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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Ya do just gotta love the obsession to detail and the fact that it can even be argued over. I feel almost embarassed at how little I know but hell I'll gladly accept any mods that come my way. Meanwhile the dirt on the jackets, is that true Norman field dirt? It seems to look more like late fall Lorraine horse pasture dirt. It is really affecting my immersion in the game.
  2. I'll pass on the frozen dinner as well, but I'll take your sushi. You not eating that? mmmmmm Fish the way our ancestors liked it - raw!
  3. Because the real point of CM:Touch is so we can film you guys frantically waving your hands while the AI does a number on you and then airing it on youtube. Seriously though, i expect that is some default response from Apple that is more about the iPad 1 just not having the oomph for the app. Maybe the camera is the first item that shows up different. The BFC site clearly says iPad 2 and new iPad so me thinks you are gonna need an upgrade.
  4. you may want to post a screen shot showing the commands, I haven't heard anyone else have this issue and I certainly haven't. Hunt moves at a decent clip, closer to quick, but slow is definitely not moving fast. Without a visual not sure what to say.
  5. LOL +1 on that, I've been offered an iPad through work and just stared at em - okay so I am supposed to carry this some of the time to not have to lug my laptop (how lazy we are now) but it can't do everything my laptop does so I may also have to lug my laptop for those times that I need .... are you feckin kidding me? Keep the toy. I'll keep using the real workhorse. Now if it worked well enough for me to have carried on some of my pbem games on this trip...well now maybe you're talking.
  6. I like the idea in general, but I think the mechanics are going to be difficult, in addition LOS and LOF aren't the same thing so you might see the target and still not be able to shoot at it. Still keeping the discussion open can't hurt.
  7. Buy a second now and set it up to auto backup once a week after hours. They are cheap enough to make it worth your while. Long live the hard drive and it's vice president!
  8. Cmx1 used a simulated squad similar to what you used to see in cardboard counters in ASL. A 3 man unit represented a full squad, 2 men a depleted squad and a single man a team. At least that is what I recall of the unit representations. I haven't touched it since shortly after CMBN was announced. Now you see all your pixeltruppen and their firing behavior independently represented.
  9. Here ya go http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=44&orderby=2&page=9
  10. No! Basements, we are supposed to talk about basements! Seriously though I never suggested anyone shouldn't talk about it, just that maybe we do have to exercise a bit of patience and appreciate things from BFCs perspective. Any change including adding AT fire from buildings is a change and does require time. Perhaps not much, but I have no way of knowing one way or the other. I think BFCs statement is simply that the solution may end up being no better than the current problem. For example, the request is to allow At fire from buildings to compensate for the issue of tank gun elevations, seems simple and fairly logical. Now however that also allows AT fire from buildings in any situation, something BFC has categorically stated they think is not realistic. As Phil pointed out in another thread, it also then would likely have to include figuring out an AI response and then you end up in a thread like this http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=103562&page=4 So we have a situation where to try and introduce a remedy for urban combat now allowing a set of behavior across the board when urban combat was not the primary aspect of the fighting in NW Europe. I think that may be part of BFCs reluctance (BFC feel happy to chime in and swat me for mis speaking), you change a dynamic that affects behavior far beyond the limited area you are trying to correct. Don't get me wrong in all this, I am actually one of those who really wants this game to function in an urban environment and feel that there are a number of things I'd like it to do better. I also agree that really nailing down the advantages of infantry in urban combat are a bit harder to depict currently. For the moment I am more focused on how to work with it from the perspective of map design rather than trying to change unit behavior.
  11. I have to admit to some sympathy for this, however I get the point folks are making about trying to simulate urban combat. Problem is in general I think urban combat is simply difficult to produce accurately at the moment. Whether it be tank gun elevation, backblast concerns, action spot position for trying to position a team for ambush etc etc The constraints on AI movement, tactical placement etc just magnify any minor issue into something that can be a bit more frustrating and a lot more complicated. That being said I still think CMx2 is leagues ahead of anything else and the game and engine will continue to see improvement. I disagree with redwolf that the issue is this "reliance on 1:1". Personally I think the move to 1:1 is one of the things that really makes the game for me. At a certain point though I agree, folks have to get past worrying about perfection and accept there are limits to what can be done right now. Yes it may be a bit frustratiing, but BFC has explained their position ad nauseum and their reasoning. It isn't because they are happy with the limitations, it is simply that they recognize what is possible given x amount of resources and time. If they come up with a way to implement something better I am sure we will see it in another series. And just to put some reference on this IF they happened to deal with the gun elevation issue, we would simply move onto something else next. Who is still waiting for the "we have to have basements and sewer movement for Stalingrad" rant? You know it is coming. The upside is, folks are only pointing it out because they love the game and want it to live up to every bit of it's potential..and we are notoriously impatient. So are we gonna have basements in the bulge family? I can cite tons of examples from the Huertgen fighting on why it HAS to be included!!!
  12. Well apparently as soon as he allowed the crowbar to be shot out of his hand he was demoted from capt to corporal. That apparently pissed him off so much that he was willing to fight snipers with a pistol.
  13. Understood...and I don't think that is just lazy game slamming rubbish. Just offering an alternative (and perhaps unnecessary, but I am bored and have been away from my CM PC for over two weeks now!!!!) perspective.
  14. Hey maybe our uber aggressive pistol toting tank crews aren't so far off the mark!
  15. In reality I think I wouldn't have my men blazing away at something they couldn't likely hit so they wouldn't have to spend time running around helter skelter all over the battlefield ostensibly offering their buddies first aid only to be really interested in their ammo. Call it game defending rubbish if you will, but I call it sounder tactical behavior. To each his own. As far as BFCs implementation, they can correct me if I am wrong, but it's primary purpose in the game seems to have been to allow ammo teams to play their intended role with the heavy support weapons, not an overall mechanism to have anyone share ammo with anyone else- for better or worse.
  16. LOL I think that translates to - stop blowing off ammo at long range, you are simply wasting it for little effect. Your MGs can do that to some extent, but your squads are essentially just blowing through their ammo load.
  17. Hmm something is wrong if your reserves need ammo right away.... They were supposed to be reserves, what did they do with their own ammo? Honestly, other than hoping to grab a PF or shk round occasionally, my guys aren't usually worrying about scrounging for ammo and if they are it is usually indicative they have been in the firing line too long anyway. Just curious what size scenarios you play that you see this kind of expenditure issue?
  18. Having been the victim of someone throwing a horseshoe at a wasp nest I can attest to the validity of this statement.
  19. if you want the effect of a bore sighted AT gun, you need to get a trp. Use that for both the AT gun and your mortars to suppress any accompanying infantry. I gotta admit, I haven't been near that lucky eliminating AT guns, nor have mine been eliminated so easily. Even in battles where I spotted a gun, after trying to douse it with mortar rounds that suppressed the crew, all I'd managed to do was create enough dust to lose sight of it again..and have it take out another tank. vKleist can attest to the struggle I had with his AT guns playing Die Ammis Kommen. Snake eye I still curse your name when I remember my flaming wrecks... Seriously good fun
  20. No the blast is towards the hedge, the move they are making now, then he pulls back and repositions with a face order back tot he hedge - the blue line (face) is the last command. The blast order is red, yellow is a quick move away.
  21. ? I think maybe you are confusing me with another opponent.
  22. Glantz seems to think Smolensk had a much greater role in disrupting Barbarossa than is appreciated and therefore may trump Moscow as having cost so much in time and resources as to make Moscow untenable. The resistance and shock to the German offensive was according to him also behind a lot of the indecision in the Wehrmacht about what to do next. Still waiting for his 2nd book on the Battle of Smolensk, first was very good.
  23. I have had surprising success with the smaller ATGs 50mm for ex. Harder to spot. You need a good flank position, but even if it doesn't kill it can do a number on a tankers morale.
  24. Exactly, the hardest part is figuring out all the mods out there and trying them - mord's faces for sure, tons of uniform mods, vehicle mods quite a few sounds mods. The only mod I haven't found is one to improve my tactics.
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