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Everything posted by sburke

  1. The best thing ever is my toto washlet. http://www.totousa.com/WhyTOTO/Innovation/Washlet.aspx Waking up on a cold morning, strolling into the bathroom and sitting on a WARMED seat, which then washes your butt with WARM water and then blow dries with WARM air. The first thing I found in Japan and thought "these people are on to something." Oh wait we were talking about tactical gaming...sorry.
  2. Some people always see the glass half empty....with old lipstick stains around the edge, a cigarette stubbed out inside and backwash saliva afloat in it. The rest of us see a good deal that helps us understand the theater and it's issues a little better and maybe give us some ideas for designing scenarios that are a benefit to all. However I have to throw in with c3k's question.
  3. I suspect it is more an issue that others in various ways cited earlier about what you see versus where things might really be. Reason is I have a scenario I am working on that has a few walls and while watching the pixeltruppen vault them I am noticing they aren't vaulting the wall but actually nearby the wall, they then walk through the actual image of the wall. I need to play around with it a bit more and check the 2d image of the map for the locations where I can duplicate the effect. I'll also see what the effect is depending on direction the pixeltruppen are moving. It could be a bug in the sense that placement of the wall in certain situations could give a mis leading visual. Not sure yet. I'll run some more tests tonight and see if there is anything to that or if my brain is just addled. Well I mean I will see if there is anything to it despite my brain being addled.
  4. And I KNOW that now cause I just read it.... on the internet. Cause everything on the internet is true. Hi Dr. fatehunter.
  5. rotflmao I was gonna comment on why is the tank even bothering to shoot at a quadraplegic, but I thought "no way, that is in excessively bad taste".
  6. pffft the important question is why do you have Cape Horn in your sig when your location say Vancouver? (nice hockey game last night by the way)
  7. or that the enemy had enough food they could not only afford not to eat the dogs, but could feed them as well... True that would have been a few months later maybe...
  8. And we're from CA! When we spot crazy, you know it's gotta be over the top!
  9. I think we already do and Vanir summed it up quite nicely.
  10. buddy aid? A few moments before his friend had complained of being ... lonely and asked if he could help a buddy out...
  11. The only world wide conspiracy I know of is the one trying to get us to believe there is a world wide conspiracy... Vanir you beat me to it.
  12. Yeah I am currently working on establishing a German cemetary there with a bit of help from vKleist. It should be called Breaking the Landser. Let's just say I learned a bit of a lesson on reading the briefing and not just the scenario description (it was listed as Allied attack...oops).
  13. snow grogs? Or is that ugly bags of mostly water vs snow grogs?
  14. May not matter. I have had a few AT teams on the move fire when I thought they wouldn't even have a shot at an enemy. Twice in my battle with Broadsword in La Luzerne. Good luck
  15. So my eventual answer to this was to kill the damn guy. We have been in a bloody firefight for quite a while trying to push past this hedgerow and I just lost an entire squad slaughtered in the lane next to this fake surrender. So my pissed off pixeltruppen gunned him down (I area fired on his AS). So take me up on a virtual war crimes trial. He had his chance to surrender, he can't have it both ways.
  16. Maybe you need a refresher then on how "understanding" BJ can be. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=108266&page=13 His compassion for his fellow human beings and desire to understand them leaves a little bit to be desired. Give em time, he'll be beating the drum again.... hell he already is but not quite as blatantly yet.
  17. I believe considering they got half of Poland, Soviet Russia gets to raise it's hand here as well. and counting down to the ban..........
  18. C'mon guys. JasonC and Rocky Balboa have both come up with some good constructive ideas. Whatever your personal rancor is right now, lighten up. This is actually turning into a decent tactical thread.
  19. I did read his post which is why I was recommending a USB. Seriously not trying to give him a hard time, but these days I do this for all my games. Better yet, suggest cloud storage to your friends and be a hero. You can get a decent size for free and then they never have to worry about a HD failing or losing a USB.
  20. or you could have just saved it to a USB. (it is a good practice for all your DL only games)
  21. Maybe that's why CM doesn't explicitly show CC, they don't want to do a ToE and animation for tomahawks.
  22. Actually my objection to Star Wars is it is tripe. I LOVE sci fi, it is my first love to read even over military history. No really. The caveat is I like to read (or watch) good sci fi. CJ Cherryh for example sets plausible military scenarios with a much better tactical sense (Downbelow Station being a classic one). Gravity wells, maneuver in space, the issues of speed of light and detection of an incoming threat in time to react, vectoring of mass etc etc Much more plausible and far more consistent. Yeah I get Star Wars is for a particular audience, but that doesn't make it any better writing.
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