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Everything posted by akd

  1. Looks great! Is transparency working properly for occupied and damaged buildings? Many of the stock independent buildings have transparency issues (compared to modular), but not sure if new textures alone can correct that.
  2. I have done some comparative testing of bazookas versus side-on PzIVHs and Panthers on a controlled range and it does appear that hits to armored skirts significantly reduce probability of a HEAT kill. Hits to PzIV skirts still result in turret and hull penetrations (and report as such), but these penetrations seem to have a very low probability of causing casualties or significant damage. Panthers, on the other hand, suffer casualties and damage much more readily from hits to their turret/hull. However, hits to the Panther armored skirt seem to have little to no chance of penetration at all. These report as "HIT: armored skirt" which suggests that the underlying hull is unaffected by the bazooka warhead. The distance between the side skirt and the hull on the Panther is, I believe, greater than the distance between the PzIV skirts and hull/turret. Turn the tanks head-on to bazookas, however, and the PzIVs fare much worse in comparison to the Panthers.
  3. They will sometimes continue to fire for a few seconds after they have forced a tank to button up.
  4. One more. 9P157-2. Didn't know that Libya had these.
  5. Hyundai with FN-MAG! RPG sight on an AK... 30mm cannon on the back of a light truck in this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8xj_...yer_detailpage
  6. More madcappery and asshattery out of Libya: oops! video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7xY2T62y4g shoulder-launched S-5? ???
  7. Indirect assets could be registered from multiple locations providing for fallback positions, so I don't think the old way would necessarily be an improvement.
  8. Typical buildings in Normandy from before the War are likely very different from the above scenario. Windows, doors, etc. would still need fortification to provide a good fighting position, but many walls at least were probably proof against small arms as they were.
  9. Thanks for the saves. I don't see any particular issue with the retreating armor in these saves. The tanks are out of command (initially), rattled, and watching all the other units in their formation (1st platoon) get slaughtered. Then they are presented with threats to their front that have a high probability of killing them. (You as a player know that you have "surprised" these threats and spotted them first, but the AI does not know this.) As mentioned, the scenario designer probably should not have attached these tanks directly to the infantry platoon, as it made them very vulnerable to morale hits from formation integrity. SDs need to be very careful with how they use the attach "single vehicles" feature.
  10. There is no question as to whether or not it should be modeled. The only question is how high in the long list of features that BFC wants in the game it should be placed. edit: as Broadsword says above.
  11. Posting anecdotes does not conversely "prove the thesis" that hand-to-hand combat was not rare. Not a single thing you have posted says anything about frequency.
  12. Holien, you can send me the save. PM me for e-mail.
  13. Distance and terrain effects are not modeled. However, there is a random chance of temporary radio failure. A unit may also lose radio comms for a period when moving and setting up in a new location.
  14. Shoot and scoot Libyan style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojbVDKTNJTk&fmt=18 How did these dudes get on top of a flock of sheep?
  15. There are a number of reasons why a unit might have ammo, or access to ammo, and not fire, so save would be needed to investigate further. Given the damage the bazooka team has taken, I suspect the launcher is out of action.
  16. Please provide a save because it must be a bug.
  17. Anyone can drive a truck, but if it is not the driver you are mounting up, you may have to wait a moment while one of the new occupants moves from a passenger seat to the empty driver's seat.
  18. 1. Transports, including trucks and HTs, and some recce vehicles can be operated by anyone. Most fighting vehicles have dedicated crews. 2. The only "penalty" is that radio comms can suffer temporary random failures. Not 100% sure on the fatigue questions.
  19. All ammo is located with the weapon team in QBs. No ammo is lost, it is just not divided between the two teams. The only time ammo is lost is if the unit has a vehicle with ammo that is either deleted or already removed in the TO&E (e.g. Dismounted Panzergrenadiers).
  20. Why stop at one? I think this may qualify as a technical...
  21. There are no small guns in CMBN. Pak 36 is half the weight of even the Pak 38.
  22. The tank never buttoned. There is just a delay between the shot TC disappearing and his replacement appearing in the hatch. The problem is that a single shot that kills the TC will not cause the AI to button-up. Only small arms shots that strike the tank itself at a sufficient rate of fire cause suppression to accumulate, which in turn causes the AI to button up. However, even a single bullet that "penetrates" through an open hatch will cause the tank to button up immediately. Obviously you would expect the same when the TC was shot. You don't see this often because most TCs are hit in a volley of fire that also strikes the tank just before or afterwards, causing the crew to button before the replacement appears in the open hatch. Nonetheless, this has already been reported.
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