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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. I've already posted it. It's simple text file, called weapons.ger.128mm_PaK_44_L55.prs in PRESETS directory. Inside are following lines: [common] mode normal infinite 0 vgroup exp2 [spl] 140 [samples] 105mm_leFH18M_L28.wav
  2. Maintex must be saved as 24-bit TGA, not 32. Check this.
  3. This is the latest version, but the screens are from next one, 1.3, which will be released when it's done.
  4. Samples\Sten_MkII_1_round.wav Samples\Sten_MkII_1_round_#.wav, where # is 1 to 6 (Total 7 files) As you can see, each sound file is 1 round, and they are combined into continious stream of sound by selecting random ones. Jagdtiger: 105mm_leFH18M_L28.wav BTW, you can alter sounds by editing preset files (sound files for each weapon are specified there). There are two folders in Sound.sfs - Samples and PRESETS. Here is preset file for Jagdtiger (PRESETS\weapons.ger.128mm_PaK_44_L55.prs): [common] mode normal infinite 0 vgroup exp2 [spl] 140 [samples] 105mm_leFH18M_L28.wav And here is preset for Sten (PRESETS\weapons.uk.Sten_MkII.prs): [common] mode normal infinite 1 numadj 0 vgroup smg [spl] 115 [samples] Sten_MkII_1_round.wav Sten_MkII_1_round_1.wav Sten_MkII_1_round_2.wav Sten_MkII_1_round_3.wav Sten_MkII_1_round_4.wav Sten_MkII_1_round_5.wav Sten_MkII_1_round_6.wav [sample.Sten_MkII_1_round.wav] infinite 1 [sample.Sten_MkII_1_round_1.wav] infinite 1 [sample.Sten_MkII_1_round_2.wav] infinite 1 [sample.Sten_MkII_1_round_3.wav] infinite 1 [sample.Sten_MkII_1_round_4.wav] infinite 1 [sample.Sten_MkII_1_round_5.wav] infinite 1 [sample.Sten_MkII_1_round_6.wav] infinite 1
  5. Latest is If your version is Battlefront one, download uber patch from this site.
  6. http://img224.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14035_grab_2008_7_15_22_32_14_859_122_543lo.jpg http://img185.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14047_grab_2008_7_15_22_32_37_250_122_47lo.jpg http://img213.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14056_grab_2008_7_15_22_32_43_640_122_99lo.jpg http://img192.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14058_grab_2008_7_15_22_32_53_250_122_517lo.jpg http://img221.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14065_grab_2008_7_15_22_33_14_843_122_246lo.jpg http://img205.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14067_grab_2008_7_15_22_33_21_656_122_452lo.jpg http://img145.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14069_grab_2008_7_15_22_33_36_250_122_686lo.jpg http://img9.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14086_grab_2008_7_15_22_33_49_218_122_846lo.jpg http://img28.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14103_grab_2008_7_15_22_33_58_484_122_822lo.jpg http://img31.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14110_grab_2008_7_15_22_34_21_93_122_710lo.jpg http://img151.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14097_grab_2008_7_15_22_34_45_234_123_1105lo.jpg http://img135.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14116_grab_2008_7_15_22_35_1_437_123_773lo.jpg http://img15.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14119_grab_2008_7_15_22_35_6_125_123_1042lo.jpg http://img192.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14058_grab_2008_7_15_22_32_53_250_122_517lo.jpg http://img138.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14136_grab_2008_7_15_22_35_30_921_123_960lo.jpg http://img247.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14141_grab_2008_7_15_22_35_44_781_123_139lo.jpg http://img130.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14143_grab_2008_7_15_22_36_1_453_123_646lo.jpg http://img209.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14145_grab_2008_7_15_22_36_19_609_123_94lo.jpg http://img148.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14149_grab_2008_7_15_22_36_30_484_123_728lo.jpg http://img189.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14157_grab_2008_7_15_22_36_35_593_123_255lo.jpg http://img196.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14156_grab_2008_7_15_22_36_57_515_123_335lo.jpg http://img230.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14165_grab_2008_7_15_22_37_12_281_123_175lo.jpg http://img239.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14170_grab_2008_7_15_22_37_22_265_123_428lo.jpg http://img201.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14183_grab_2008_7_15_22_37_27_906_123_45lo.jpg http://img249.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14194_grab_2008_7_15_22_37_34_62_123_165lo.jpg http://img125.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14197_grab_2008_7_15_22_37_44_437_123_1020lo.jpg http://img135.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14215_grab_2008_7_15_22_37_58_296_123_971lo.jpg http://img45.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14222_grab_2008_7_15_22_38_20_218_123_1116lo.jpg http://img173.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=14230_grab_2008_7_15_22_38_29_125_123_726lo.jpg
  7. Tom Sims On mine work PC second mission crashes too and it's unclear why right now, but it almost finishes loading. But, since your mission loading crashes almost instantly, it seems that some files unpacked wrong or to the wrong place. Try to reinstall Gnasher's campaign and make sure there is load.ini file in MAPS/Cheux directory.
  8. Gnasher One of the possible reasons for crashing is that you're using sdkfz 251/10 units which are not in JSH mod. AFAIK they were in Oudy mod. BTW, there are many armored cars in 1st mission without ammo. To prevent this from happening in the future (forgetting about ammo) if you have many similar units, you can create unit, outfit it properly and then just copy over and over. There is also no battleplane_ger_fw_190 air support.
  9. Detachment placeholders work like others, only individual soldier placeholders are used. Large placeholder of entire detachment is just for general look, you may place it elsewhere. Placeholders are needed only in single player and only for player army (Army1). They are used to place player units because player may or may not have some units when manual force composition is allowed. In multiplayer all army positions are defined by two points, which compose a vector. All armies in MP are oriented in place of one of these vectors. Placeholders in MP missions are ignored. To have squad spawn in one of the army spawn locations in line formation, you need to place units of this detachment in line formation somewhere on the map, then it will be moved to selected vector and properly rotated when mission starts. There is no way link placeholder to unique detachment. There are various placeholders for tanks, cars, etc.
  10. Have you tried to install latest drivers for your videocard?
  11. Try to load this mission again, and after crash please send log.lst file from game dir to dina@1c.ru
  12. Did you install the uber patch?
  13. Regretably, Mission Editor and Battle Generator function only on Vista 32, not 64.
  14. What box cover looks like? If there is cdv logo, you already have the latest version. If there is Kalypso logo, you'll need another patch, not the BF one, etc, etc.
  15. It's unclear why English localization of Battle generator doesn't kick in automatically, but you can run the Battle generator if you select English standard in the first tab of Control Panel/Regional and Language Options.
  16. 1) Aiming error at skill 0 is three times greater than at skill 100, between these two values aiming error is approximated linearly. This aiming error adds to inherent dispersion of the weapon. 2) Armor type is the same for all vehicles, homogeneous. Penetration data is based on Soviet method for German and Soviet guns. 3) Stability lowers when shell penetrates something (it depends on length of path inside armor). ChangeStability is stability reduction after ricochet. When shell stability reaches 0, it explodes (in case of shells without explosives, it is considered destroyed and fragments dispersion is calculated).
  17. It's unclear why English localization of Battle generator doesn't kick in automatically, but you can run the Battle generator if you select English standard in the first tab of Control Panel/Regional and Language Options.
  18. You should run this line each several seconds, then it will damage units which are inside this rect in this time. You'll need a cycle which will call this comand periodically. For example, look into German Bastogne mission, it's before Zeelowe heights in German campaign - it contains a minefield.
  19. Looking good, Gnasher! If you have any questions about problems you may have encountered in triggers or other game systems in your campaign, post them in modding forum, i'll try to help.
  20. Other vehicles are planned for another title, set in Eastern front. Addon for ToW-1, as you call it - i really don't know how Africa will be released in the West. It may be stand-alone, it may require ToW, it may be able to use ToW resources - anything, big bosses will decide between them and tell us humble mortals what to do:) In addition, we'll release something like bonus for ToW if time permits.
  21. Stoppelhopser You'll see Stuart and house interiors in Africa
  22. Russian version will be a stand-alone game. I don't know how English and other versions will be published, probably it's not decided yet.
  23. There definitely were at least two AT guns near the trenches, to the left of the village - you can man them if they are not destroyed in initial attack.
  24. It's Le Desert mission, right? It's the most difficult in Normandy campaign. Cannons can be damaged easily at short distances because of ease of aiming and high penetration values (gun mask penetration kills people inside and damages the gun). It may be easier to battle American forces from distance, but this is tricky because of howitzers on the hill. Experiment. I've beat the mission by using the Panthers at close ranges on the gentle slope near the village, where the trenches are, so they will have first shot when enemy vehicles appear from the village streets. Also try to man one of the PaK 40 if they survive your initial attack.
  25. Screenshots showing upcoming units: http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/5427/ww22008040523341206em9.jpg http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/7528/ww22008052600462979se0.jpg http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/3829/ww22008052101534007ku7.jpg http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6914/ww22008052521063200fz8.jpg
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