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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Well not sure where you are headed, but as a beta tester I don't agree. There is no magical other answer. Beta testers are the QA line. It is a pain on the ass totally unappreciated by a good part of the community but despite that still a privilege to be a part of. I am not afraid to say sorry if something gets past.
  2. Really? If they were so good why would you need a new game on average every week? No wait. Don't answer that. This intervention is getting off track. I can only help you if you take that first step. I can't make it for you. Break for a commercial on the human cost of game hoarding and other addictions. Mournful background music provided by Sarah McLaughlin.
  3. Oh sorry I misread that, thought it said module for CMBN not CMRT. What can I say, I am still hyperventilating that the guy who wants BF to lower it's prices owns 400 games. Lol I just read your post editing it. I am still hyperventilating though.
  4. You say that like it is a reasonable number. Let's do the math. 7 years is 84 months. 400/84=4.76 games a month. That is a new game every friggin week for the past 7 years. You have a problem friend. The first step is to recognize you have a problem. Say after me "I have a problem, I buy too many (probably sh**ty) games". No wonder you don't appreciate what it is you bought with CM. You can't tell as you don't have enough time to dedicate serious effort to any of them. I'm a deadhead and I don't think I have even that many recordings of dead shows! Yikes that is a scary thought right there.
  5. That would have to be a module for CMFI, I don't believe there are any more for CMBN. The next step for NW Europe is the Bulge family or whatever they call the fall 1944 to spring 1945 game. Personally I'd like to see the CMFI module.
  6. Possibly. Yeah it looks like that was written before the days of digital only DL. LOL They'll get you sorted.
  7. Ha, wait till you try and have it cross a bridge, the patching issues are a nightmare. It keeps trying to cross the road and invariably ends up drowning.
  8. Lol Ian. I have sound and terrain mods and I barely give it a second thought. If I have a problem, I pull the folder and restart the game. It isn't like they cause permanent damage to the install. The day I have problems with tanks a lots buildings is the day I cry. I don't use the animated texts, I have never had a mod issue and I have multiple versions of the game running quite often.
  9. 400 games?! No wonder you are looking for discounts. Dude you need to stop wasting so much money. Prioritize your games and get a life outside your PC! :eek: Even if you only spent $1 each, you have still wasted a ton of money. Sounds like your desire for BF to reduce costs is simply to enable you to waste cash on another bunch of useless titles you might play once in a blue moon. BF does not enable bad behavior. No sir, it sounds like we need an intervention to save you from yourself. My god man don't you recognize you are a game hoarder? I think that is the next reality tv show coming.
  10. Yeah but it would cost me more than everything I have spent on CM to get there. The only comparable price and length of value item I can compare to CM is books. They cost me more and I spend less time on them. The WW2 history ones do however compliment the game well.
  11. Contact the help desk. I have only ever ordered something for someone else by getting a disc. Software DL may require you be more specific to BF. I don't think one key is going to cut it.
  12. What is freaky is my cats do that. When they were kittens one decided I didn't need labels on my laptop keys. I came home to find the keys chewed up and strewn about the floor. She damn near became violin strings that day. I had to get an external keyboard. Now they just like to interfere, or quite possibly are telling me my tactics are wrong. When the vocabulary consists of meow, it is hard to tell.
  13. You got all that for $10?! Man 3.0 is a ripoff!
  14. I know I want to revisit Venafro. The original idea didn't really come through. With AI triggers I think I can do much much better.
  15. Gimme a moment while I pick my jaw up off the floor
  16. My understanding is it is more about key mapping than anything else. Visually it won't change the game at all. There had been an old discussion about the controls of CM not following "standard". BF implemented an option to select form varying control types. If you were hoping to see the action from an individual soldier's eye I am afraid you are going to be disappointed.
  17. Same here. That has been part of the difficulty of this one, so few people even among the Nvidia/Intel crowd experience it. As to "all you get out of it". AI triggers baby . I only use my SSD for necessary items on the main drive. I have a standard 3 TB drive for installing CM, the SSD doesn't seem to add anything for CM so why bother installing there. They are still too expensive to bother using that way. I have multiple installs on a regular basis at various versions. It really is very straightforward. Make the leap big dog, stop sitting there shivering like a chihuahua!
  18. I have had both and run the game well with both. *shrug*. What I have avoided ever since CMBN was released was trying to run on a laptop.
  19. LOL no sweat Macisle. This forum would be hellaciously boring if we all always agreed. I won't be disappointed if/when BF adds them for CMBN. If I felt strongly about it I am free to not use the capability. My point was more that it was necessary to do for CMRT in order to represent a specific tactical capability the Russians had. If the Russians did not have them I expect we might never have seen the feature. Now that it is in, the community seems pretty solidly in favor of having it across the board. We may see it, we might not. Knowing how much effort it will take makes me think I'd prefer to see that effort devoted to something else. If they plan on doing that effort for Bulge then it is a wash and I don't really have an opinion on it.
  20. It would be new content. It is not a bug. No offense but bug is a very specific word in software. That you don't like the fact they don't have distinct sounds doesn't make it a bug. What would make it a bug is if it is supposed to and wasn't working. My understanding (and I could be out of date on this) is the decision about sounds has more to do with performance. It is a trade off in design, that means no it is not a bug. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_bug This isn't semantics. Definitions are very important in defining the terms of a conversation so both parties know they are discussing the same thing. Obviously for you this is an item that you would like them to address. For others it is likely less so especially if it comes with a hit in performance. If you carry the thought through, there are a LOT of sound adjustments they could make. Engine noises individually by vehicle type for example. I am sure there are folks that would like more distinctive sounds. As those start adding up, the performance hit grows. Where do you draw the line?
  21. I know folks probably hate hearing that, some folks anyway. It is a really good point though. Yes MikeyD has another good point. I play these games for fun and also to learn. The game is designed to force me to deal with the issues each nationality struggled with at the tactical level. The point of tank riders wasn't because every army has soldiers who don't want to march but to represent a specific tactical capability and practice in the Russian army that was not present with any of the other combatants. We all want the capability for folks to ride vehicles for a broader tactical mobility. BF has stated their reasons why they did not include in the CMBN and CMFI upgrades and it was a workload/labor issue. However I am in agreement with MikeyD. I like the national characteristics in each release. I don't consider it to be BF being too rigid but rather true to what the game is trying to do. When the Bulge game comes out I expect we will probably see it there. Pictures of German soldiers piled up on tanks due to a lack of transport are iconic however that to me is primarily an operational characteristic, not a tactical one. If BF decides that isn't how they want to develop the game so be it, I can live with that.
  22. @LukeFF. Agreed, but I think folks are getting just a little ahead of themselves. Yes BF has their work cut out for them. I suspect even they weren't/aren't sure what this process will mean. It will likely get even more complicated as they work on multiple game family releases concurrently. How to keep the engine up to date when you potentially have two sets of features to add in a crossover and back porting. I think we all need to just take a deep breath and calm down a bit. Folks act like there is some kind of road map for this and I don't think they realize there really isn't. BF's situation is not directly comparable to any other gaming company I know of and definitely not within this genre. BF is in a learning process. The difficulty of trying to get a uniform process for their base with new installers and how to handle back porting features are just two examples of this being a little more complicated than anyone really understood. From BFs view I expect the installers are a bit more important. It has a direct impact on their help desk and therefore a direct drain on their energy. I expect we are just scratching the surface on the difficulties in back porting features and the pricing model for that is something BF may be wrestling with a lot in the future. As an avid fan of the game and company I appreciate their intent as well as the difficulties they face in implementation. I can afford to be patient. I can't afford for them to fail as a company. This is the only PC game that I can't do without.
  23. Well Steve's position was not a final one so I wouldn't give up hope yet. I just wouldn't expect it soon.
  24. Whew trying to keep up with all the posts misunderstanding the issue is, well difficult. This is the one and only official position. It is not an anal grog position, but rather a business one and is not final.
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