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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. 1.3.3 was Russian only, included on Russian re-release disk with Belorussia campaign.
  2. No, the last version is, definitely download and install uberpatch from this site.
  3. Yes, 1.3.4 mod version is planned in English too. Many game systems were changed in TOW2, so, while file structure is similar, most game resources are not compatible 'as is'.
  4. Mini-Hotfix for Russian Demo (if you have Ati 19xx or lower) It fixes the crash occured on such cards. Just unpack the archive (~5Kb) into demo directory. http://files.games.1c.ru/4fil/Africa1943RusDemoHotfix.rar
  5. ПРИМЕНИТЬ = Apply. Hit it and then ГЛАВНОЕ МЕНЮ (Main menu). If changes don't stick, run the game using 'Run as Administrator' context menu option or move folder with Demo to your 'My Documents' folder. Note that the game should be restarted in case of screen resolution change.
  6. Mortars (stationary and on Sdkfzs) are in the works for Kursk campaign. Artillery indirect mode: you can fire even without LOS (if shell trajectory permits). In this case, when issuing Ground attack order, LOS arrow will be black when your mouse cursor is over some terrain spot, but little target symbol near mouse cursor will be red (this means that there is LOF) and you can order the gun to fire here. Accuracy reduced significantly, though. Howitzers can shoot like that (low speed of HE shell results in more curved trajectory and you can actually shoot over obstacles, in addition other guns don't have targeting equipment required for indirect fire). The best one for shooting over obstacles is German leIG, howitzer-mortar hybrid, which can raise its barrel almost perpendicular to the ground. USA and UK have 105mm and 87mm (25pdr) howitzers in the game. They can't raise the barrel this high, so they can't hit almost any spot on the map as leIG does, but they have more powerful shells (leIG caliber is 75mm).
  7. It just can't save your preferences in Vista (access denied). You can move the demo folder to your My documents folder or run both the options.exe and africa1943.exe using 'Run as Administrator' context menu option (right-click on executable file).
  8. Note that the last button in last row is automatic weapons and ammo pickup from dead bodies, not the automatic weapon selection. Also, the last fire mode (icon with three targets) is a new barrage mode. In this mode, shooter will target new random spot some distance near the assigned target before each shot. It may be used for HMGs and HE shells firing when you need to suppress or kill soft targets in fairly large area.
  9. That mirror was reported to be ultra-fast http://games.cnews.ru/files/index.php?act=view&id=3882
  10. Released today (Russian demo): http://files.games.1c.ru/art_of_war_afrika/files/demo/Africa1943_demo_setup.exe
  11. Try to adjust this value in users\video.ini file.
  12. Knokke, did you fix the pathfinding problem on the bridge?
  13. Yes you do. Download and install Uber patch for Battlefront version from the same site.
  14. Knokke, JSH mod authors ask for permission to use your Typhoon in next version of the mod. What is your answer?
  15. You mean there are no files or folders in SINGLE_MISSIONS folder?
  16. 50cm thick house wall is an equivalent of 9mm armor against solid projectiles. So, 7.92 AP rounds will penetrate house wall at 100m or so (in case of 90 angle) and closer distance. Small houses collapse as a whole, while larger ones have up to three sections which can collapse independently. Usually house or house section will collapse after several hits of middle-sized (75mm or so) HE shells or only one hit of large HE (like 105mm) or bomb. It's impossible to destroy a house with a billion of pistol shots, however. In addition, houses provide good protection against blast waves and fragments, as long as they don't collapse.
  17. The demo is included in Russian mission pack DVD (release date 13 Feb), so i think it will released into Internet as well. Battlefront will decide when English demo will be available.
  18. Please note that uberpatch must be installed before JSH.
  19. If you have the latest version if the game, there should be version number in the corner of main game screen, check thic before installing the mods.
  20. Uninstall the game, manually delete the game directory (mod files are not removed by game uninstaller), install the game, install the patch (if your version is not pre-patched), install JSH 1.3.1, install JSH 1.3.2.
  21. Currently TOW2 is being tested on different configurations (various OSses including Windows 7 beta, video cards, etc.). These tests are not yet completed, so we'll be able to provide more info on this matter later
  22. Try to disable sound in towsetup.exe to see if it is related.
  23. You need to install 1.3.1 version first, since 1.3.2 is a small patch for 1.3.1. Link for 1.3.1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/q3rhtk
  24. Have you tried to change 'use only one processor' parameter in game options? On some configurations this helps.
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