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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Capturing the fuel trucks is optional. If i recall correctly, the delay between the attacks is 120 secs; you can try and increase value in trigger.ini (string DELAY ( 120000 )) to higher value in milliseconds to have more time. If think that second attack is too strong, you can lower their skills as you did.
  2. It crashes with any battle? Post the contents of log.lst file from game dir (if it exists) after crash here please.
  3. Can you view the contents of the game DVD on your PC normally or some errors occur too? Check that the DVD is not dirty or scratched, try it on different DVD-ROM drive. It seems that this is DVD or DVD-ROM problem.
  4. It's normal that after changing of resources the in-mission save games won't load.
  5. What file you've downloaded and how you installed it?
  6. You don't need editor if you don't plan to create your own missions or campaigns, but without Battle Generator you won't be able to create simple missions by several simple steps. Neverthless, ToW contains plenty of stock missions, so it all depends do you like the gameplay or not) Try the updated demo (the one with the first mission from Normandy campaign).
  7. Turn the AA off in video card settings. Shadows are displaced on current ATI drivers with forced antialiasing.
  8. Here you go, one of the mod authors just uploaded it to BF file repository: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=11 This is an update it should be installed over mod version 1.3.1.
  9. Try the demo first. Mission editor and Battle generator won't run on x64.
  10. apoll In other thread you said that you have problems with shadows in the game, i assume that you've managed to run the game then?
  11. Sneaksie


    If you add unit in Editor, you must add ammo manually. In the field Bacpack select default bacpack set, you can also specify number of magazines of each type of ammo (but there is a maximum total for each model).
  12. If you go to Modding forum, you'll see that normal people actualy can use the editors. I think it's somewhat pointless to compare CM and ToW since they were designed differently and arguing which game is better is like arguing what is better - beer or wine. Choosing turn-based or real-time game depends on your taste and it's not CMBB fault to be turn-based just like it's not ToW fault to be real-time.
  13. For example, in Wolverine crewmen sometimes shift their view looking to the sides, but gunner keeps looking into gun sight.
  14. No flamers since spreading fires are not implemented, maybe later. I would like to see them in the game too:) Speaking of throwing weapons, infantry has various frag, HEAT and smoke grenades.
  15. Not quite. For example, if the shell have 10mm penetration at this distance and 40000 splash power: 1) If it hits 10mm armor or less, it will penetrate it and detonate inside. 2) If it hits more than 10mm, say, 15mm, it can't penetrate it and will detonate outside. But since splash of the detonation is enough to breach 20mm, there will be penetration anyway and inside splash radius all things inside the tank will be damaged like the things outside. 3) If the armor > 20mm, armor will not be breached, but splash can break things with softer armor (machine guns, main gun - they have their own armor values). Different types of damage will not summarize for penetration. 100 power will kill a soldier, lesser value will result in wound (soldier hit with 50 damage will have 50 health left).
  16. Try to stay at long range if terrain permits.
  17. I don't think reinstall of the game would help. Try to install latest driver for Radeon, 8.12.
  18. In TOW you can hit F12 key, and image of the current screen will be saved in 'screenshots' folder inside the folder of the game in TGA format. These TGA images can be opened with various software, including free like 'irfanview' file viewer.
  19. Battle Generator with mission pack installed is the same as in latest patch.
  20. Send the files which you feed to mshconverter to dina@1c.ru. We'll try to convert it with our converter and find the difference between the output of it and mshconverter.
  21. Problem is with user rights in Vista, maybe something with permissions for users in your Vista installation. In your case TOWSetup can change ini files, while game itself can't... it's difficult to say why.
  22. FragmentPower - damage caused by fragment of the shell if it hits. Probabilty to be hit by a fragment is 100% at 0 and 0% at FragmentRaduius distance. CumulativePenetration is self-explanatory (HEAT shells penetrate fixed mm of armor at any distance). CumulativePower is damage that cumulative stream does to the target, like SolidPower. CumulativeRadius - i don't remember correctly (this system was reworked for TOW2) but most probably this is radius of area affected by the blast inside.
  23. I don't know how mshconverter works. Post here hier.him file then (theoretically it is made from hier.mcn by converter). Have you entered entry for your bridge in static.ini? How it looks like?
  24. It was fitted to match expected effects, there is no strict formula. Be aware that powerful splash can breach armor (that's why large HE shells knock out tanks in the game). 40000 splash power penetrate 20mm armor (remeber that splash power decreases from set value to 0 at splash radius, so 20mm armor will be breached only in immediate point of detonation).
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