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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. They will rotate to face the enemy if they see it (crew sees anything only in their viewing sectors). These sectors are different in each tank model, with different magnifying optics (for example, drivers see worse than infantryman and directly forward only, while gunner's view sector rotates with the turret, he sees much better than naked eye but in very narrow field of view.) This way, tank commanders are important because they usually spot targets (gunner can look at something and don't notice enemy tank just several degrees to the side of they view).
  2. Did you execute 'recalculate pathfinding cells' command in Builder? Probably yes, of course. Grave-6 picture is very strange, it seems that pathfinding cells are inverted under the bridge in water. What's the contents of hier.mcn file of your bridge?
  3. I think you should need to recalculate pathfinding cells, game uses obsolete pathfinding map, when there were no river. Also delete all *.bin files from the mission (not the map) folder.
  4. It's strange why save games are saved and key mappings don't. Check that *.ini files in users directory are not read-only. You run the game by right-clicking tow.exe and choosing 'Run as Administrator' option, right?
  5. I think the reason is updated Catalyst driver.
  6. Your version of the game is English? Some online shops sell version of the game made for South-East Asia, so you actually need Thai patch for it:) Chances are, you have bought the same game version from your online shop. In this case, you only need to install this patch for Thai version: http://dlh.net/cgi-bin/dlp.cgi?lang=eng&sys=pc&file=towpatch_110081thai.zip&ref=ps or GoGamer patch from the 1C page you mentiuoned in you first post.
  7. Patch was installed correctly, there is game version number visible in main game menu?
  8. There is no command console in released versions of the game.
  9. You mean German mission? Strange that you have problems with it, just sit and shoot with your Tigers. Real challenge is corresponding Soviet mission where you face similar Tiger onslaught)
  10. Solid power - damage from projectile itself; in case of penetration higher value means more damage to penetrated vehicle parts and secondary armor fragmentation. Splash is an explosion of HE burster, an explosion wave. It damages parts and humans in splash power radius (splash power reduces to 0 at splash power radius distance from explosion). HE rounds have a frag power (but their solid power usually is around zero). This represents fragments of the shell and (frag power radius) their maximum flight distance. In case of KgRtpz, if you want higher explosion damage, you should increase splash power and splash power radius.
  11. Beautiful one:) Makes me wish to go to countryside (possible) and summertime (impossible).
  12. Of course it's better to try demo first. There is a troubleshooting guide on this site; your friend should try option 'use only one processor', it may help.
  13. New infantry commands such as recon are in TOW2. JSH mod is not official, but it's recommended (many new units, enhancements). Latest JSH version is 1.3.2, you should look for it in Modding forum.
  14. Probably you have bought one of the other game releases, which will need different uber patch (not from battlefront.com) and don't require cd key. Please describe what the box or disc looks like (which logos are printed on them, etc.) or provide a link to the picture of it.
  15. Thank you! But my contribution to JSH mod was mostly translation:)
  16. Thanks for kind words! We hope you'll enjoy TOW2 as well.
  17. Yes, you can play with any combination of human and AI players.
  18. Larger scale will require commanding squads and not individual soldiers. Ability to control soldiers individually and manage their equipment is one of the main features of the game, so introducing squads without dropping this feature will be not easy.
  19. I don't think this will improve performance in TOW, but there is no thing as too much RAM, especially with it's current prices.
  20. No, this is not normal. Problem is in ATI OpenGL drivers, some releases have issues with OpenGL support. Since your card is new, older ones probably won't work with it, so maybe new drivers will fix that.
  21. Do you get an error message when you try to run the game? You installed ToW on your new PC and applied the uberpatch, right?
  22. Sneaksie


    Soldiers now look for cover in dangerous situations, pick up weapons and ammo from bodies. Their behaviour can be adjusted by different modes like stealth and new commands like recon and ambush. 'Borg spotting' was fixed long ago, try the ToW with Uberpatch, where foliage blocks LOS and other chages to visibility system were made.
  23. Movement and attack modes were rewritten from scratch, along with other unit behaviour. For example, there are 'free manoeuvre', 'stealth' and 'hold position' modes.
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