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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Hmm good point. Intelligence and morals seem to be the first things you need to discard. Partly our own fault as voters, we vote on our self interest so as long as they seem to cater to that...
  2. I guess he wasn't smart enough to understand that using that threat just made it very clear we needed to draw the line in the sand now We actually have the bigger gun, we can bankrupt him without using a missile. Putin is essentially a bully at the head of the Russian state, that doesn't make him smart, it just makes him a bully. And a bully who is weaker than he realizes.
  3. Really? Totally trashing his country's economy for a foray into Ukraine wasn't the sign of an idiot? Huh. Not fixing his country 's economic state when he had the chance and instead doubling down on the corruption level wasn't the sign of an idiot? Finding fake artifacts in the Black Sea wasn't the sign of an idiot? Well okay may be he isn't. But he also isn't exactly bright either.
  4. pnzrldr get the lead out. Your thread has devolved into an IT shop. Screenshots, mayhem, that is what we want!
  5. I don't know of any that have stopped working, but as an example once bump maps were introduced mods that didn't take advantage of them become less desirable.
  6. +1. Sometimes I just like watching my units. Sort of like creating an animated diorama, and then try to get a video or screenshot of it.
  7. It is actually really simple. I posted a god awful amount in the CMSF forum and it really didn't take me long. Actually the most time consuming part is finding that shot you really want. The description above is nicely detailed but some steps are actually simpler. For example in photobucket when I click the img tag it automatically copies, I just then paste to where ever I want. I also use Picassa and have a shortcut in a CM folder (I keep all the game launchers and any associated programs in there like cmh, fraps, a link to my crash dump folder etc etc). So I hit the shortcut to the fraps screenshot folder, click the image and picassa opens with a button that says edit in picassa. I crop, save as JPEG and edit the next pic. Once I have them all done I do a bulk copy to photobucket. Doing 50 pics is not much harder than doing 10. So c'mon folks post your pics. If you can't do that you probably have no business playing a computer game.
  8. Correct that is the whole point of naming it z. It loads after all the BF brz folders overwriting the existing file in memory. Once in the z file you can name your folders anything you want. I have various folders to define types of mods and in some cases unit folders that would contain for example all the mods I want for the game to represent the 352nd ID, uniforms, UI pics etc So I have a sound folder, a terrain folder, a building folder etc etc. keeps it organized so I can verify what I am modding and what mods potentially overlap.
  9. Who are you expecting to do that? Just a question as BF certainly is not going to invest it's resources nor should they. Some mod creators may not even be around any longer so the reality is, you are responsible for any mods you add to the game. Unfortunately I don't see a way around that. As you noted it is a huge time sink. As they are a community created item I can't see BF being held to check it.
  10. I suspect what you are really going to argue over is how to define effective. His stats as argued here on this forum repeatedly are likely highly inflated (the norm it would seem on reports coming from air units regardless of nationality), but does that necessarily translate to ineffective and does a kill necessarily translate to effective or non effective if it forces your opponent to change tactics or operations based on a perceived threat. None of which am I qualified to render an opinion on.
  11. I assume you are on a MAC as that looks nothing like what I have.
  12. I am on the latest and I haven't had any issues with my mods. Some of them were from 1.0.
  13. that may be a subjective feeling about political slant and some of it well deserved, but you can actually watch our gov't proceedings on c-span and see the imbeciles throwing sh*t at each other. The Gov't accounting office is actually pretty good at discerning the truth on funding issues. We have NPR founded by our gov't but currently only getting about 10% of it's funding by the feds that is a god news source. In addition I can vote and my vote counts. I have no little green men guarding voting facilities, I can protest in the street peacefully and generally not worry about repercussions etc. No we are not even remotely like Russia.
  14. it's the Ozzie version of Depends. They take pride in being able to hold their place at the bar without having to make time to go use the head. I believe waders were actually created by an Ozzie to enable them to just stand at the bar all weekend. I expect this goes a long way towards explaining why this place is referred to as the CessPool.
  15. If you can move a file from your desktop to your documents folder you are eminently qualified to to move stuff to a z folder you create in the game folder. If you can't you should probably not play computer games.
  16. I'd return the compliment, however you have yet to write anything even remotely funny. Proof if needed that the lizard people do not have a sense of humor. My Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House shall I use grape shot to disperse this unruly mob of two miscreants?
  17. A regime what? You too busy trying to link words in some kind of order that you forgot again that sentences have to have structure to provide meaning? And stop discussing how you raise your feral little children here. It is boring and frankly we don't care.
  18. Wrong. Google simply has difficulty translating lizard, particularly the Akron dialect of lizard And yes spending time chatting with you is a waste of time, fortunately my IPad has this nifty wireless connection so I can reply while taking care of important business on the toilet. We call this multi tasking. Yes I realize even one thing at a time is too much for you hence the need in your house for one of those JC Decaux toilets. For the rest of us (excepting Stuka) multi tasking is the norm. Good thing for you. If we couldn't you would have no one willing to waste their time trying to converse with a lizard speaking Akronite.
  19. You are I guess late to the show or you simply can't read Boo's sig.. . . Or simply can't read at all. It certainly is better than your fetish for aging or dead flesh. You might also want to look up self-imposed as you clearly missed the point. Not surprisingly
  20. If you go into the editor and create AI plans it will work, but that is the ONLY way the AI will ever do anything. QB maps already have configured AI plans and most scenarios (and all that come with the game) have AI plans. FGM is a site for players to find opponents so by definition they don't care about AI plans.
  21. Good point. Your supposed father certainly didn't have scaley skin did he? Should known that unblinking stare of yours had nothing to do with acquired poker skills, after all one can't just teach oneself to have a nictating membrane. I'll have that previously mentioned person do a write up on you in his blog. Your 15 minutes of "fame" as it were oh wanna be Justicar.
  22. changing objectives to known by both doesn't affect the AI. It doesn't care about the other sides objectives. Is there an actual AI plan? If this is on FGM I suspect it is for hth play in which case the AI will never move
  23. 1 no, but I can't speak for how much you will get charged by your mail carrier. Bf is only charging the additional shipping and handling they incur. I understand folks in uk get totally screwed on this. 2 and 3 are exactly identical to electronic copy only. Honestly in this day and age I have given up on discs. Pretty soon you won't even have a disc reader so I just store the download in multiple locations including cloud storage. Besides it is much easier to reinstall electronic copy.
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