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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Oh arrrgh. My god my eyes, my eyes. I had a vision of Chris twerking to the opening music of Red Thunder.
  2. Lol we are still on cmx2. It is v3 of it, but still cmx2
  3. Yes someone knows. but you'll have to ask Chris
  4. and for folks with b/w constraints that is a lot. add in the additional modules as they flesh out the family.... That may be less and less a factor as time goes on, but I know folks who run into real issues with this.
  5. +1 to all the above. This is very cool watching the difference in decision making you see in a scenario when you know there are implications at the OP layer. It's not quite the same as just having victory conditions in a scenario. So when is the next installment?
  6. Are you sure about both installers in download? That at would seem to be unnecessarily heavy on data usage for folks in places where bandwidth costs are excessive. I also never tested a combined installer and the store lists separate installers for PC and MAC.
  7. I actually can see the OPs question. I was recently testing a scenario and there was a sizable enemy force holding out in a location and just as I was prepping for the assault the AI surrendered. At that point in the battle i'd already pretty much known I was going to win, however that final assault was potentially a tough one and I'd spent considerable time getting prepped. Yeah I won, but I really wanted to see if the assault I had been preparing was going to work. There were likely some good lessons for me to learn there... oh well.
  8. That don't sound at all right. http://www.file-extensions.org/ashx-file-extension I'd go with c3k's suggestion though I am surprised he didn't tell you to attack the file.
  9. I've been way past worrying about looking absurd. Sort of like the bald spot. You learn to live with it, though I wish the kids would stop drawing clown faces in it. I'll admit Sauron's Eye was kind of cool.
  10. unfortunately we have to wait. Thanks to this thread we just diverted Steve from the project. Damn I thought it was Chris' turn to chain him to the desk.
  11. I don't think they'd be upset. Essentially it isn't much different than modding. Looking forward to seeing this. It might be redundant if with 3.0 we get some of those flavor items but I'd love to see those industrial looking pipes/train water units in CMBN.
  12. No. Not being BF I still feel fairly confident of that . Reasoning is that CW itself installs at 1.10 I think. MG you have to either be at 2.0 or have it with the 2.0 bundle. 3.0 is a completely separate stand alone. Basically the same as 2.0 was at release. I wouldn't even begin to guess at pricing. I have no idea what kind of effort it requires from BF. I would think less than the 2.0 upgrade because they no longer have the bump map issue, but I really have no idea. Doing it automatically though would mean an all new set of installers. :eek: (that is beta tester for "you gotta be f'in kidding me") Not sure that anyone has noticed but all the new installers are indicative of something BF said early on that they would only support the current release and the one preceding. From my perspective that seems to be part of the intent of the new installers- get folks past the 1.x series of patches and right to the latest version of 2.0 before 3.0 is out. It definitely makes life simpler on the helpdesk and reduces effort and possibility of error for new purchasers. I think we all tend to forget that BF is doing a lot of different things simultaneously and unfortunately you don't always know the issues that will crop up as you implement. The idea of keeping all CMx2 games from CMBN on current was a huge commitment. I think BF is still struggling to figure out the best way to keep to that commitment and there will be some rough patches as it develops. The fact that the full installer is not available to folks who purchased the base games and modules as they were released is a prime example. From BFs view it would make life so much easier if they could. That they haven't yet is indicative of how much labor it would take to do so now ( which in turn indicates sales have probably been pretty darn good.) And just to be clear, I do get what folks are talking about regarding practices at other companies. I just reloaded WitPAE on my new PC and it dutifully checked back home and updated me to the latest version. I like that a lot. Way easier than reloading CM if you don't have the full bundle installer. Still the last update from it was 2012. The game was 3 years old then. CMBN is 3 years old this year and we are looking at many years of updates to come. Apples to apples comparisons are really hard to come by.
  13. How is that not the complaint, it is the only instance where you would have to include the 2.0 upgrade in a configuration even if you already have it. Spell it out for us then as I am not seeing any other variant that fits your complaint that yes in your own words is a small gripe that you have escalated to a matter or principal. Perhaps (and this is just a thought) maybe BF knows based on their sales info that that particular bundle isn't one they have run across a need for. Maybe not, but it does leave the window open that your issue of principal is simply theoretical and a dead end.
  14. They offer 2.0, the CW module and the MG module all separately. They also offer a CW bundle with 2.0 or an MG bundle with 2.0. They do not offer a CW/MG solo bundle however. Is that your complaint? Seriously? Okay point noted. BF needs to offer still another variant bundle. Can we move on now? I don't mean to be a d**k about it ( yeah I know I am failing there, sorry) but I guess the OP did say this was for whining. I'll just stfu now.
  15. PP I think you make some very good points about CM product and trying to compare against other products. The comparisons aren't always helpful for the simple reason that company strategies and products are not always comparable. The module strategy as an example I agree can be confusing. Even BF alluded to that in discussions on this very forum about the content of the MG module. How to insure for example that the CW module was not required and at the same time not charge folks again for material they already had if they owned that module. I think their end result was satisfactory, but it expect BF learned some lessons from it to apply to future module design. A direct comparison of feature addition is also not entirely applicable as the amount of effort BF has to go through to port new features into the older games is a major commitment. Far more than I think if they simply had each game family independent. There is a value add there from a customer perspective that I really appreciate. About the only directly comparable policy I know of is HPS releasing free patches to keep their games at the same load, but that is a significantly different proposition than the effort required for a 3D game. I think MikeyD remembers quite well the amount of effort it took to get CMBN to be able to truly be version 2. I have to admit I almost spit out some coffee on the comment about relative density of CM product versus users. Very sneaky. As to pricing, you have raised this before and again I'll have to plead ignorance on whether those are options for BF. I don't have enough info to reach a conclusion either way. I will say I think BF seems satisfied with their current model and are more focused on both product and fine tuning the whole constant upgrade process. As Moon noted in his update they are looking at ways to allow the bundle installers to be applicable for all and not just folks who purchased via the previous bundle. I think that is time well spent and would help reduce the confusion at least in terms of installation process. As to ubiquitous, considering the ongoing community disagreement with that particular product community that led him here relative to the CM community I am not surprised by the comments. The remarks about BF's supposed attitude and the "sycophants" is totally consistent for that source. *shrug*. I could give a rat's ass what that community thinks. That may be an unfair assessment but considering the tone of the post, deserving.
  16. I just looked in my wallet and found 3 pre 1975 bills. They are a bit worn, but does that mean I now have $132? Woot!!! I knew my wife was wrong telling me I should clean out my wallet! What? That is not how it works, that is not how any of this works? . . . . I unfriendly you.
  17. There is an odd premise that follows through this entire thread that every BF customer buys all of their product. I kind of doubt that is really true and when the next modern title comes out I am pretty certain I will know it not to be true. (I'll explain that after it is released) For most of us active on this forum, this is THE game for us. To state conclusions as if we represent the norm is probably very misleading and weakens a lot of the whole premise about how expensive CM is or is not. I've probably spent several hundred dollars now on CM products. When it was just CMSF and CMBN that was okay. I'd switch back and forth depending on mood. I now have 4 game families and another modern title on the way. I will more than likely continue to get everything. It is an addiction. However if I were not such an avid fan I could easily see where someone would only really be interested in one family. As c3k noted we are entirely in control of what we purchase. BF however has to price each product on the time and effort to produce and the expected market sales. My issue isn't price, it is time. I need to retire to be able to be able to fully enjoy all the product I have much less additional product to come. *puts on sycophant hat*. You are kidding right? They have bundle deals, an ongoing commitment to keeping all families on current engine and therefore retaking value as if new. Wtf do you want? The damned upgrade cost $10 for v2 $5 if you bought in a bundle. You have any idea how much effort went into that? I do and as well an idea of what v3 will likely take. I am consistently amazed by the number of statements made in ignorance on this forum about the value of a product when they have no idea of the effort involved. For all the whining, the version upgrades are a phenomenal deal, get over it. As to pricing, have you looked around at some other games prices? War in the east and battles of the bulge are not cheap by any stretch and tell me they have the same replay value ( and I say that having bought both). Check out the where Eagles dare board game ( you need to update your board game pricing vision Michael, lately they have become significantly more expensive). CM is not an expensive product if you try an apples to apples comparison, if however you compare the entire CM catalog against one individual game, yeah I'd expect it to look ridiculous.
  18. I am afraid to read any of those as it will mean I will now have to hope and pray for BF to release a game focusing on that era...... I have enough as it is wishing for France 1940.
  19. BF has been pretty consistent that there will be a family for NWE to 1944-45. I would love to see that be simply a module for CMBN, but understand that from their view that becomes difficult.
  20. I think the CDC shut them down on that. The delay on Space Lobsters of Doom is as I understand it the result of legal action by the Intergalactic Crustacean Association.
  21. ha that's okay. Medieval history would be welcome too. There is actually some exciting stuff going on in Poland in 1390s.
  22. LOL that was actually might point in saying only Charles really knows. JasonC has a possible answer for the situation, You have another. A third option is the placement of pixeltruppen within the AS (though based on some other items that have been noted with pixeltruppen behavior I expect that one is a really tangled web.) Point is none of us really know the inherent issues with any of our potential answers. Doesn't hurt to toss them out there. Maybe one of em will catch BF's eye and give them a direction they hadn't thought to go in. To characterize any of them as easy or say they don't affect current code however is just opinion based on ignorance. As you noted in your comments on how the code is designed, it may change the viability of any of the ideas suggested. Still it can't hurt. As JasonC noted MG behavior has been changed as well as HE. It is certainly possible this could be addressed as well.
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