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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Absolutely agree there is no source that has been completely accurate. The western media for the most part has actually refused to print half of what is coming out even if the source is the OSCE who can pretty much be regarded as unbiased. The Russian media on the other hand has contradicted itself so often or been caught in the most ridiculous lies as to be completely untrustworthy. The Ukrainian media has had some major issues at times in it's reporting but overall far better than Russia or the insurgents. There are a ton of sources of info. You just have to filter stuff out and the claims of the insurgents are pretty easy to discard considering how ridiculous they usually are. As it stands the SBU is getting more and more hard data on Russian involvement as Russia gets more blatantly involved. Troop listings, soldiers identification documents etc. the problem for the west is if that stuff gets in the public eye our folks are gonna demand our governments ratchet up their support for the Ukraine. Oh and the Russian govt says it has no troops or equipment there so any statement from the pro Russian side that they are is contradicting Putin himself.
  2. Look you guys are using sources that have continually been proven to be lying and self contradictory. If you chose to continue to believe those sources that is your choice but stop trying to pretend they have any real validity. As to the line about the coup. So just exactly how did the Russia government transition occur from soviet era not to mention that farce in Crimea. Pro Russian advocates are way out in left field criticizing anyone else's political process.
  3. Not a modder, but I seriously doubt it as you'd have to have access to the UI for placement.
  4. Wtf. Stupid spammer, but what is current status. We have FJ now!
  5. What the hell are you smoking, the insurgents are getting their asses wiped now. If Russia doesn't outright invade soon they are going down. All the Russian leadership has already fled to Moscow unless you also believe that BS that Strelkov decided to take a months "vacation". Yeah right And yeah it is the fault of the west, yep we told Russia to invade a foreign country. Yep all our fault because we promoted democracy. Wtf kind of reasoning is that? Hey maybe the Ukrainians just looked at the standard of living in Poland and what they could expect under the current cronyism fostered by Russia and said "we want that". Nice try. Russia is a dictatorship with an inferiority complex that finally tried to bully a country that is not gonna rollover. Putin is gonna have to eventually eat crow on this one. I for one will thoroughly enjoy him trying to spin this as a victory. The one thing the article did get right is Putin does have something to fear. As he continues to enact laws limiting the rights of Russians eventually someone is gonna say, enough I want democracy too.
  6. Senior is only relevant to how much we blab away on the forum. If you tend to travel a lot like I do, you spend more time on the forum partly because you can't play the damn game. . It is not necessarily any reflection at all of game skill. Sigh.
  7. And it is still definitely having something you did not pay for and have no right to have without having paid for. Therefore theft. All the rest of that fluff is just crap.
  8. Your arguments are nowhere near as clever as you seem to think they are. Nope it is still wrong. Obfuscate all you want, most of us here have a very clear understanding that what does not belong to me is not mine to just take and all the justifications aren't particularly convincing. Nope you guys are just cheap with a sense of self entitlement.
  9. That is okay Mord, it is just a choice. Besides they say the best two days in a boat owners life are the day they get it and the day they get rid of it. You are giving them their second greatest day, it is a gift! See how easy it is to rationalize?
  10. Yes. You take something without paying for it, is theft period. If you guys can't understand that it makes me wonder how flexible your overall moral concepts are That whole analogy of digital nonsense is crap. You took something that didn't belong to you. It doesn't matter what you left or what they had. You either respect someone's ownership of their property or you don't. It really is that simple. Trying to argue some gray area is simply trying to excuse your behavior. And your conversion rate has nothing to do with your stealing a game. BF doesn't set conversion rates, why would that have anything to do with whether you pay them. By that logic if you live in a country with lousy conversion rates you are entitled to take whatever you want from anyone else?
  11. Nope sorry, I call BS. You were stealing the game. That is wrong. You can try and throw up a lot of smoke to excuse all you want but fact is you were stealing the game. And worse you obviously could afford it.
  12. Aaarrgghh maties, where is this pirate game and what ship be she sailing? I think folks who feel piracy has any decent aspect at all for game development have been nipping the rum a bit too much. Frankly you have your heads so far up your collective arses you probably have dual tongue action. How anyone could possibly conclude having a portion of your sales stolen is a healthy business model is beyond me. Nope sounds more like someone trying to convince themselves that stealing is okay if only the business owner was as much an economic whiz kid as yourselves. I hate the drm too, but I chose to hate the folks who force software developers to use it - the cheap ass jerks who feel they are entitled to just take sh*t they have not paid for. And I don't buy that line that you only used torrent to try it with more content. I'd be willing to bet the drm had more to do with eventually buying it.
  13. To semi quote a Capitol one credit card commercial MarkEzra is genius! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b8Y6QcxhiD8
  14. The first time I ever went for sushi it included horse sashimi. Actually not bad.
  15. One wonders what would be the functional use of a horse drawn wagon? I can see folks wanting trucks to move troops quickly on a large map. A horse drawn wagon though isn't cavorting around like Ben Hur's chariot. They would simply be a large target moving likely no faster than a walking man. As to map size, yes you can do a large map. Start loading that large map with units and you will find things distinctly slowing down. Really want that big map so you can watch a horse drawn wagon take forever to move across it? CM:rear area services. I think I'll pass on that title. It is just wrong in so many ways.
  16. THIS is why wego https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VBmUOIgQ5BM If this doesn't sell you, nothing will.
  17. Steve's yacht consumes a ton of fuel as he cruises the Riviera. Not to mention the bottles of Cristal he needs to fill the Charles jar with. Don't even get me started on the costs of the private jet that Chris and Phil use to go on their wild bashes in Bangkok.
  18. Umm wait a minute, aren't you the guy trying to get BF to discount stuff? Don't mean to be embarrassing or anything but as Alanis might say "isn't it ironic?"
  19. I haven't seen it but I understand Chris did a little demo on his twitch program. You may find something there on pervious videos.
  20. Because it looks like it will be pulled out of 3.0 so why bother testing until that occurs? 2.12 behavior would more closely reflect the intent and that it can be compared to see what end state of 3.0 does.
  21. You can always slice it up later to have smaller battles, but designing it whole like this allows consistency between scenarios. I'd say keep building it as is and release the full map with no units when complete to get more use out of it.
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