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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. for a little more detail I tend to use it as I approach a hedgerow. Go slow and hit the dirt if you spot anything kind of behavior. I do not use it to cover a lot of open ground.
  2. if your game involves any units from the CW module it will.
  3. Rarely will we see what is actually going to be part of a release until shortly before the game hits the stands. As there won't be really significant feature changes till the next game family (likely a Bulge period game) it will probably be a good wait. As to expressing wishes, I think half or more of the threads here are exactly that. Wish away!
  4. For me, hunt is primarily an infantry command. I do occasionally use it, but frankly yeah I'd agree that for armor it is probably my least used command. If I want a tank in a hull down position that I have picked out, the last movement in is usually slow. The last thing I want is the TC stopping the tank while the gun is still below the hull down line. Using the terrain and speed are generally more effective at keeping my guys alive more than trying to spot whatever is gonna shoot at me with a moving vehicle.
  5. c'mon guys ratchet it down a bit. At a minimum we should be able to agree to disagree, but if you really need to slap at one another take it over to the PENG thread. It may not elevate the level of witticism but at least it's expected there.
  6. it beats coming to a party with a case of quart bottles of...grape ale. I actually had someone show up one night all excited because he'd scored so much beer (yes we were underage) with a case of Cool Mule Grape Ale. Even under age we weren't that desperate. He left with the whole case and out of pocket for it.
  7. I don't know if they sell 7oz beer bottles anymore....
  8. rotflmao I just read Joker One and they had a guy in the platoon with narcolepsy. The squad leader would periodically just slap him in the helmet to keep him awake. Also reading a book on the 101st during Normandy and the number of folks affected apparently by the airsickness pills causing them to fall asleep during the first day is pretty high. It gets mentioned repeatedly.
  9. Right about what? They came up with a new engine. That engine makes recreating some things inherently more difficult. BFC has made a decision (regardless of the era of a game) that they will continue to produce games while working on adding complexity. In CMSF armored vehicles can't drive through a wall. CMBN allows this...soooooo get over whether it was in CMSF or not. If it isn't in CMBN it has nothing to do with whether it was in CMSF, it has to do with - Do you want to be able to play the game with what they can complete right now or wait till every single thing that bugs anybody can be reproduced? If not then don't play the dang thing. We don't have dozer tanks, we don't have flail tanks, we don't have mine roller tanks,we don't have AA guns in a ground role and on and on and on and we may never have them. What we do have is a damn good game that allows me to play a whole range of combat that occurred in Normandy and do it pretty darn well. If these guys had a big enough outfit they would try to do all that we want and more, but they are a just a couple people. It's about time folks started with some realistic expectations of what is possible. Stop whining you didn't get a pony for Christmas, we don't own a farm. I am under the impression that most of the people who play this game are adults, isn't about time we started looking at this with an adult's perspective as opposed to ranting I want it! I want it! I want it! and then making snide ass comments about the product as if somehow we could have done it better. Sorry if this offends anyone, but if you think you can do better, then go ahead and do it. Constructive feedback on desired features and behavior is fine, but griping like BFC has somehow gotten it all wrong by leaving out (insert preferred item here) is just getting really old. end of rant
  10. The cordite covers up the smell of digested refried beans. "Fresh" is simply a relative term.
  11. Now that the new module is out you have to go with the new mantra- because that was how it was in CMBN. Granted it's the same engine, but after a year now ya think folks would have moved on already.
  12. *shrug* better that than waiting another 2 years to play the game
  13. That's the "Big" thing they were referring to. Everyone knows Steve is a huge farmville fan. Yes everyone, it's all over TWITter
  14. crushingleek is correct, you can open the file as often as you want and simply exit. Until you hit end of turn to issue orders you haven't done anything to affect the pbem.
  15. Just when I think I have maxed out my awe quota, you modders go one step further. This is just way too cool.
  16. Not in CMBN, but who knows in another family of games, maybe. Kind of like flamethrowers. We won't see them in CMBN, but hopefully in the Bulge game. I think for BFC the difficulty is figuring out how to do it and then throughly test it to make sure they get it even approximately right. The time factor and resources then mean, do you delay continuing the CMBN series or shoot to have it in another family of games? I expect BFC is even more critical of their games than we are. It's kind of like doing a home improvement project. I can see every flaw and it's mine even if no one else notices. The difference is they know what they have the capability of working on and when and what they just have to accept for now if they want to have any income at all to continue developing the product. It is all a trade off that we in the user community don't generally understand. (or at least show much of an appreciation of). There are quite a few things that fit under this umbrella. AA fire, UI changes, flamethrowers etc along with a host of suggestions from the user community that we all constanly debate which BFC will likely cherry pick from.
  17. Do you actually have artillery yet? Many scenarios add your artillery at say 10-15 minutes into the battle so while you have an FO you may not have a battery ready for them to contact.
  18. good thing he is a medic, he appears to have gotten hung up on the barbed wire.
  19. Subscription idea sounds fine, but I still wouldn't mind the opportunity to make a donation.
  20. I WANT that St Mere Eglise map! Seriously what size map are you considering going with?
  21. Aren't you supposed to be working on a map? No time for idle chatter, get back to your desk!!
  22. Did you happen to install Mord's mod? I did and got the same effect and then did a faceslap when he pointed out that is actually a noted side effect. You can keep that Mod (I believe it was a commando mod) in a seperate folder and just remove from your data folder to another location when you want to play a scenario featuring GIs.
  23. Actually no, that was a translation error from ancient Aramaic. It was actually "Thou shalt not play real time" hence the screaming. The 60 second wego turn is actually from Leviticus along with another rule for map creation -Don't have a variety of crops on the same field.
  24. My buddy was the telecom manager for EA out here...yeah they have a telecom dept. I am betting BFCs telecom dept consists of Charles and Steve putting each other on speed dial. Though I hear Charles deleted Steve's entry after he unfriended him. Besides even Siri can't figure out who he wants to dial on his iPhone when all he can say is "gurgle".
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