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Everything posted by sburke

  1. as a non programming geek, I gotta ask even if the answer makes me feel foolish. Java virtual machine...anything you recommend? I googled and looked at a few items, but this is out of my knowledge spectrum.
  2. In a recent battle I was able to ambush two enemy tanks. Both had been forced to stay buttoned up and as my vehicle crested a ridge it was able to take both under fire before either spotted it. Tactically it now becomes so much more important to reduce your opponents power of observation. In CMx1 both enemy vehicles would have spotted mine as soon as one lone enemy infantry unit did and the ambush would likely not have been successful. Even after taking out the first tank, the second had no clue what had just happened and it's first realization came when a round went through it's engine block. It was my infantry and (mostly) artillery that had kept one buttoned up. The other had lost a crew member earlier and was functioning at a more limited level of awareness. Combined arms tactics really work. If I had needed any proof about the changes relative spotting brings and the vast improvement in CMx2, I was given a glaring demonstration. Damn I love this game. I have been playing CMSF for some time, but due to the difference in communication technology and C2 in the modern era it was never driven home in quite the same way.
  3. OMFG the thought of an East front game/module being released anywhere close to a West front game/module. Christ I must really be a fanboy with the kind of emotion that stirs. How pathetic.
  4. If he starts complaining about the defensive modifier for firing from behind the couch, smack him upside the head.
  5. Question on this. How do the stats show? For example if I hit a tank causing the crew to bail I believe I don't actually get credited with a tank kill. The tank would simply show up for the enemy as abandoned and capable of being re-crewed. I was looking through stats after a recent battle and though I had rendered almost all of the enemy tanks useless, I actually got credit for very few kills. If I just went through the casualties caused by my armor without actually knowing how the battle went I would have thought my armor had played very little role.
  6. I expect being called "The Flagellant" has something to do with it. While I agree with the gist of ASL's post, I think the use of the term while highlighting the behavior being criticized, was bound to make folks defensive.
  7. a 40" monitor?! I could almost hate you. :-P
  8. Probably, the stuff these days is so potent that a geezer like me isn't gonna be able to handle it. I realized I'd crossed the dividing line when I not only stopped getting carded, but then they started calling me sir. They think they are being polite, the little bas***ds
  9. Heh heh, they just opened a clinic a couple blocks away called "Herbs". In the same shopping complex is a burger joint, a See's candy story and a bulk store with billion pound chip bags. This friggin generation is spoiled. Herb's even has a "student discount". Back to the list though I don't love it "because I realize it's potential" I love it because of what it is, as I said warts and all. The "realize it's potential" is what I feel is the slant that is put on the game that it has fundamental issues that make it unplayable. That is where I think the dividing line comes in that seems to have us lowering the level of discourse. (from both sides) That could just be my perception, but I don't have the student discount at Herb's to allow me to reach a higher level of consciousness.
  10. I see this as part of the problem. The 3 types of people are all lined up as if their love of the game and the potential issues it has then define how they treat others. Basically the above says if I like the game AND don't think it is fundamentally flawed I must then automatically attack anyone who disagrees. I love this game period, warts and all. If BFC for whatever reason stopped any further work on it, it would still be my favorite game on my PC. I do however recognize that it has it's issues and I have faith that BFC will take a look at items they agree are issues and address them. As an example there is a thread right now about unit set up in a quick battle. I think there were about three posts and BFC had already stated a need to address it. I can also participate in a rational discussion of game play, features issues etc without resorting to name calling. As long as everyone can agree to disagree in the end there is no reason to stoop to that. So where do I fit in that list? I was actually going to write a bit more, but Mr Emerys I think did a rather succinct job and as usual he is correct.
  11. ****Spoiler****** I found that being super aggressive also works. Took a page out of Band of Brothers when Winters leads a charge up to a dyke and hits a German force from the flank. Try that right after the inital ambush. Get to the hdgerow before the German reinforcements arrive and it turns the tactical situation on it's head. It was a fairly shocking display of firepower from US paras at close range. It is worth trying it once just to see. Even the StuGs were completely freaked out.
  12. My mom only has cats, and she locked the basement door. Send help.
  13. What point was proven? The OP himself says he deliberately ranted to get a reply. I can state a burning match will hurt if I put it against my skin. So is my skin at fault for hurting? This was posted on the open forum, not in a direct email to BFC and as such it is a thread for discussion, not a complaint directly to the manufacturer. I understand the OPs frustration, and there isn't much to add or respond to as there are reasons the QB system is designed the way it is, for better or worse. It wasn't as if BFC just looked for a way to piss folks off and there are loads of threads on that subject. While I do agree we should all try to be a little less thin skinned and wish the responses to the OP not be so negative especially considering the depth of his interest in Cmx1, human nature is what it is and there has been enough rancor on these same topics in previous threads. Heck from the thread title it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how this one was gonna go, just question of whether page 1 would have fanboy, troll, hater etc show up or whether it would take till page 2. The woodwind comment though, well that was kind of new. By the way love the sig line. ;-)
  14. I wasn't referring to you and sorry if it came across that way. I actually wasn't going to respond to the thread, no offense but I don't think you were looking for a response from the player community. The issue of random maps and impact on the AI has been discussed in detail. If you hadn't seen them and want some links to those threads I'd be happy to help. I doubt however they are really going to make you feel any less frutrated as they are just an explanation as to why things are the way they are and why they aren't likely to change.
  15. You know when I was 12 something like this might actually have bothered me for a minute. This is however an open forum and along with all the very rational, humorous and adult discussions (even the heated ones) we have, the law of averages says eventually we will get someone who wants to drags things down to this level.
  16. Actually most of the reply is just from the tone. Granted we should all try to respond to the content and ignore the form, we'd all probably have a much better level of discourse, but that isn't human nature. I love this game and have been called a "fanboy" and "hardcore BFC defender" etc etc, but that isn't because I disagree the game has some issues (hell BFC agrees otherwise there wouldn't be a patch). It usually comes down to just disagreeing about what is actually broken and what is actually a difference in design that has people on opposite sides of the fence. How rational those differences are discussed is dependent on how respectful we are to one another. joebloggs isn't helping your case as apparently all he wants to do is throw fuel on the fire.
  17. LOL I know you meant that semi tongue in cheek, but I am one of those people who doesn't mind paying for stuff to encourage people to continue creating. I'll be checking out the site.
  18. Nice map, I especially like the water pump flavor item. Didn't even realize there was one LOL
  19. ahh here we go again. 2 days of blissful relief from the juvenile posters was about all we get I guess. Woodwind, yeah good one. That really raised the bar for having a rational discourse.
  20. Unless of course God is French...which would explain a lot. We puritans over here on the other side of the pond would never have had Adam and Eve walking around with nothing but plant leaves covering their naughty bits.
  21. I believe that's coming October 21st. Though you probably won't be included now that you used the plural you polytheist.
  22. Heck I'd pay more if it meant you could staff and produce faster. Then again I am a few years from retirement yet so hopefully when I hit that point I can sit back with a whole family of CM2 games for WW2...and then feel frustrated as CM3 is just out with a virtual helmet you wear for a fully 3D world and I have to wait for the modules on that. Then we will have odor grogs telling us what the exhaust fumes from the Panther D should smell like versus the Tiger. You realize of course that retiring is not in the cards for you guys. But seriously back to the OP, thanks. Warts, blemishes and all, it is the best money I have ever spent on a wargame.
  23. Ahh how far we have fallen. Once you were on the receiving end and now you throw it around like in ye olden days it was thrown at you. ooohhh what sad times are these when passing ruffeins can say fanboi at will to old gamers The only thing that gets ignored is the overblown "this game is fatally flawed" nonsense. There wouldn't be a V1.01 coming if there wasn't agreement that there are issues and odds are there will likely be a v1.02 as Steve etal get time to focus on various things on their list. What you guys don't seem to get is there is a list, things are being looked at and where possible and appropriate they are being adjusted. What exactly more is it you want from these guys?
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