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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. If the Marines don't show up in CMBS I hear Gen Mattis is gonna make a personal house call in Maine.
  2. well even in CMSF you could purchase a Syrian Eng pltn. No it isn't quite the same, but it is close. I prefer to wish for BF to do things I can't even come close to. I have to say CMSF2 is having an unexpected affect on me. For the first time I am actually considering learning to mod. My wife works in QA for Adobe. She has the software and the skills to teach me. It says something of the strength of our marriage that I can ask her to teach me to mod my game It says something else about the game that I am thinking of trying to learn a whole new skillset. I'll never be a Kieme, but I might manage to make something I like. One of the aspects of your Mosul scenario that so appeals to me is the creativity you put into it, just so many fresh ideas that add so much potential to game play. I'd stop worrying about the ideas you have or limitations you ran into in CMSF. I suspect CMSF2 is going to give you whole new things to either satisfy your creative bent or make you face new problems.
  3. you do have tales to tell... you just can't tell them
  4. true but their view of what uncons meant is not what we interpret based on the Iraq/Syria experience. (and I absolutely agree that 4.0 will renew the game experience) Should probably start a separate thread as I find this actually a very interesting subject. In reading Angels in Sadr City I learned a lot about the nature of the Shiite insurgency and the limitations Sadr faced, conflicting priorities of insurgent elements, fragmented nature of it's organization etc. It is worth a read and I would think an interesting discussion. For the purpose of this thread though CMSF is about the invasion of Syria, not the occupation of Syria. If you look at the initial period up to the tearing down of Saddam's statue , the uncons in Iraq were Saddam's Fedayeen and some military out of uniform. An Nasiryah is a good example. It was HQ of Iraq's 3rd Corp and home of the 11th ID a unit the US fully expected to just surrender or dissolve. It didn't. It actually stood and fought along with Fedayeen units. Many of it's soldiers fought in whatever they wore. They were not an organized insurgency yet. The US would face similar groupings here and there on the march to Baghdad, but the insurgent units we envision would not really show their face in the same way until later in 2003 and 2004 in Iraq- during the occupation. Even on the issue of IEDs, from what I can find they didn't really start showing up until July (there were earlier examples, just not in significant numbers yet) - several months after Baghdad fell. The Shiites generally welcomed the US, though their experience from the last Iraq war left them wary of US commitment and Saddam's ability to stay in power. They suffered from Sunni depredations as they retreated north and then mostly sat on the sidelines until 2004 after several mis steps by the coalition authority and the rise of Sadr. I think this is the disconnect between what BF created and what we are doing based on actual events. CMSF is a fictional narrative similar to CMBS except it is no longer a fictional narrative. Instead it is a sort of past alternate history (which is what CMBS is likely to become as well). Gamers like Sgt Squarehead and myself and many others utilize CMSF to try and recreate more historical events rather than the event as portrayed in the CMSF background story. Heck I am even thinking of a Mogadishu type scenario or Operation Anaconda. So going back to Sgt Squareheads comments and hopes to see uncons with AA assets etc , well that isn't the CMSF back story and it doesn't reflect what the uncons represented in 2003 Iraq either. What happened with the insurgency in Iraq and the collapse of Syrian central authority is different and is not represented by the uncons in CMSF. BF has not only not expressed interest in that, they have been explicitly opposed. Personally I wish they had a different view too. The US combat experience for the past 15 years is what it is. It is now historical fact. CMSF comes far closer than CMBS to portraying modern combat experience. However CMSF is 10 years old. That BF is bringing it up to 4.0 standards is amazing (and only Steve gets to define here what that means as it isn't like just upgrading software. There are decisions they have to make about adapting to capabilities they have now they didn't have then). They are not looking to make this project bigger than it already is by trying to add even more items because frankly there is no guarantee that this will pay for itself as it is. They are doing this as an act of faith and of recognition of a very loyal fan base. Yes it will be what it will be - and it will be really good. It will not be everything that you want. Nothing ever is. It is called growing up, getting used to disappointment, finding comfort in what you have and dying. such a positive note to end on.
  5. Sorry sgt No more replies I can not give you any more info than what I have and honestly I am a little tired of trying to keep your expectations in line. You’ll just have to wait till either Steve replies or the game is released . Perhaps he’ll visit this thread or the bone thread.
  6. well it doesn't help that you aren't listening. No. No. No. I can't say it any clearer than that, stop wishing BF will tune the game to make an insurgent warfare combat mission and you won't be disappointed. Anything else is on you.
  7. You know I think along the same lines, but insurgent warfare was never something BF wanted CMSF to be about. That we have it at all is wildly cool, but nah I don't see them making much effort to look like 2017 Syria.
  8. you are a little slow today. if the exploding attribute of a VBIED could be transferred to the driver rather than the vehicle (perhaps at a reduced level if he dismounts, say a Medium rather than Huge IED effect), he could be used as a suicide bomber by deleting the car in the editor, while the car could be used as civilian traffic by deleting the bomber/driver and leaving the spy. "If" means a new feature then probably no. Changes in ToE have nothing to do with what you are asking. Nice try (and yes it would be cool, but as many of us have been trying to say - keep your expectations closer to "It is CMSF in 4.0" not CMSF with your wish list).
  9. So you are asking for all new stuff. See above reply
  10. Not sure what you are asking. If it is “do the features that were in CMSF still work?” Then yes. If it is “have you added anything to enable me to do something totally new”, then probably not.
  11. Maybe I should have caveated with “relatively”.
  12. gotcha, let me try again confirmed same scenario - in hot seat they see the dump, in SP they don't. I'll turn in a ticket
  13. yeah I just ran a test in iron and I have the ammo dump on map from the supply section playing as Russians.
  14. Beats a dictator/Comic book idiot wearing excrement on his head.
  15. no. lots of posts on this, just poke around. BF is updating engine, art work, models etc, but the premise of the game is still CMSF 2004. Within that there is a lot of room to make the game just about whatever you want within the time frame and units available. No new nations, but with a bit of modding and selective unit picking you can do quite a bit. Personally I like that BF is leaving it in 2004. CMBS as much as I like it still feels a bit too much "Starship Troopers". The limitations in CMSF make it a bit tougher. The bones thread goes into a little more detail on CSMF 2 items. Yeah I am there with you wishing there was a whole lot more content to add, but honestly there is so much meat on the CMSF 2 bone that it will be a while before I really need anything additional. Map making alone is gonna be a treat.
  16. dumped on his doorstep is a bit too generous for the role he has played in contributing to the mess.
  17. Sucks to see the soldiers of a NATO ally being blasted by probably the only truly progressive group in the mess of Syria. Erdogan is making sure he deserves a special place in hell.
  18. I think it is questionable how long Turkey will continue to be a part of NATO. Their interests are not aligned. I would guess the main reason for not dealing with him is NATO is concerned about access to the Black Sea right now.
  19. man looks like you live in West Virginia. Just put those up on cinder blocks I used to live on the east coast in Virginia. W Virginia was/is considered "hillbilly country". Lot of poverty and a tendency to have old rusting run down vehicles on your property. Oddly enough I now live in San Jose CA and my next door neighbor has a car rusting away in the drive adjacent to my property.... sigh. Hillbilly Burke Fortunately no unexploded ordinance or human remains... that I know of.
  20. Crude maps? How dare you sir!! Okay yeah I'd love to be able to do more with them, but as with anything else there is a cost. I don't think I understand the comparison to Steel Panthers though. Maybe compare that to Close Combat, but it and CMx2 are a world apart.
  21. Yep. I have a simple file on my pc where I keep all my license keys (and not just the ones for BF products) and have it password protected. I need my keys, there they are including the ones that still have physical media (CMSF). I also have the instructions for shock force copied on that same file. My intent was not to be a jerk to anyone, but CMSF is the hardest of the games to install and I have done it multiple times no problem. It really isn’t that hard. It is much harder trying to remember how to avoid my guys getting killed fighting from a balcony etc. pretty soon even shock force will be a single installer with activation keys. It really is not that hard. Honestly the hardest thing for me is trying to keep a good place for storing the physical media. I am way happier with the current download model and storing copies on USB, cloud storage etc. pretty soon having a disk is going to be useless as you wont have a reader.
  22. Dude I am pretty much in awe of how much you know. How many brain cells does that take? Not sure I have that many left.
  23. Yes it WILL be or should I more properly say is. It is coming.
  24. You need to do a little more research as to “how to” before listing likes etc. some of what you note is true some is not. Google is your friend. . . Well sometimes anyway. Also may want to read some posts by serving folks or vets on what was practice versus what is possible. There is a ton of info in the pages of these forums from knowledgeable folks that goes beyond even what the game depicts. I’d give some specifics, but there is simply too much in too many threads. IanL I think was posting a thread with some links, but am on the road and don’t have it handy.
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