop my perception of map making and "realistic" terrain. I owe you some Apple Strudel Schultzy
  3. I have run into this as well. I have a map I am working on that has a small lake that overflows downhill to a river. I was using marsh tiles for the small "brook" flowing downhill, but when I put in water tiles for the lake it created a sinkhole instead. Is this expected? Does the mapping editor assume all water should be at the same level? The manual implies it is not and all water must be at least at elevation level 5. I had tried setting the level just to make sure it was a flat surface and once I found the sinkhole removed the direct settings. No change. edit - this also applies to shallow and deep fords as well
  4. Just out of curiosity, for folks out there really not happy with the C&C set up, the UI and lack of targetting info, do you play WeGO or RTS? I play Wego myself and spend so much time reviewing action anyway as that is one of the big draws in the game for me, that most of the C&C and targetting info just kind of comes naturally. I am already spending an inordinate amount of time looking at what is going on for each unit. While there are aspects of RTS style I find very interesting, I don't generally play in that mode.
  5. I was kind of shocked to hear this one. With some of the comments I have heard on the forum it seemed the eastern front was the draw, yet from your comments that doesn't necessarily hold water from your experience with the customer base. Am I reading that correctly or are you just covering folks who stayed with the product through all 3 releases? Personally I wasn't a big fan of CMAK until I finally caught on to the Mods and realized I could have the shoot and scoot command etc with units in NW Europe. I promptly went and got myself all set up, modded etc and continued to enjoy the heck out of CMx1, but never went back to CMBO.
  6. Damn you Steve. I decided to try this and went right through my wife's convertible roof. (spoken in Alto voice as I was straddling the roof support) Wonder if insurance will cover that "what were you doing at the time of the accident? Um I was getting a TC's view to verify what is being said about this cool new game I bought." Back on topic - There actually is a second more exposed position manning the .50. Although both times I have seen an enemy TC has use this, they paid the price. Once from an AT gun, the other from an MG.
  7. What if France had been able to get through the interwar period with a military more prepared for 1940? Would the German conquest of Europe have been stopped in it's tracks? Barbarossa never happens and instead Russia takes advantage of the situation and attacks Germany? It all doesn't matter October 21st is still going to be the rapture. Right?
  8. Unfortunately the back hand blow isn't going to work against an opponent more mobile than you with command of the air. The German advantage in the East in mobile warfare did not apply in the West. You also have to be able to trade space for maneuver room. If Germany allowed the Allies to breakout of the lodgement area there was no way of putting the genie back in the bottle.
  9. This is a question that is really subjective. No two people enjoy the game for the same reasons. For myself, I am finally venturing into PBEM so my enjoyment of the game is enhanced a good deal by finally playing against a human opponent. Not having to worry about how well an AI plan is scripted to and know the opposing side is capable of trying to read my intent and weaknesses and react to them is such a different experience. It skews my perspective in that I never tried this with CMx1 or CMSF. The campaigns are designed to be a challenge as are many of the scenarios. As the AI is not capable of developing it's own plan or reacting intelligently to yours the defense has to be built in such a way to be difficult to make it credible. I look at those as more of a training ground. How to deal with almost worst case situations, for example how to cross open ground with minimal cover and not enough smoke assets etc. Some of the items in the campaigns force you into a situation of having to do something I would look to completely avoid. On the other hand some of them I have found the AI to be seriously unable to compete effectively. Huzzah for example is a map and battle I would really like to try against a human opponent. I have played both sides against the AI and found it not to be as much a challenge as I think that battle and map is capable of presenting. In answer to your question though, I really do enjoy it. On the other hand I am still glancing back now at CMSF as I don't think I got as much out of that game as I could have. It still has a place on my PC for sure. There is no way I am going back to CMx1 however. They are now on the shelf for historical reasons only and are no longer on my hard drive. I just can't deal with the synchronized head turning by the 3 stooges anymore.
  10. Just don't forget to repost this once we have the 1st module and are yammering on about OoB info for the battles for Carentan.
  11. Until of course the tank buttons up and loses it's capability to see where that PF/Bazooka is firing from that eventually kills him. Combined arms, it's way too cool when you can make it work. Getting that tank to button up goes a long way towards setting him up for the kill. The point is NOT to kill the TC (though that would be nice, just not likely), but to render them blind to other threats on the battlefield. Now if you have no other threats, well that is when your infantry should be looking to bail out of dodge.
  12. The bier and bratwurst truck just showed up.
  13. Outstanding and in only 8 short weeks, very impressive. Glad my next PBEM hadn't quite taken off yet.
  14. woohoo the patch and the first module on the same day!!! What? oh. never mind....
  15. does having both of the last two cause your brain to sieze up or do you try to pull a Costanza and use the computer in bed? (along with a sandwich and beer)
  16. To try and get this back on track.. I use windows 64 bit and fraps. I haven't had any issues at all with getting screenshots (I have my F10 key mapped and just hit it whenever I find something I want.) I posted an AARs worth of shots and a number for the Screenshot thread. I am no PC geek so it must be easy to do :-P As a total guess and likely not helpful but maybe a place to start, I expect there is something conflicting on your PC config giving the results. You'll need better minds than mine to figure it out though. However I can with certainty say it isn't the game itself, otherwise my AAr would have just been a lot of text.
  17. What I find cool is there is no way for that infantryman to communicate that to the tank. Infantry/armor cooperation being what it was, the only way for the GI to communicate that was to climb on the tank and knock. By the time anyone had answered the hatch that intrepid little guy would have become a smear on the wreck. The only realistic option I see is if another tank had spotted it and communicated it across the tank's radio net. Unfortunately no tanks had spotted the ambusher so there was no one with means to communicate it. As it was there were infantry units that did spot it and playing wego, my opponent could only watch it unfold. In RTS, maybe the second tank would have had a chance, but not the first. One of the reasons I like WeGo as well is relative spotting plays out more as I can't be the "God" spotter quite as much. You make your plans, hope for the best and try to sieze the opportunties you are presented. For 60 seconds you lose complete control of the action. When it works it feels great, when it doesn't work you scream at your pixel truppen to not back into LOF of that AT gun you know is sitting in that treeline. (As I was doing yesterday as my Panther backed into LOF of a measly little 57mm AT gun that then provided my crew with additional ventilation holes.)
  18. Having seen my opponent recrew a Sherman on me, that isn't such a bad thing.
  19. Wasn't there an ASL scenario along those lines for initial action in the Ardennes set in Bucholz?
  20. wow on the brick wall it's like I went to the optometrist and got better glasses. Really nice.
  21. I had posted a similar incident in another thread about relative spotting. In my case the ambushed vehicles did not spot the ambusher. The first went down immediately. The second was hit with a mobility shot. It was at that point that it was finally aware that it was recieving flanking fire, but as the crew was now suppressed and near panic all it was able to achieve before the final shot was to orient it's turret in the general direction of the attacker. If you are able to view the game from both sides now that it is over it may be worth review. It really drives home concerns like - is the crew buttoned up or suffered any previous casualties etc. I know there has been a lot of discussion and dissension about MGs etc opening up on TCs and how effective they are or not, but from my experience forcing up a tank to button up can pay huge dividends.
  22. Would love to see this as well if for no other reason than to actually see La Fiere. If there isn't an issue with a round structure, it would make for a cool addition in the independent buildings.
  23. I'm betting I can guess where the 1.0 review came from, but I'd rather go back to playing Panzers Marsch.
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