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Everything posted by sburke

  1. oh ye of little faith. When BF is too busy to post it is always a good sign. Unless Steve got busted with Paris Hilton again, but she'd have tweeted that.
  2. Actually not a bad idea as you get to see how your map influences the battle and from my little experience it is usually quite a bit different than my initial expectations. LOS/LOF, cover and concealment are complex in CM. Without trying out your map you can't really be sure the effect you are looking for is actually there.
  3. I think you'd have more luck if you bought Steve and Charles some
  4. I am not sure I understand the question. Yesterday you stated this In the thread you started asking essentially the same question. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110700 Are you looking for the same feedback? Sorry just kind of confused as to what kind of responses you are looking for.
  5. See, this wasn't a complete waste of time. Hey there is a new Dave's picks out as well. Horton Field House, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 4/24/78 Normal Dude, this wouldn't be your Alma Mater would it? :cool: And that cat pic is gonna give me nightmares tonight...
  6. Don't take them all out. I have deliberately left them in a map I am doing to represent mouseholing.
  7. I had it explained to me once that this was just one more example of how detailed the game is, they are sliding on cow patties... Seriously though Steve did a detailed explanation of this at one point which I unfortunately completely lack the technical knowledge to regurgitate. I'll see if I can find the post.
  8. Beautiful work. Having had the opportunity to wander it's streets I almost hate to destroy it..almost.
  9. LOL well they will draw fire.. if you expect them to survive, then no. The biggest single key to recon IMHO is patience. Units that stay put increase their awareness level. Give your men time to look around once they get into an observation post. A short covered arc will help keep them from revealing themselves if they should spot something. Their job is not to snipe but to observe. On a larger map the jeeps may be more useful, all dependent on terrain etc. They are still transport, but they can get your recon team somewhere quickly. Check the CMFI AAR GaJ and Bil just completed and Bil's use of his kubelwagens as examples.
  10. Odd, now you are saying the issue wasn't that the "fix" took a long time because of the complexity of the engine, but rather there was disagreement as to what the effect should be. So you changed your position....again..... okay maybe not so odd.
  11. What has that got to do with the MG fix? AFAIK that was more an issue of deciding what the behavior should be, not actually implementing it. Once again you are reaching for data to support your conclusion versus actually having an open mind. You decided as soon as they went with CMx2 that it wouldn't work and you have spent years trying to validate that it was a bad decision. So now your argument is that it is complex? Don't worry your pretty little head, Charles is on it. It is his product and he doesn't seem to be fazed by working on it. I'll bet though he is touched by your concern. And about that action spot thing. Apparently you after 7 years of this game still don't get it. A squad is made up of between 2 and 3 teams normally. Each team occupies an AS. You can divide the team and position them independently if you so desire. IF you want the TAC AI to control them you are free to do so, but you are not required to (with the exception of Italians and Syrian units in CMSF).
  12. okay let's do that again only load up the Spitfire's ammo and see how the range rover does avoiding getting shot to pieces.
  13. I preferred Garcia crooning this Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you Forget about the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you The vagabond who’s rapping at your door Is standing in the clothes that you once wore Strike another match, go start anew And it’s all over now, Baby Blue C'mon Steve, we're chatting up favorite concert encores now.
  14. rotflmao, I have no idea what that last line is, but it sounds funny.
  15. Lately some folks have latched on to a post Steve had made about BF hoping to have another 3 base games and modules this year. Now I have no idea what provoked Steve to state they may triple their output this year. I personally thought that was a bit bold and figured either he had had a really cool discussion with Charles about their future and was just overly excited or maybe he'd had one too many beers and was overly excited. What was important to me though was that he WAS excited. One of the things I like about BF is they have no shareholders. It is a couple gamers living the dream. They have their own company, a product most of us really love and enough business to do it solely (I think) for a living. So periodically when they aren't too busy Steve will pull up a chair so to speak and try to share with us his thoughts on the game, the industry, BF's standing etc, which is also very cool. It is purely informal and in a sense peer to peer. It is a conversation gamer to gamer. Granted it is his game, but as long as the conversation is civil he entertains a lot of questions and feedback. To have those moments thrown back in his face as "proof" that BF is failing is offensive. I don't know how Steve feels (probably doesn't give a rat's a**), but I feel it threatens the relationship and in that sense it is stealing something from me and all of us who value this informality. So the next time you feel you need to quote Steve to prove the superiority of your position and how he has failed on some "commitment", think twice. Steve isn't going to care, but the rest of us are gonna be a bit pissed at how much of an a**hole some people can be.
  16. Just out of curiosity, what did you use for a factor for scattering? Also what is the scale of the map? (and this does look very cool)
  17. The melodrama isn't helpful. No they are not achieving the ridiculous pace Steve had mentioned they were shooting for. However two game families with two modules already released in the space of 2 years is hardly "snail pace." Secondly, it is a really dumb statement to say "what to do now if it is indeed complexities in the engine and complexities caused by the engine that...". what to do if? You obviously do not know if the complexity of the engine is causing anything, hell you said so yourself. So why the conjecture that it requires.. something? Worse though is this assumption on your part that you should somehow have some say in it. Get over it dude. BF is Charles and Steve's business. They will decide (and have decided) that they like the way it is going and it is none of your business. You don't like it, then don't buy it. And for Christ's sake, stop patting yourself on the back about saying 1:1 representation would have an impact on the TacAI. Stating the obvious doesn't establish your street credentials. The issue was never that, but whether they could feasibly handle it. The resounding answer from the overwhelming majority of us is hell yeah! Sure the game is still in progress, but is it hardly unplayable as you and your band of pubescent brothers over at GS would like to suggest. Simply put, we don't really care if you like BF's direction or not. It is what it is and we like it. People can check out Amazon sales all they want, the vote that counts is the one we have done with our wallets. BF is increasingly successful and no thanks to any suggestions originating from you and your cohorts. So can we now get back on track? The title of this thread was not "The start of actual news on Redwolf's opinion of Battlefront". BF throw us a bone for god's sake so we can stop listening to this nattering.
  18. Well JonS was kind enough to mentor me with this helpful bit of info - don't start on the big stuff. Start out with just a platoon size engagement. They will allow you to learn all the basics including the map editor, AI plans etc. Once you start getting the hang of it you can then expand. Don't try a battalion size engagement as your first scenario. I am still very much a noob at this and am still wading in the platoon size pool, but it is an interesting experience. It has definitely enhanced my appreciation for all the designers out there.
  19. ouch man that hurts. CM giveth and CM taketh away..brutally.
  20. your right, it doesn't. That's it BF, Redwolf is right. You guys have utterly failed. I can't even look at the game anymore I am so depressed. I figure I might as well cut my losses now, why get attached to a game when it is so obviously going to fail and go under? I'm gonna go play checkers. I found chess to just have too many issues and be an over complicated version of the same idea anyway. I mean they just recycled the same 8x8 board for American checkers so there wasn't enough new content to warrant purchasing chess. sheesh Don't fight it Vanir, his mysterious sources are impeccable. Give in and just put the game aside... you'll thank him for it later.
  21. There is just so much wrong there that it isn't worth parsing, but just to correct one glaringly bizarre comment. BF is churning out stuff faster than it seems a lot of people can even keep up with. Suggesting they have a slow rate of release is just plain ridiculous. in just over 2 years we have: CMBN game family and it's first module CMFI and it's first module They fully expect to increase that rate of release and so far everything we have seen supports that statement.
  22. Actually you did Perhaps you were just being a bit melodramatic in the thin air atop that soapbox? My bold added to assist you to remember what you'd said. You are welcome.
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