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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. 8 seats is less than the typical squad size but it seems you are already familiar with the mechanics. Would need a save to give any other suggestions. The only other time I have run into an issue of boarding a vehicle is going from vehicle to vehicle. You can not move direct.
  2. Check in the UI for the number of dots for passengers and compare that to your unit size. I’d provide a sceeenshot but not near pc
  3. Damn when I was 12 I would probably never have figured to create sock puppets.
  4. Funny as I was spending a lot of time early on and then realized there was no way I was gonna be able to keep that up. Things like doing special balcony set ups with adjoining buildings etc. it is going a little faster now that I have realized I can’t maintain that level of effort as it takes longer and longer to go to 3D view. It takes forever now and pretty soon won’t likely at all.
  5. what would be nice is if you could have a forced reload command. Probably not likely, but what kills me is when I know the GL is down to a round but it won't reload until it fires that one round and of course will do so in front of the enemy after firing off that one round.
  6. Dude you need to get a grip. I am one of the people that is frequently asked to submit tickets etc to BFC and I was stating a willingness to submit that in their suggestion queue. If you'd rather I not fine. Most of what I wrote agreed with you, if you can't take a little humor mixed in there that pretty much sucks for you. I'll happily ignore your posts if that is what you prefer and you can just rant into the ether. Freakin join 6 hours ago and already slinging the fanboy term at someone who was actually agreeing with you. Sheesh. Off to a great start making friends and influencing people. @Raptorx7 it then prohibits you from playing alternate nations which it is pretty clear folks want.
  7. nope. I may not deserve her but like those Cathay Pacific first class seats, it's a done deal.
  8. I stand corrected. Yeah I have Cheney on the brain with that new movie.
  9. yep heard you guys the first time...and the second... and the third. It can be put in as a suggestion but not a bug. We'll see what, if and when BF chooses to look at it. However "Nobody needs 500% TOE realism" is an opinion. It is most definitely not universally shared. For a lot of us that ToE realism is exactly why we buy the game. Still I do agree it would be nice to have something there for anti air as an option as a realistic ToE would have no Syrian air power whatsoever versus a blue force. I don't play with Red air unless playing red on red myself.
  10. you guys can keep ranting on this if you so choose but you know what BF stance is on ToE. It is what it is. It isn't any different than when you played in CMSF1 - was British QB unable to be played in CMSF1? Personally yeah I'd like em in too, but again it is what it is. Maybe BF will re add them, but I would not expect it soon simply because they need to move on other games now. If they had never made the mistake of having them in British ToE in the first place...…
  11. It works, you just need to make sure that the command you issue stays blast. What seems to be happening is it turns into a quick command. Easy fix just reselect the way point and change to blast. It has been posted on a number of times on the forum and submitted to BF.
  12. yeah they didn't add naval guns into CMSF so they do just show as standard arty and behave as such.
  13. deep breaths... deep breaths. For definitions sake they did not remove a feature. They changed a ToE. Small item but important in discussions to clarify what is what. The feature is Anti air capability, the ToE decided what AA capability you have. For Qbs not much you can do here, but in scenarios you can select any units you want so you can attach stinger units from other nationalities to flesh out an AA capability. If you want realism there should be no Syrian air force. If you don't want it there are options outside the QB to include AA capability. CMSF1 had no AA capability at all. It is what it is. Honestly QBs are an issue in a lot of ways. ToEs do not fit nicely into the formation options available. This is just one item granted one that stomped on your toes, but not the only one. Personally my Stingers for the most part missed anyway
  14. I don't believe so. There has been no mention of a time limit from them.
  15. Nice may have to start looking toward more Afghanistan based scenarios with this mod.
  16. they aren't "removing a feature". Blame the UK for not basing Stingers in units so you could play a fictional event where the Syrian air force is actually useful against the full weight of NATO air power. The alternative is we could ask BF to simply remove all Syrian air units from the game. In CMSF1 there was no anti air at all if you will recall.
  17. In the UI under menu hit hotkeys - good source of info for all the options that I still have to frequently look at.
  18. Exactly. The insurgency was largely the result of a failed political decision by Cheyney. Shinseki had been right asking for a much larger force that got vetoed by Cheyney to show off the shock and awe power of the US military and to deflect some political criticism by keeping US force commitments low. The later policy of "the surge" was nothing less than an admission that Shinseki had been right. If the initial invasion had had more boots on the ground the US would not only have defeated Saddam but also prevented the collapse of authority that happened and the resulting destruction of infrastructure. The inability of the coalition to keep the lights on, keep water flowing, keep people employed etc is what fed the insurgency. Would there still have been an insurgency - probably. The coalition was changing a power relationship between Shia, Sunni and Kurd in a country that was barely held together by a brutal dictator. However your average person's commitment is much more basic. Can I eat, can my children go to school, can I work. etc. The serious combatant core was dependent on a disaffected population to hide in or at least be able to intimidate into not turning on them. Plenty of good stuff to read on Ramadi to understand who was the core of the actual fighting insurgency and how the general population interacted at different points in the conflict. Also a lot of interesting stuff on how the US handled the insurgents early on. The RoE was completely screwed when it came to dealing with the foreign element even when it was pretty clear that there was a flow of combatants into the country. US forces were repeatedly warned about some of these guys but if they didn't openly display weapons (and some times even when they did)…... There is also a difference in the Sunni and Shia insurgency. The Sunni was more a combination of Saddam forces, local Tribal groups, Foreign Jihadists and criminal elements. The Shia insurgency was the Mahdi militia, criminal elements and Iranian agents and notably got better IEDS from Iran as the insurgency continued.
  19. Read the backstory and ignore any of the actual scenario content. Hell I am working on Sadr city, the backstory is nothing to me, but everything to BF in terms of what they intended to put into the game. It is in the base game manual along with a developers note from 2008 that goes into a little more detail about the decision making process for basing the game in Syria. The section below is particularly enlightening on the value BF puts in a plausible realistic situation. The rest of the section explains the backstory in detail. It is the invasion itself. BF never considered the game to be about the occupation. If this game has been based on the invasion of Iraq it likely would only have covered the drive on Baghdad. By mid 2006 we found ourselves in a conundrum. Due to the strain on resources from the continuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the ability of the West to wage another large ground war in the Middle East (or anywhere for that matter) became less and less possible with each passing month. Still, we wanted to simulate such an environment and, in fact, were too far along in the development process to back out even if we wanted to. This conflict between needs and reality presented us with quite a design dilemma. On one hand we had to pick a viable place to “wage war” or we wouldn’t have a game at all. On the other hand we could see no country that clearly deserved a “virtual invasion”. To solve this problem we considered setting CM:SF in a completely fictional country against a completely fictional Red Force. After lengthy discussions internally and on our Forum we decided that a generic, fictional setting would not be as compelling to play as a real-world setting. Therefore, we chose Syria as the “Red Force” even though there is no indication that war with Syria would be justifiable - or even feasible - any time in the near future
  20. LOL sounds like your spotting round landed on your guys. A very rare event but I have had a spotting round do that once. Surprised that a smoke round would wipe out the group though unless it is WP.
  21. spins? Not sure what you mean there. A 360 degree arc is where you hit shift+target arc right just use the cursor for the depth of the arc. What is spinning for you?
  22. yeah +1 on that. There is a difference between my most unhappy customer and my most reasonably unhappy customer. I am so sick of folks who have no knowledge and somehow think everything can be magically integrated and to think for them. Sure I can do that, how much money you have to spend on it... oh wait none? Yeah I'll have that done as soon as the money is in my acct. I am soooo looking forward to retirement when the only person I have to worry about pleasing is my wife who is reasonable, nice and appreciative.
  23. absolutely. It is slow going because it is so darn big. It won't be as nice as LLFs in that I am not going to populate it with flavor items. Basically I am looking at this as a master map that would be sliced up to be used in scenarios. I think the only reason I am even doing this at scale is perspective. Trying to get a feel for what Sadr city would have been like rather than just another urban block map. It is freakin intimidating. Easy to see how units would get disoriented and how difficult it must have been for the Cav to figure out where Red one was located and how to push through to them in the 2004 fighting. (you can see some locations on the screenie. I think I am pretty close to where red one went to ground near the hospital.) I am trying to focus my efforts to finishing individual blocks so it could be released in segments rather than waiting for a complete map. Sadr is made up of almost identical sectors. Each sector is approx. .5 x .4 kms. The Map covers 18 of those sectors (1825x2550 meters). I suspect by the time I finish placing all the buildings I will not be able to open the full map in 3d mode. Hell it barely opens now and you can see below how much is still to do. I am thinking to concentrate on getting the 4 top left sectors done to at least get that out there for anyone interested. On a side note Sadr City is where my google earth pro defaults to when I open it . It is worth a look to see the real thing.
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