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  1. Yeah, I think the game is definitely too pre-scripted. That includes required units (Staff squad), magically-appearing reinforcements, and cheating AI. There needs to be more freedom. I hope they release a patch for this, or at least make ToW2 better in this regard. Right now, it really takes away from the gameplay.
  2. Once more thing. How do I get reinforcements to stop reappearing? I would be sneaking up on an enemy with 3 groups, and all of a sudden, 5 tanks and 4 infantry groups appear standing up and naturally get demolished by enemy AT guns. As the leader of the assault, can't I choose not to have those guys appear whenever is scripted?
  3. That's against enemy infantry. I'm talking about enemy aircraft and artillery. They seem to detect infantry even when prone, hold fire, hold position.
  4. I often like to send a small 5-6 man group to peck away at the enemy. Unfortunately, the enemy usually finds a way to mount an artillery strike on the infantry I leave behind. How can I hide the infantry I leave behind? Lying down in grass on the opposite end of the map doesn't seem to hide them. The enemy keeps finding their locations and shooting artillery at them.
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