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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. As of last week 40 people in my company had been diagnosed positive. 2 were in ICU. Yep totally fake news and not really happening. I'll let their families know it is all hype. The only really fake news so far is China's figures. The United States already has more fatalities than what China has admitted to. Anyone who thinks their numbers are even remotely close to what the true figure is ….. Come to think of it, I don't know anyone older than 90 so God must have created all humans sometime around 90 years ago.
  2. Watch it or your new nickname is gonna be Erwin Kettler or mini Kettler, Kettler lite.
  3. For anyone still on the fence about how deadly this virus can be and how quickly it can overwhelm healthcare services this is an interesting read. https://www.yahoo.com/news/days-funeral-georgia-town-coronavirus-123120318.html
  4. Well I finally recovered, picked myself up off the floor and bandaged my head where I hit it on the counter when I fainted upon seeing this. Mord you are DA MAN.
  5. No idea. Been a bit swamped lately. My team in IT manages all the remote telecom and video capability so to say things are busy is a bit of an understatement
  6. You've seen the millennial hashtag for the virus? #boomerremover I have to admit to laughing at that despite being a boomer.
  7. What do you mean by a vulnerable water supply? Vulnerable to what? The pandemic will be drawn out over months, years not so much. They do burn out, it is statistically the nature. The point is even if you don't reduce the overall numbers infected, if you draw out the rate you lower the mortality rate as your healthcare systems have a chance to keep pace. Right now we are still learning. Hence the panic and probable over reacting. I think we are learning fast and may adjust our reaction based on real data. Wouldn't that be something..
  8. Great link MOS. Doom and gloom stuff isn't helping. Good to see some calm optimism in the midst of this.
  9. Once you have one there is no going back. Warm toilet seat in winter that sprays warm water on your butt before you wipe. First time we had a power outage in winter...…. well my reaction when sitting on the seat was more than just mere disappointment.
  10. Actually that was very clearly stated in the thread this originated in. The conversation was moved here mid stream though. Good point though as if you didn't follow it there, this thread looks like wackoville.
  11. I actually have one of those TOTO toilet that washes your butt.
  12. JFC Kettler could you just once not spread your conspiracy bull**** all over the place. Goddamn man.
  13. aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry had to get that out of my system. Regarding your comment on other thread about sending a care package. Folks are definitely still bonkers. I really don't get the TP thing. I've tried, but I just don't get it. Meanwhile I just went to my local market. Got some more milk, yogurt and a few more perishables. We are shopping a little differently to lower the trips to the grocery store. Only thing they were out of was eggs..... and toilet paper. WTF I don't get it. Grocery stores are still functioning and restocking. Your friend might just have to get in early. Thanked the person at checkout for working and them being open though this. Saw one Zombie, oh wait that was just one of my upper management. Neighbors are fine. We offer to pick up stuff for each other if going to store so folks don't have to make a trip for a single item. Now it is about time to open a bottle of wine. Alcohol kills germs right? Our routines are disrupted, but nobody is freaking out. Did see one interesting article, this is someone who gets their news feed from folks like Hannity and Limbaugh. Learned the hard way that those were not good sources unfortunately. https://news.yahoo.com/her-facebook-friends-asked-anyone-121508662.html
  14. Ha that’s why I have a wine fridge! I am good for quite a bit. ;+)
  15. I get worrying about the economy. I was hoping to retire in under 2 years. That is likely out the window. However your first priority and you are on target is your family’s health. Look out for your mother. i only wish I was close enough to mine to look out for her.
  16. Because sometimes, most people agree based on facts. And yes the Russian bots are active at spreading mis information. So it becomes even more critical to go to verifiable sources you can reasonably show have a basis for knowledge. In this case the medical community who are overwhelmingly giving the same advice bar a few exceptions who generally pop up on right wing conspiracy sites. If you tend towards bogus information sources you will get bogus information. That Fox has gone 180 on this in the space of a week should make anyone pause. Clearly they are a bad source of info.
  17. we don't yet know what is happening now as this disease has only been here since late November. The Epidemic of 1918 circled the globe 3x due to reinfection in a world nowhere near as connected as ours. They didn't even really know what a virus was and their world was already totally disrupted by the war. This won't be the same for sure. However to say we are over reacting (and I'm not referring to those idiots buying 100 rolls of toilet paper) by getting people to socially disconnect in order to give our health care system a chance to handle the influx of folks is just wrong. Think about it - old folks, pregnant women, cancer patients etc etc can't go near a hospital as they could easily die from this. Respirators are already in short supply with little ability to ramp up to meet demand if the number s rise too quickly. Yes there is a severe economic cost we are going to pay, no question. The real question though is are we willing to take action and take the economic hit in order to take care of folks, to make sure our healthcare system can manage this? You ready to risk your parents? Mine are in their 80s with preexisting respiratory issues. This WILL kill them. As to whether to believe that guy - what qualifies him to make that statement? He has no real expertise, he isn't known in any circles as an expert or viruses or epidemics. You can get 1% of scientists to say climate change isn't real...so you gonna say you aren't sure whether you believe that 1% versus the 99%? That dude just spun a bunch of crap with no real facts, WHY would you believe him? https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-03-11/1918-flu-epidemic-coronavirus
  18. Are you guys F'n kidding me? You really fall for this clap trap? Good lord. The panic and hoarding is a sad over reaction, but the ostrich head in the sand attitude is far worse and more dangerous. That guy basically spun a web of no real facts and you accepted at face value that yep , all is good this is normal? wtf?? Sorry, wrong. This is a serious highly infectious and much deadlier disease. What next? The pandemic of 1918 was just another cold season? At least you guys are consistent in where you go for source material. Won't be surprised at all to hear you watch Seam Hannity, except now he says he always took this seriously. In the public discussion of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in early 2020, Wodarg gained notoriety as an interviewee in video clips typically published on rightwing video channels. There he presented his thesis that SARS-CoV-2 was only one of many similar viruses which usually go undetected as part of an ordinary seasonal period of respiratory infections (casually called flu or cold), and that the worldwide activities to stop the pandemic were only a "hype" caused basically by selective perception of researchers.[4] He detailed his thesis in publications on his personal website.[5] His comments on the COVID 19 pandemic caused criticism from German scientists. Various German media examined Wodarg's claims for accuracy and concluded that his statements would largely contradict the verifiable facts, some statements were neither refutable nor verifiable, but on closer examination proved to be misleading.
  19. That is some logic. If everyone gets the virus at once, the hospitals get inundated, respirators are already in short supply - result LOTS more people die. Health care workers that would be needed to treat folks are sick. The mortality rate for Corona virus is well above that of the flu even by conservative estimates. In Italy the mortality rate for older folks is close to 19% (overall rate is estimated at around 8%) Flu rate is around .1%. Might want to spend a little more time reading up on real facts. The panic etc is in good part due to our leaders spreading false information and our response coming so late. The social distancing that is being encouraged has one major goal - to spread the infection rate over time to allow the health care community to manage the influx - that's it. It won't stop the virus, but it might keep our healthcare system from collapsing and therefore keep more people alive. The alternative and the result of what you are proposing is every country becomes Italy - the comparable death rate in the US if we go though that is about 18,000 people in the space of 6 weeks. (had to correct that, googled the wrong info)
  20. awesome. The game that never stops giving... and taking.
  21. And many of us buy a copy anyway... especially if we feel pretty lame about the amount of time we've been able to put in testing etc.... looking n the mirror here...
  22. If I could only own one CM game Shock Force would be it. Does that answer the question?
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