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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Good work! Send the zipped 3dobj Typhoon folder to dina@1c.ru, we'll try to determine why other LODs are black. Probably there is a problem in skins.ini
  2. If i remember correctly, this is camera height above ground.
  3. No, you can't control what reinforcements you receive during the mission. 'Reserves' before the mission are units in the force pool.
  4. If you can't find a shortcut for battle generator, tun MissionGen.exe in Mission Editor folder inside the game folder.
  5. In some missions arty is called on actual position of your troops so it's impossible to hide from it. Changing position quickly after barrage have started may help. Look for CreateRectByObject command in triggers documentation.
  6. Thanks, i hope you enjoy it)
  7. Just run the installer program and 'Browse' to the folder ToW was installed into, then 'Install'. Maybe you installed the mod to different folder, it should be unpacked to the same folder as the game.
  8. Mortar teams were dropped because of time constraints. They need a lot of complex animations for moving and the system of mortar fire was not ready. For Kursk43 stationary battalion mortars (81 and 82mm) are planned, as well as mortars on Hanomags. These objects must be actually made in MAX file. Converter makes Hier.him file using Hier.mcn, where modeler must describe all bones. For example, in Hier.mcn must be strings like [_ROOT_] CollisionSphere <name of object in MAX file> VisibilitySphere <name of object in MAX file> and converter makes hier.him with correct coordinates. After that .mcn file is not needed for the game.
  9. It is permissable to say whatever you want, as long as it's not only bashing. 2x2km maps are small for what? ToW is a reinforced platoon-level game, like CC. All CC series have 500m maps or even smaller, but they are being played today and there are hundreds of user-made maps. Heck, even divisions sometimes advanced on 2km wide front and this number of independently acting soldiers won't be possible to simulate anytime soon. Often large parts of map in ToW are not even used - you can go there, do what you like, but it's difficult to create a decent mission forcing you to go to every area of a square 2x2km map.
  10. I was trying to do 3 first maps of CC3 in ToW, they fitted into one ToW map and a lot of space was still left. I'd say it's 80% done - most time took creating something in empty areas. Sadly i've abandoned it for almost an year. I've tried creating missions in it, of course there are plenty of ways to do them. I've used Battle Generator to create 3 missions on it using different areas of the map, creating a campaign or one big mission including original three of CC should be even more fun. I've try to complete it, but since it was my first attempt in builder some areas of the map look ugly)
  11. There were no assault boats in CC either, so i think that river crossing is do-able. On CC map there were trenches on the beach and British must capture them and the following 2 maps asap, because Germans were obviously getting more reinforcements. The only thing we lack in Tow for this op would be on-map mortars, but i recon that it was winnable even without them. Heavy casualities map, it should be fun:)
  12. BTW, if you've thouroghly studied the Market Garden op, how accurately CC2 simulates it (if you've played it)? What is accurate and what not?
  13. In Operation Flashpoint, as well as its successor, action took place only in area around the player, while in ToW camera can move anywhere and thus everything must be constantly calculated. I really hope ToW will not look like 2nd Manassas since graphics are obviously not the one of the strong points of this game (which is good and without a rival being the only american civil war 3d wargame AFAIK). In addition, regiments of hundreds 2d soldiers in TC series have nothing to do with ToW system where each soldier can act and be commanded independently. In ToW1 in most cases FPS are limited by CPU. Difference of performance between systems with middle-end and high-end graphics cards and same other components is neglible. Sorry but you don't have an idea how i'm tired of another know-all with 7 total posts telling everybody how Simulations with capital 'S' should be made. If you stumble across the simulation of everything on a 40km2 virtual battlefield you're describing, please let us know. Of course it is possible to make the game containing all ToW features better and right; the only problem left now is that it needs to be done.
  14. It seems it was installed to wrong location. Mod will work if folders 'data' and '3dobj' appear in the game directory after installation.
  15. Minimum desktop resolution for Mission Generator is 1024x768. Maybe your desktop is set to lower resolution?
  16. I think people buy these re-releases for a price of full-blown game because they think this will help development of really new CC games. There is no other reason for fans to do this. But if people just buy these re-releases, why bother and make a really new game?
  17. No change in what? If installed correctly, the mod works in Vista as well as in XP.
  18. No, if you know exactly where the enemy is, you can call support without seeing them. BUT, in some missions to increase frame rate enemy in given place may spawn only after you get to certain point in the mission, so your fire support may hit an actually empty area.
  19. Try to separate commands for each truck with delays for 10secs each (less chance for blocking the way) and use points.
  20. If the battle isn't part of the campaign, Awards screen is useful only for reviewing your units performance (how many enemies a given soldier has killed or tanks damaged). Increasing their skills won't matter.
  21. In ToW1 after Moscow campaign patch units disappeared from the roster only in certain circumstances, normally they are left there for the rest of the campaign. Main reason for unit not appearing in the roster is that this unit type isn't allowed in next mission. After this mission you'll be able to take them again (if next mission permits them of course). The other reason are units becoming obsolete (but you can see 'obsolete' label on the unit icon and transfer experienced crewmembers to other unit).
  22. If your OS is Vista, run the game or editors by using 'Run as Administrator' command in context menu of the executable (right-click on ToW.exe).
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