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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. In 'hold position' tanks will not rotate their hulls. Order them to 'rotate' to direction where you are expecting an attack, and then order them to 'hold position'. Tanks will rotate turrets to face present enemies, though, while SPG will not move (and thus ignore all targets outside of their narrow fire sector).
  2. Shot down aircraft is part of the scenery. Yes, these are actual in-game screenshots.
  3. Go to your ToW folder ad rename folder En in Data\Local to Ger
  4. The ini file for your plane is probably incorrect, try to copy ini from other plane and change it. You don't need .rect file for non-controllable units, those files describe damage zones for unit in the GUI panel.
  5. This is some problem with .NET framework, it was installed incorrectly or beta version was installed. Try to remove the framework and reinstall it. Editors were designed using .NET 2, there is also a small chance that later versions became incompatible with them. Or, you may have compatibility mode enabled for editor executables.
  6. Looks great! BTW, Gnasher, do you know that you can make end of the road gradually translucent instead of sharp?
  7. Number of units of each type in each mission is restricted by mission designer (in most cases because of FPS). You can alter those limits by editing mission in Mission editor.
  8. This function summarizes power of units. Each unit has a set 'power' property in unit.ini. This property is used in danger calculation of unit, effect on morale of enemy units seeing it, etc. Experience allocation. In Data\Ai\Skills.ini there are these rows: [intelligence] Level 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 K 1 1.05 1.10 1.16 1.22 1.28 1.34 1.41 1.48 1.55 1.63 A soldier with 100 intelligence will receive 1.63 times more experience than soldier with itelligence 0.
  9. Yes, you can keep only 'auto...' saves and delete all saves you made manually ('save...'). This way you'll keep campaign progress and soldiers data. All files in saves folder are required to be able to load it, but 'auto...' saves are much smaller usually.
  10. Can someone confirm this or others downloaded it normally? We'll provide a mirror link this afternoon. BTW, anyone who have it downloaded, please upload it to CMMODS and where you like.
  11. Max playable area is 2x2km, you can't make it larger (but you can make border zone historically accurate too). Maybe make two maps with common area and two missions? Thanks to two of you i now experience nostalgia about CC2: A bridge too far;) What a brilliant campaign structure it had.
  12. Of course, mod includes all changes from previous versions not listed here.
  13. Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/q3rhtk (187Mb)
  14. Unit changes 1. Front hull and turret armor of Pz-38(t) tank reduced to 25mm. 2. М3 lend-lease tank now has M2 main gun instead of M3. 3. M3 75mm gun diameter reduced. 4. Valentine and Matilda gun dimensions were reduced. 5. Passenger capacity of Sdkfz 251 is 10 men now. 6. KwK-30 tank gun clip now contains 10 rounds. 7. German vehicle names changed. 8. German tanks in Polish battles have Balkenkreuz markings. 9. Universal Carrier armor thickness increased. 10. Exterior fuel tanks on Т-34 mod.43 and Т-34-85 were removed. New feature – Tank-borne infantry Pz-IVF1, Pz-IVF2, Pz-IVG, StuG-IV, Т-34 mod. 41, Т-34 mod.43, Т-34-85, Т-34-57 now can transport soldiers on top (10 men maximum on German vehicles and 8 men maximum on Russian vehicles). Pzkpfw T-27A 734®, Pzkpfw T-60/70 734®, T-27 now can tow guns and carry up to 4 men (gun crew) on top. New feature – New multiplayer mode “Meeting engagement” Players in "Meeting engagement" multiplayer mode must capture and hold pre-defined area on the map, 'the zone'. To capture this area, send any unit to it - timer will start, showing time left before you win the mission. If enemy units enter this area as well, timer pauses. If player, who captured the area first, manages to wipe out or force to move outside the zone units of another player, timer resumes. In case if another player destroys units of first player or forces them to retreat from the zone timer is reset and begins it's countdown for the victor from the start. When timer reaches zero, player who held the zone is declared a winner. Borders of the zone are defined in mission briefing and minimap. In addition, there is a special flag in the zone which changes it's color to color of the player who controls the zone in any given moment. If there are no units of any player in the zone, color of this flag is grey. Unfortunately, because of multiplayer code implementation, placement of this flag is correct only for server player. Clients will see this flag in different place on the map, so they should use the minimap to determine zone location and it's borders. New “Meeting engagement” type multiplayer missions for 2 players 1. «Meeting engagement (1939-40) (JSH)» 2. «Meeting engagement (1941-42) (JSH)» 3. «Meeting engagement (1943) (JSH)» 4. «Meeting engagement (1944-45) (JSH)» 5. «Meeting engagement (1946) (JSH)» New multiplayer maps (used in “Meeting engagement” type multiplayer missions) 1. European_Hights_001 2. European_Hights_002 3. European_Hights_003 4. European_Hights_004 New single missions 1. «Trap for a Tiger» (Poland, 1945, Russian side). Changes in original campaigns since 1.2.2 version of the mod Germany Mission 2 1 Pz-IIIE is available for purchase. Mission 3 Player receives F.K.97(p) instead of PaK-38 for reinforcements. Mission 4 Russians have KV-1 tanks (with F-32 guns). Mission 5 1 captured BT-7 is available for purchase. PaK-35/36 were replaced by PaK-36(p). Mission 6 1 Pz-IIIL with Schurzen, 1 Pz-IVG and 1 Pz-IVG with Schurzen are available for purchase. Mission 7 2 sFH18 guns are available for purchase. Mission 12 1 sFH18 gun is available for purchase. JagdPanthers were replaced by JagdPanthers (late). USSR Mission 5 Germans have captured BT-7. Mission 7 3 45mm AT guns M-42 are available for purchase. It’s now possible to buy up to 7 AT guns. Mission 8 45mm AT guns were replaced by 45mm AT guns M-42. Germans have Pz-IVG, Pz-IIIL and Pz-IIIL with Schurzen. Mission 9 Germans have sFH18 guns instead of Pak-38 ones. Poland Mission 1 1 Renault FT-31 is available for purchase. Mission 2 1 Renault FT-31 and 1 Renault FT-17 are available for purchase. Mission 3 1 Renault FT-17 and 1 Hotchkiss H-35 available for purchase. Reinforcement 7TP was replaced by Renault R-35. We would like to thank PG monster and Ivan Sliva for help in creating this mod and 1C employees for multiplayer maps.
  15. JSH mod for Theatre of War Version 1.3.1 Version 1.3.1 changes: 1. Pz-IVC skins now display properly. 2. Balkenkreuz markings on German tanks now display properly. 3. PaK-97/38 technical grouping corrected. 4. American 76mm ammo types and names corrected. 5. American 76mm AP round M79 added. 6. Penetration values of American and British guns corrected - recalculated to Soviet (more strict) standards to make them match penetration values of German and Soviet guns (in vanilla ToW Soviet data was used only for German and Soviet equipment while Allied data was used for Allied guns, thus giving them an advantage). Calculations are based on gun ballistics and Soviet firing range tests data. 7. Muzzle velocities of various armor-piercing ammo for 17pdr guns were corrected. 8. English tanks now have these main guns: A30 Challenger I - 17_pdr_OQF_Mk_IV Archer - 17_pdr_QFSA_Mk_II Sherman IC - 17_pdr_OQF_Mk_IV A34 Comet I - 77mm_OQF_Mk_II Version 1.3 Units added 1. Pz-IIIE tank 2. Pz-IIIL tank with spare wheels and track links (replaces original model) 3. Pz-IIIL tank with Schurzen (additional thin armor sheets) 4. Pz-IVF1 tank with spare wheels and track links (replaces original model) 5. Pz-IVG tank 6. Pz-IVG tank with Schurzen (additional thin armor sheets) 7. SdKfz 251/8 C armored car 8. Jagdpanther tank destroyer (late model with compound gun) 9. StuG-40G self-propelled gun with spare wheels and track links (replaces original model) 10. StuG-40G Saukopfblende self-propelled gun with spare wheels and track links (replaces original model) 11. 15 cm sFH 18 howitzer 12. 7.5cm PaK 97/38 AT gun 13. Pzkpfw BT 742 ® tank 14. Pzkpfw T-27A 734 ® tank 15. Pzkpfw T-60/70 743® tank 16. 7,5cm F.K.97(p) 17. 3.7сm PaK 36(p) 18. SPW M3 (a) armored car 19. KV-1 tank with F-32 main gun 20. BT-7 tank with T-26 turret (replaces original model) 21. M-42 (45mm AT gun) 22. М-72 motorcycle 23. Matilda III CS lend-lease tank 24. Lee I lend-lease tank 25. FT-31 tank Hotchkiss H35, Renault R35, Renault FT-17 tanks added to Polish forces.
  16. Yes, those are Italians. Only infantry, though, but with specific weapons, uniforms, medals, etc.
  17. Did you make them yourself? Looks impressive! Bridges are complex statics and it's difficult to explain how to make them usable in the game without example. We'll release big bridge static (which is not in the game because of we didn't have enough time to finish the mission with it before game release) for you soon, so you'll be able to compare it with yours and make needed adjustments for your bridge or use this bridge instead (it's not quite like yours though).
  18. 1.98Gig - impressive) Try to delete some unneeded saves. If you delete all but the saves between missions, "Users" folder should became quite small.
  19. On Core 2 Duo performance is good, i would also recommend it for ToW2 if you'll want to play it.
  20. Excellent petsi! It's not quite clear for me why you had to manually extract dll to ToW dir though. If you just install Catalyst 8.7 or 8.9, it won't work?
  21. Fancy graphical effects, soft shadows and SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion). Bombs falling in Sbeitla area. http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1848 http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1849 http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1850 http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1851 http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1852 http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1853 http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1854 http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1855 http://africa1943.games.1c.ru/image.php?id=1856
  22. Most probably, problem lies in new Ati drivers, it seems that the OpenGL support is no longer a priority (this error pops up when there are problems with OpenGL initialization). Earlier drivers should work, but they will not support your brand new videocard:( So a little can be done. Mostly because video card manufacturers care about OpenGL support much less these days we switched to D3D render in ToW2.
  23. It's very strange. Did you install mods or mod the game yourself?
  24. Do you use 'Run as Administrator' context menu option (right-click game executable) to run the game? It's not quite the same as log in using Administrator account.
  25. It's a pity, but mobile chipsets are listed on that page as NOT supported.
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