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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I have built a new machine and just reinstalled CMSF. Real simple- as Moon suggested I went to the BF support page and found the instructions in under 2 minutes. I now have it in a text file in a folder I keep for all CM related stuff. Went perfectly smooth. It is easier than it appears if you have all the patches downloaded first and ready to go. It is even easier if you have downloaded the installers rather than discs. This is one thing I have started to do now that I didn't prior. I stick to downloaded installers. Reinstalling just goes that much faster. This comes from someone who has reinstalled CMBN more than probably a good portion of the forum posters combined- yeah beta testing is very very glamorous. A one step load em all installer would definitely be nice, but would I pay for one? No not likely. I'll save that money for CMSF 2 when it comes out. Per the support portal: Here is the correct way to reinstall CMSF and its modules (as of patch v. 1.32): Install CMSF, do NOT license it if it is a Battlefront version. Install the v. 1.10 patch for your distribution (Battlefront or Paradox). This step is sometimes not needed if you have the Marines module, but bundles that include the Marines module may not have all of the necessary files that are part of the v. 1.10 patch. If you have the Marines module, install it now. If you have the Marines module, launch CMSF and use the Marines license key to activate (this activates both CMSF and the Marines module). If you have the British Forces module, install it now. If you have the British Forces module, launch CMSF and use the British Forces license key to activate it now. Install the v. 1.21 patch. Make sure to make the correct selections for the modules you have. Making an incorrect selection will result in modules disappearing or license key requests for modules you do not have. If you run into this problem reinstall the v. 1.21 patch again and make the correct selections. You must install the v. 1.21 patch BEFORE installing the NATO module. If you have the NATO module, install it now. If you have the NATO module, launch CMSF and use the NATO license key to activate it now. Install the v. 1.31 patch. Make sure to make the correct selections for the modules you have. Making an incorrect selection will result in modules disappearing or license key requests for modules you do not have. If you run into this problem reinstall the v. 1.31 patch again and make the correct selections. Install the v. 1.32 patch. Make sure to make the correct selections for the modules you have. Making an incorrect selection will result in modules disappearing or license key requests for modules you do not have. If you run into this problem reinstall the v. 1.32 patch again and make the correct selections. This is actually more involved than any of the newer CMx2 titles. It really isn't that hard, you just need to visit the support portal. It is probably the single most underutilized service BF provides.
  2. Well I think the first idea for the new modern game was a scenario in Germany and Merkel paid them off to go look elsewhere. They then went to Canada and again got paid off. These negotiations have been the real delay in the release of a new modern title. North Korea has been begging them to do a title - Sea of Fire or some such thing and the disc label would be that special Beloved Leader hairstyle. Unfortunately N Korea has no cash.
  3. harmed? How harmed? You may not get the benefit of an easier installer, but how does that become harm? Most of the benefit derived isn't for the community but reduced ticket load for the helpdesk. When v3 comes out EVERYONE will have the same option(s) to purchase v3, similar to when v2 came out. The new installers have absolutely nothing to do with that. You will not have to purchase anything you already owned to install 3.0 no matter when you bought CMBN. and just to be clear. I have been playing the game almost 3 years longer than anyone who would qualify for the new installer- I think they screwed themselves and I got the better deal.
  4. by going here. http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  5. now that is odd. Lemme go back and look in mine, I don't recall ever seeing that. Yeah mine looks fine, I'd take that to tech support. My wild erratic blindfolded and drunk stab in the dark would think video card/driver issue right before I go face first into a pile of dog s**t on the pavement. Yeah that is well out of my knowledge realm.
  6. lots of spare cash? LOL c'mon go without a coffee for a day or two if it is priced similar to V2. Remember BF had said they aren't done with CMBN and definitely aren't with CMFI.
  7. This is a bit of a guess, but I think if you simply go to your order page and enter your license key to redownload your order, the new order is the new package. That is part of the reason it is not generally available for those of us who have the whole package but did not order as a bundle. You can check with tech support first before taking the time to actually download in the event I am totally wrong.
  8. everything is "fixable" given unlimited resources and time. Neither of those does BF have. Whether the current positioning of units in an action square is "fixable" is something that I think only Charles is qualified to answer. Whether he agrees that it is so inherently broke to require he work on it I highly doubt. beyond that I agree with what a number of other posters have said. Basically it isn't broke enough to lose sleep over. If you want to micro manage more, you can break units into teams further limiting the issue. In the above mentioned example from Pelican Pal. You have a building with two windows. So maybe one guy shoots from each window? Is that the proposal because then only one guy from each window could be hit....would we be happy with that scenario, an entire squad on the 2nd floor and only two guys shooting? I know I would take the current dilemma over that option.
  9. Well you do frequent the peng thread if that helps answer the question
  10. Well now the info is out on some of what has been going on. The new installers rock. For those like me that have CMBN with all options, the full bundle installer is a god send. No more worrying about order of install etc etc
  11. error, vehicles aren't supposed to be able to enter buildings. Hopefully you have a save otherwise not much will come of the report unfortunately.
  12. We are hunting wabbits. Be vewy vewy qwiet.
  13. He posted in all 3 just to make sure he got your attention. I didn't look at CMSF . . .
  14. I think posting on one forum would be enough. Slow day?
  15. They are alive, they are just playing dead to avoid being used as bullet shields. Smart animals. Look really really close and you can see them breathing.
  16. IIRC correctly a Pz IV crew from Panzer Lehrer was able to slip into Bastogne and hide in a basement denying the 101st of a hard fought victory. When informed Anthony McAuliffe was heard to declare "nuts, the gamey bastiges!" At which point he rage quit and went on to play angry birds.
  17. For the truck, all the material is inside. For the ammo dump someone has already tossed it out for you. Union rules say it takes 60 seconds to remove boxes from a truck. Sorry but rules are rules. Unless of course you are thinking to unload stuff for the black market. In that case sure just go ahead and "acquire" from next to the vehicle.
  18. CMA is cool, but material is limited. With CMSF you get a whole lot of NATO and enough variation on Syrian side. My personal favorite is still CMFI and I couldn't really explain that yet. Surprising to me as I am mostly a NWE kinda guy. When western allies versus Russia 1945 comes out that will be my new favorite
  19. Ha enthusiasm is all that really matters. And don't be intimidated. Those Russian tanks are deadly. Just don't let him get you in a sniping fight. You have the numbers, make em count. It is a tough scenario for either side depending on how you play it. This is the Red army brother, stomp the nazis forces under your heel.
  20. Drink a case of Foster's. You will find them clearly intelligible afterwards.
  21. I think I am with YD on this. Not much bang for the buck. I am thinking of Remagen and Nijmegen as scenarios. Basically the battle comes down to the moment the defending side goes to blow the bridge. There is no command dysfunction to interfere like Nijemegen even. The defender just says using whatever mechanism - blow bridge and the scenario is over. If the bridge blows defender wins, if not they lose. The list of things we'd all like in CM is quite long, better to focus on things that make a difference more often. Having said that, if the capability is added next week I wouldn't be upset.
  22. It used to be that a direct fire 81 mm mortar could take down most bridges given enough ammo in a few turns. That no longer appears to be the case for most bridges. Good to know
  23. Make sure you have all the following brz files in your data folder. Black icons are usually indicative of some missing files. Normandy v100A Normandy v100B Normandy v101 Normandy v110 Commonwealth Normandy v110 Normandy v111 Normandy v200 Commonwealth Normandy v200 Normandy v201 Normandy v210 market garden a Normandy v210 market garden b Normandy v210 Normandy v211 Normandy v212
  24. I think it was Bil that described a method for doing this. If you area target right to the edge of their line of fire or sumfink. Haven't yet figured it out. Be easier if we had a grenade option like we have a smoke option.... Could even change "pop smoke" to a grenade action with option for standard or smoke (and Demo charge!)
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